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Billy kettlefish

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3 hours ago, cissolt said:

So the atcos are responsible for the airspace over the island and that's why we need so many?  

When the new rota was designed, I assume that was to fit the other traffic rather than ensuring that iom flights were going on time?

IOM ATCOs are responsible for all aircraft that arrive at and depart from Ronaldsway as well as aircraft that transit through the IOM Air Traffic Control Area and/or Control Zone.

Quite often just one controller does this controlling on his/her own.

FYI the attached chart shows the extent of the  IOM CTA (control area) and the IOM CTR (control  zone). You can Google the difference between a CTA and CTR if you are interested enough to find out 😉



So in answer to your two questions, no and no.


Edited by madmanxpilot
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5 minutes ago, swoopy2110 said:

Gatwick cancelled tonight.

IOM blaming slots at Gatwick.

Someone who was on the aircraft at Gatwick said pilot said its due to IOM ATC ..

Someone's lying anyway

There are lots of long delays to departures at Gatwick tonight. Many two hours plus. Most likely scenario is that they had a provisional departure slot which would make it impossible to here and out again by 23.00, so crew gave up and went home. No one lying, just twisting the facts to suit their audience.

In some ways better to cancel at 20.00 than hang around and then cancel at 22.00.

Edited by Nellie
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7 minutes ago, Nellie said:

plus. Most likely scenario is that they had a provisional departure slot which would make it impossible to here and out again by 23.00, so crew gave up and went home.

If everything’s up the spout they may well have struggled to get a landing slot back at Gatwick too.

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6 minutes ago, swoopy2110 said:


We were sitting on it last night at Gatwick, whilst the captain was negotiating on his phone for Ronaldsway to extend their opening hours. We must have been sitting on stand for at least 45 minutes.

This flight is an utter shambles, the bulk of the blame lies with Easyjet, who the majority of the time cannot get an aircraft to run the service as the last flight of the day without accumulating all the rest of the delays during that aircrafts day !

As a passenger I won't be going near it again !


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3 minutes ago, asitis said:

This flight is an utter shambles, the bulk of the blame lies with Easyjet, who the majority of the time cannot get an aircraft to run the service as the last flight of the day without accumulating all the rest of the delays during that aircrafts day !

As a passenger I won't be going near it again !


The blame for the unreliability of the flight lies 100% with easyJet. It's been like this for six or seven years and they have learned nothing. They know they are scheduling right up against IOM closing time; they know Gatwick is congested in the evenings; they know that the aircraft will always accumulate delays on earlier flights.

Yet, they persist with this crazy schedule, and they plan to continue it next Summer. 

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23 hours ago, cheesypeas said:

@madmanxpilotis this the standard approach for 08 these days? Seems a bit ‘ round the houses’ ? 


Procedural control applies at both ends of the day. From opening to 9am, and after 1915 there is only one controller. So no radar vectors.  This unfortunately leads to longer routings and can also lead to delay when multiple aircraft arrive and/or depart at the same time

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When Manx Radio reported last week on the May cancellation figures (hurray! we're only 12th worst) I never got round to doing my route analysis.  So here it is in all its glory:

Airport Carrier March April May
Mvmts Canx % Canx Mvmts Canx % Canx Mvmts Canx % Canx
BFS easyJet 28 2 7.14% 16 0 0.00% 18 2 11.11%
BRS easyJet 22 2 9.09% 16 6 37.50% 18 2 11.11%
LGW easyJet 110 12 10.91% 124 10 8.06% 127 7 5.51%
LPL easyJet 84 10 11.90% 106 12 11.32% 106 2 1.89%
MAN easyJet 66 6 9.09% 0 0   0 0  
DUB Emerald 62 4 6.45% 94 10 10.64% 92 8 8.70%
BHD Emerald 0 0   6 2 33.33% 50 6 12.00%
BHX Loganair 61 4 6.56% 50 5 10.00% 52 2 3.85%
EDI Loganair 36 4 11.11% 34 4 11.76% 36 2 5.56%
LHR Loganair 63 4 6.35% 59 6 10.17% 62 0 0.00%
LPL Loganair 111 15 13.51% 100 11 11.00% 108 1 0.93%
LCY Loganair 72 15 20.83% 63 7 11.11% 68 4 5.88%
MAN Loganair 124 12 9.68% 120 10 8.33% 122 3 2.46%
    839 90 10.73% 788 83 10.53% 859 39 4.54%
  easyJet 310 32 10.32% 262 28 10.69% 269 13 4.83%
  Emerald 62 4 6.45% 100 12 12.00% 142 14 9.86%
  Loganair 467 54 11.56% 426 43 10.09% 448 12 2.68%
    839 90 10.73% 788 83 10.53% 859 39 4.54%
  Charter 0 0   7 0 0.00% 13 0 0.00%
  Other 44 6 13.64% 48 12 25.00% 47 7 14.89%
    883 96 10.87% 843 95 11.27% 919 46 5.01%
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So what's the answer?

The flight is convenient for travelling out the night before an onward flight (assuming it goes!) without having to take an extra day off work.

It seems to have less issues in the winter timetable when it's scheduled slightly earlier in the evening. I don't understand why they don't do this year round. I'm guessing it's because they're maximising the usage of the aircraft during the day in peak times.

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Derived as usual from the CAA report.  Except that, yet again, whoever makes the return screwed up the BRS figure in exactly the same way, saying that effectively there had been 78 flights scheduled rather than just 18.   Someone's obviously got very continental 1s.  Last month they claimed 76 rather than 16.  Both figures have been checked against the BRS return and adjusted.  This obviously increases the overall cancellation rate, though IOM is still 12th worst (and just worst in April).

A few points to notice: 

  • Despite no one complaining about Emerald they have the worst figures at around 10% each month (allowing for small number).  Perhaps the fact that the total number of flights has been increasing ameliorates this.
  • Loganair have definitely done a lot better in May, cancelling about a quarter of what they did previously.  Even on their two worst routes EDI and LCY it's a half of what was cancelled.
  • Despite all the complaints easyJet improved as well, though most of the improvement came on LPL.  As always more people would have been affected by what was cancelled though.
  • I presume they were still having problems with the Mail plane.


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17 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:
  • Despite no one complaining about Emerald they have the worst figures at around 10% each month (allowing for small number).  Perhaps the fact that the total number of flights has been increasing ameliorates this.


They seemed to have loads of issues with getting the morning flight running to time / running at all in May. They had a Danish Air Transport ATR operating it when they could, and when they couldn't it would be cancelled. This was a regular thing. They seem to have sorted this out now so hopefully will look better going fowards.

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