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1 hour ago, TheTeapot said:

They been having problems there again today with the mist? I've been in Port St Mary and incoming planes appeared to be doing loops. Some all white unbranded passenger plane, not one of the airbuses easyjet use but a similar size did 3. Looked a bit misty over langness way but nothing out of the ordinary. Excellent manannins cloak on sunday afternoon down south, but didnt seem that bad today.

Mist of dust from the Sahara? Down here it's the dust.

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EasyJet flight only just left Lindon Gatwick one again about 2 hours late . Thats another plane load of people getting back to London at 2am-3am in the morning one they have taken off from the island and landed in Gatwick at some dreadful hour . An abysmal service and it’s been the same year after year . 

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The problem was fog in gatwick this morning - has had a knock on effect on loads of flights, not just IOM, all day. Can’t do much about that tbh. Worse still is listening to some prick in the airport complaining that the flight to London city was cancelled - and “don’t they know that some people have meetings to get to” - again it was because of fog at city airport. What don’t people get that airlines cannot control weather and can’t fly if it is not safe. I know It’s not helpful if your flight is cancelled because of fog, but grow up and stop moaning about things that are outside the control of airlines and human beings in general

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10 minutes ago, 360 View said:

The problem was fog in gatwick this morning - has had a knock on effect on loads of flights, not just IOM, all day. Can’t do much about that tbh. Worse still is listening to some prick in the airport complaining that the flight to London city was cancelled - and “don’t they know that some people have meetings to get to” - again it was because of fog at city airport. What don’t people get that airlines cannot control weather and can’t fly if it is not safe. I know It’s not helpful if your flight is cancelled because of fog, but grow up and stop moaning about things that are outside the control of airlines and human beings in general

Well maybe worth checking the facts first . The aircraft which operated the route landed at Gatwick at 19.31 from Seville but did not take off for the Isle of Man until 20.59 . EasyJet have a schedule 30 minute turnaround so it really should have been in the air no later than 20.15 . The fact that it didn’t and instead took and hour and a half is nothing to do with fog to my knowledge! And the fact that it is consistently late or cancelled is again rarely if ever to do with fog . Sorry I just don’t think we should be giving EasyJet a pass for such poor service it staggers me that so many people seem to just accept the unacceptable. 

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30 minutes ago, IOM said:

Well maybe worth checking the facts first . The aircraft which operated the route landed at Gatwick at 19.31 from Seville but did not take off for the Isle of Man until 20.59 . EasyJet have a schedule 30 minute turnaround so it really should have been in the air no later than 20.15 . The fact that it didn’t and instead took and hour and a half is nothing to do with fog to my knowledge! And the fact that it is consistently late or cancelled is again rarely if ever to do with fog . Sorry I just don’t think we should be giving EasyJet a pass for such poor service it staggers me that so many people seem to just accept the unacceptable. 

Absolutely right. Most delays on the evening easyJet are caused because they (and their ground handlers) cannnot turn a plane around in less than an hour, and more often it takes ninety minutes. Their business model requires then to do so in 30 minutes, or so. 

Since the beginning of June, the 'on time performance' rate for the late IOM-LGW is around 12%. That must be the worst on their entire network. It basically means it is on time around once a fortnight.

@Stu Peters I'm just tagging you so you are aware of this. I appreciate that there are limits to what you can do, personally, but I do think the travelling public need to hear the position of the Airport management on this lamentable level of performance by easyJet. Isn't it time that Cobb came out and said in unequivocal language that this is unacceptable. Let the travelling public see that the Airport are not satisfied and are on their side. As an old teacher of mine used to say, "Silence is acquiensence" .

It's long past the time for the Airport management to break the silence.

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2 hours ago, Nellie said:

Absolutely right. Most delays on the evening easyJet are caused because they (and their ground handlers) cannnot turn a plane around in less than an hour, and more often it takes ninety minutes. Their business model requires then to do so in 30 minutes, or so. 

Since the beginning of June, the 'on time performance' rate for the late IOM-LGW is around 12%. That must be the worst on their entire network. It basically means it is on time around once a fortnight.

@Stu Peters I'm just tagging you so you are aware of this. I appreciate that there are limits to what you can do, personally, but I do think the travelling public need to hear the position of the Airport management on this lamentable level of performance by easyJet. Isn't it time that Cobb came out and said in unequivocal language that this is unacceptable. Let the travelling public see that the Airport are not satisfied and are on their side. As an old teacher of mine used to say, "Silence is acquiensence" .

It's long past the time for the Airport management to break the silence.

The airport and IOMG are most definitely on the side of the travelling public and are trying to resolve these issues to make air travel attractive and not the current lottery. As I understand it, airport management are in almost constant contact with all the airlines serving us, so I'm sure nobody at Easyjet is unaware of our unhappiness. But I think we're mostly just a filler route for them and as others have said, delays earlier in the day inevitably impact IOM flights. I worry that if we push too hard they'll withdraw completely, since most cancellations and some delays cost them much more than the sector profit.

It's probably worth mentioning that I get a daily log of all flights with timings and reasons for delays or cancellations. I can say with all honesty that it's rarely Ronaldsway's fault. Occasionally we have ramp congestion caused by multiple flights arriving or departing at much the same time, it's rarely ATC fatigue breaks, sometimes there are delays in getting passengers with reduced mobility on or off, one recently was caused by a no-show despite the luggage being checked in, necessitating that luggage being located in the hold and offloaded before the aircraft could leave. Usually it's late incoming aircraft or ATC slot restrictions around London. Some of the Gatwick cancellations aren't because Easyjet can't get in, but because they can't get turned around and out again before the airport closes.

