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1 hour ago, Amadeus said:

Still haven’t managed to find a broom to sweep the place or maybe replace the knackered signs I see. First impressions and all that. 




A quick once over by a road sweeping machine can't be that difficult or expensive, can it? 

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11 minutes ago, Gladys said:

A quick once over by a road sweeping machine can't be that difficult or expensive, can it? 

Nope, but it requires some management. Ours are merely interested in masterplans and empire building, this sort of stuff is below their pay grades.

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4 hours ago, Amadeus said:

Still haven’t managed to find a broom to sweep the place or maybe replace the knackered signs I see. First impressions and all that. 




At least it lowers expectations for the rest of the island. 

DOI are waiting a contractors report on the cost of getting a new broom handle. They could end up having to shell out for a new broom. But government can't do anything until they get the report in their hands.

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37 minutes ago, Hairy Poppins said:

At least it lowers expectations for the rest of the island. 

DOI are waiting a contractors report on the cost of getting a new broom handle. They could end up having to shell out for a new broom. But government can't do anything until they get the report in their hands.

Get Trigger on the case.


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6 hours ago, Amadeus said:

Still haven’t managed to find a broom to sweep the place or maybe replace the knackered signs I see. First impressions and all that. 




That apart, there seems to be less cancellations or delays to flights these days as opposed to a few weeks/months ago.

Maybe it’s just my perception though.

Be nice if we could have both,  flights operating to schedule and a pleasant airport environment.

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5 hours ago, Driver2020 said:

Even the covered walkways to the plane are filthy. 

This is my main pet Hate at the airport on the rock.

How much would it cost to send a couple of cleaners in there for a week with a bag of Cillit Bang and make it clean.

How to the management not see this?

Is it because it is part of DOI who cant see the untended and falling apart infrastructure they are responsible for?

Just to add, WTAF is the 40 or 50 luggage trollies in the arrivals area behind a taped off area?

Who ordered that many that they don't either need or have storage for them off site?

That is a very visible confirmation of people in charge at the airport who have no idea what they are doing.

Its a minor thing in the whole fu4k up that id Ronaldsway but that side of arrivals filled,  with barriers in front,  show a complete lack of commercial awareness on a staggering level.

Amadeus may be partly responsible for pointing out the old trollies were knackered but who ordered about 5 times as many as they need?



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41 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

That apart, there seems to be less cancellations or delays to flights these days as opposed to a few weeks/months ago.

Maybe it’s just my perception though.


My perception, living under the flight path, is that there are less flights to delay or cancel.

(I don't actually know if there are, but it seems a lot less noisy at the moment)

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55 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

My perception, living under the flight path, is that there are less flights to delay or cancel.

(I don't actually know if there are, but it seems a lot less noisy at the moment)

Well yes that’s true EasyJet took a lot of flights out In January. It’s caused a net loss of nearly 6000 passengers ( -13%)  from the previous year . It’s all very well some posters saying we need to get more people using the airport but when a large number of flights are dropped by the airlines it makes that a lot harder ! 

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1 hour ago, TheTeapot said:

My perception, living under the flight path, is that there are less flights to delay or cancel.

(I don't actually know if there are, but it seems a lot less noisy at the moment)

But if market forces dictate that less flights are needed and those flights aren’t so much delayed or cancelled, it’s a good thing, isn’t it?

I just want a flight (s) that gets me off the Island and back with some degree of certainly that it will operate.

Ok would be wonderful to have flights in each direction that suit you within say a couple of hours timeframe. But I would swap that for a greater possibility that you will actually be able to make those journeys at all

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15 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

But if market forces dictate that less flights are needed and those flights aren’t so much delayed or cancelled, it’s a good thing, isn’t it?

I just want a flight (s) that gets me off the Island and back with some degree of certainly that it will operate.

Ok would be wonderful to have flights in each direction that suit you within say a couple of hours timeframe. But I would swap that for a greater possibility that you will actually be able to make those journeys at all

From experience, I try to avoid the last flight of the day if at all possible as those are the ones that get bumped if there have been any delays in the day that push it beyond airport closure time. Likewise I'd rather spend a night in an airport hotel in the UK to guarentee I'm there for my connecting flight.

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