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42 minutes ago, daisy said:

Chris Thomas is a master of obfuscation ... and within his interactions there is no shortage of apportioning blame to other depts/agencies (and the travelling public for expecting to be able to park and travel from something that resembles an airport) thus in so doing deflecting away from DOI - unfortunately whilst some of the points may well be the case unless somebody gets a grip and tackles the airport as a whole and stops allowing this playground behaviour of  blaming everybody else for what is going on eg blaming the DFE for the wrong size trolleys, and the fuel man that went home without refuelling the plane, whoever paints the lines in the car park for  making it look like a dogs dinner  .. etc  etc etc nothing is going to change ... if they cant sort out the small stuff amongst themselves how on earth can they sort out the big stuff!  Somebody needs to pull all of these fragmented depts together and get the basics the nuts and bolts of a working airport sorted not a mish mash of Govt Depts ambling along blaming each other with absolutely no leadership.  Whilst it may appear to be a win to the IOMG for people to bail and go by boat if people lose faith in air travel altogether this could go horribly wrong for air travel to and from the Island.

Sounds like the sort of stuff an Airport Director should be focused on ( trolleys, car parking, catering etc ) rather than an MHK.

(Although Thomas does come across as bloody useless)

Edited by The Voice of Reason
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9 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Sounds like the sort of stuff an Airport Director should be focused on ( trolleys, car parking, catering etc ) rather than an MHK.


Absolutely. This is day to day operational management stuff. 

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8 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

Most of the people whinging about the airport aren't people who've struggled and saved to take their kids on holiday - they're greedy demanding ultra capitalists who need to learn some lessons. 

"Oh oh I can't go to a business meeting to discuss our latest acquisition which we'll totally gut and leave the people it served with nothing"

There are plenty of people whining about the airport who have struggled and saved to take their kids on holiday.  Believe me.
Be it say, Centre Parcs in the UK or others who have also made sacrifices to go further afield to take their kids for a low budget all inclusive holiday in Spain or elsewhere, who now have to either cancel these family holidays or incur a lot more expense that they can Iill afford. 
Or navigate their way through their travel insurance policies which is scant consolation for missing your holiday that you have promised the kids

You seem to have a very strange idea of business meetings. Maybe because you haven’t been to any?

Do you not consider the possibility that they can result in creating new employment opportunities ? Or other positive outcomes.


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8 minutes ago, swoopy2110 said:

Gatwick landed 2226 and pushing back again 2259. Wonder if they've got the bags on !

In the air on its way , with or without bags. 11 10 pm take off… bet the airport aren’t happy. But fair play in turning the flight around so much later than they should be still open 

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1 hour ago, The Voice of Reason said:

There are plenty of people whining about the airport who have struggled and saved to take their kids on holiday.  Believe me.
Be it say, Centre Parcs in the UK or others who have also made sacrifices to go further afield to take their kids for a low budget all inclusive holiday in Spain or elsewhere, who now have to either cancel these family holidays or incur a lot more expense that they can Iill afford. 
Or navigate their way through their travel insurance policies which is scant consolation for missing your holiday that you have promised the kids

You seem to have a very strange idea of business meetings. Maybe because you haven’t been to any?

Do you not consider the possibility that they can result in creating new employment opportunities ? Or other positive outcomes.


See EU 261/2004 or travel insurance.

If someone elects to cancel thats 100%  loss.


No one should be missing out on holiday just because they can't figure out what the appropriate action is.


The law is firmly on the side of the traveller in the event of travel disruption 

Edited by newaccount
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10 minutes ago, Ringy Rose said:

Big credit to ATC and ground crew for staying on late. Compliments where they are due.

And, to be fair, also to the easyJet Captain, and crew, who stuck with it when many of their colleagues would have played the 'curfew' card, and gone home. 

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