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Billy kettlefish

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12 minutes ago, 2112 said:

I agree with where you are coming from, perhaps, the other claims should have been nipped in the bud, sadly this isn’t the case. So perhaps IOMG and its legal team, have failed? If he has a good legal team (possibly union funded?) you can’t blame them for seeking every opportunity for their client. Perhaps the compromise agreed should have encompassed all allegations for a full and final settlement? 

I think this is likely to be the reason why the airport is still operating under special measures. The direction date seems to roughly align with Spake moving over to take up the post. A lot of them seem to play the protected disclosures game to get a big pay off. It’s often just a process now for greedy, savvy, government workers to get a huge whack of compensation under an NDA so that they never have to work again. It’s just that this greedy loser seems to fancy another bite. 

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Don't forget that while all this was going on he went off and made a TV series. He was calling himself an "Airport Director" to the TV audience and the boss of Heathrow, to whom he was giving advice!!! 

I'm not sure when the filming of this fits in the timeline. Late 2020, early 2021, maybe?




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Whatever you say about Sultan, you could say he called out this one from the start:

On 8/29/2018 at 8:33 PM, thesultanofsheight said:

I dont know. But I’m guessing the next big BBC airport-based reality TV series will be - “Jeremy gets bullied mercilessly and ends up crying at the end of his first week when faced by a totally useless management team who dont want to be shown up for being completely useless”. Shortly followed by “Jeremy takes a compromise agreement and a big cash sum to fuck off back to the UK and keep quiet” 

But if you look at that discussion, we were all completely puzzled by that appointment.

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I wouldn’t be surprised if Mr Spake’s claimed work induced anxiety and stress stemmed from the fact that he knew that people had realised he wasn’t up to the job and a lot of his claimed qualifications and experience were specious.

He certainly espoused a lot of BS which a lot of the intelligent professionals who worked at Ronaldsway - including those in ATC - could smell a mile off, and had started to call him out for.

He probably realised the game was up.

I am also intrigued by the fact that he saw himself as a whistleblower.

In other news, one of the new qualified ATC appointees has just resigned.

Edited by Manx Mole
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14 minutes ago, Manx Mole said:

I wouldn’t be surprised if Mr Spake’s claimed work induced anxiety and stress stemmed from the fact that he knew that people had realised he wasn’t up to the job and a lot of his claimed qualifications and experience were specious.

Like a lot of stress in government there seems to become a realization in many around the age of 45 or 50 that they’ve been totally over promoted and now as a result can’t possibly achieve anything they’ve been given to do competently. So then they start on the stress months off hoping to get a package that will get rid of them. 

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26 minutes ago, Manx Mole said:

I wouldn’t be surprised if Mr Spake’s claimed work induced anxiety and stress stemmed from the fact that he knew that people had realised he wasn’t up to the job and a lot of his claimed qualifications and experience were specious.

He certainly espoused a lot of BS which a lot of the intelligent professionals who worked at Ronaldsway - including those in ATC - could smell a mile off, and had started to call him out for.

Well some of us amateurs had started to question his qualifications when he was appointed, so the real question is why it took so long for those in Government to catch up.  Presumably he was able to get away with it when his protector Reynolds was there.

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9 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

Presumably he was able to get away with it when his protector Reynolds was there.

Almost exactly that.

I do know that many of the ATC staff saw through him almost immediately. He had a mole in there who was eventually outed and left shortly thereafter.

They raised concerns, but as usual, and as still the case, it fell on deaf ears.

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13 minutes ago, Manx Mole said:

Almost exactly that.

I do know that many of the ATC staff saw through him almost immediately. He had a mole in there who was eventually outed and left shortly thereafter.

They raised concerns, but as usual, and as still the case, it fell on deaf ears.

Anyone who spoke truth would have commanded respect.

But someone who claimed to fly Airbuses for Aeroflot in his spare time despite having written in a magazine article that his eyesight precluded an aviation medical? Judge for yourself. 

Edited by gerremonside
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4 hours ago, Ringy Rose said:

HR don’t recruit people. The managers recruit people.

Maybe they were dazzled by Spake being on the telly in the 90s, but the guy DID have proper aviation experience. That’s why he was on the telly in the first place. Being an ops manager for Aeroflot must have been quite the experience.

Spake also never said publicly who he was bullied by. But I can imagine there were- and still are- quite a few people in the airport/wider DOI who would be quite happy for him to get the blame for their shortcomings.

This is wrong.  HR recruit people, managers choose people.  HR should be advertising the position and vetting candidates to make sure they have the qualifications required for the job - otherwise there is no point in the managers even looking at them.  Usually there will be some selection of the best qualified candidates as well.  Obviously management should have input into the process, so the right qualities and qualifications are sought, but the pre-selection process itself is done by HR or sometimes a specialist agency they appoint for a particular job.

That's the theory anyway and how the process will usually be set up to look like that.  Unfortunately HR Departments often tend to just look at people who spout the currently fashionable business bullshit rather than checking for the appropriate qualifications.  Of course that may be the reason they got their own jobs so you can see how it happens.  And if management have already decided on who the 'right' person is (internal or external) rather than acting as a check on favouritism (which is one of the points of a separate HR Department) they meekly go along with it, including allowing the change of job description to fit the person rather than the other way round (as we saw with the head of ATC).

In the case of Spake, it's clear that there was no checking done of the required qualifications for a job.  Just having been in the industry isn't enough - and his history in it was fairly murky anyway

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5 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

But if you look at that discussion, we were all completely puzzled by that appointment.

If you look at that discussion there is also a link to an Energy FM story of 29th August 2018 saying that Jezza is starting soon


But by December 2019 we now know that the CAA had the airport on special measures


So not withstanding that the man is clearly a massive self-important tit are we safe to assume that Jezza’s protected disclosures might have been what put the airport onto special measures and probably had the ATC and everyone else gunning for him?


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