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3 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

But I think we're mostly just a filler route for them and as others have said, delays earlier in the day inevitably impact IOM flights. I worry that if we push too hard they'll withdraw completely, since most cancellations and some delays cost them much more than the sector profit.


This statement absolutely encapsulates the problem we have and shows very flawed and shallow thinking in government if a Minister can post this . If it’s a filler service we should not be relying on it for a key lifeline route to London . Instead we need a more strategic approach to air services and be thinking of a better solution than a random service which if anyone where to look at the data they would easily see the ongoing service is abysmal. 

Last nights EasyJet flight reached the gate in the North Terminal at 23.36 so by the time people have disembarked and worked there way through the terminal got on the transit train the earliest you would make the train station if you are travelling into London would be 00.15 and that assumes they have no bags to collect. The next train into London is then not until 00.41 and it does not go directly to Victoria so for anyone living or visiting the central area they won’t reach their destination until about 3am if they are lucky ! Is this the sort of service we want ? 

As it currently is it’s like going into a restaurant at 7pm ordering food , paying for it when you order and then the waiter comes back a few minutes later saying” by the way sorry the food won’t arrive until 10pm” !!!! We absolutely would not accept it in a restaurant and we should not accept it from airlines . 


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4 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

I think we're mostly just a filler route for them

As indeed Government were told unequivocally in 2006 before the obscene rush to genuflect to easyJet and hasten the demise of other carriers !

It seems folly in the extreme to prioritise a poor service (for whatever reasons) than try and fix the issue.

Commercial strategy at the airport has always been a dogs breakfast.

We can do better.

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5 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

The airport and IOMG are most definitely on the side of the travelling public and are trying to resolve these issues to make air travel attractive and not the current lottery. As I understand it, airport management are in almost constant contact with all the airlines serving us, so I'm sure nobody at Easyjet is unaware of our unhappiness. But I think we're mostly just a filler route for them and as others have said, delays earlier in the day inevitably impact IOM flights. I worry that if we push too hard they'll withdraw completely, since most cancellations and some delays cost them much more than the sector profit.

It's probably worth mentioning that I get a daily log of all flights with timings and reasons for delays or cancellations. I can say with all honesty that it's rarely Ronaldsway's fault. Occasionally we have ramp congestion caused by multiple flights arriving or departing at much the same time, it's rarely ATC fatigue breaks, sometimes there are delays in getting passengers with reduced mobility on or off, one recently was caused by a no-show despite the luggage being checked in, necessitating that luggage being located in the hold and offloaded before the aircraft could leave. Usually it's late incoming aircraft or ATC slot restrictions around London. Some of the Gatwick cancellations aren't because Easyjet can't get in, but because they can't get turned around and out again before the airport closes.

@Stu Peters Thanks for responding and providing some insight into what the Airport management share with you. I do appreciate that the previous Airport Director (who I recall you were not a big fan of!!) has left the current management with a huge mess and real tightrope to walk, as far as dealings with easyJet are concerned. That said, it is now time for that support passengers to become much more visible. 

Last week, an FoI request was discussed on here where Cobb and Co. had refused to answer questions regarding the punctuality of the evening Gatwick flights. You can find it on the FoI portal.  In practice, very few people wil be aware of that FoI request, at this time, but such refusal to share this data does suggest that Cobb would rather protect easyJet's reputation than be open and honest with the travelling public.

Let us hear Cobb, on the radio, telling us that he is very disappointed by easyJet's performance, explaining exactly what the Airport Management are doing about the situation, and setting out his vision for what the LGW-IOM-LGW service will look like at this time next year.

Regardless of how 'scared' everyone is of upsetting easyJet, we cannot go on with a service that only runs on time 12% of the time! 



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1 hour ago, Nellie said:


Let us hear Cobb, on the radio, telling us that he is very disappointed by easyJet's performance, explaining exactly what the Airport Management are doing about the situation, and setting out his vision for what the LGW-IOM-LGW service will look like at this time next year.




easyjets lawyers may have something accurate to say that cobb the gob doesn't want people to hear, easyjet may have issues , but ronaldsway has more ,  

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2 hours ago, WTF said:

easyjets lawyers may have something accurate to say that cobb the gob doesn't want people to hear, easyjet may have issues , but ronaldsway has more ,  

What other assumption are we to draw based upon any explanation or information. Of course the usual BS will be stated with regard to commercial sensitivity as if as usual we have no right to know what going on, will be wheeled out. Seeyouennasterisks!

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3 hours ago, Nellie said:

@Stu Peters I do appreciate that the previous Airport Director (who I recall you were not a big fan of!!) has left the current management with a huge mess 

One of the most remarkable things is that none of our politicians ever seem to be aware of this whilst these people are actually in post.....

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42 minutes ago, Non-Believer said:

One of the most remarkable things is that none of our politicians ever seem to be aware of this whilst these people are actually in post.....

Oh I think they are, but they are CS and accountable to nobody, least of all politicians.

That's a rough synopsis of how the island is where it is !

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