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Billy kettlefish

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31 minutes ago, Stu Peters said:

how important the airport and its airlines are in The Great Scheme Of Things

If you need to ask that, you either need to resign or seek medical help.

This is a rock in the middle of the Irish Sea.  Air links are vital if the economy is to stand any chance of expansion.

I really am incredulous at your post.

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I suppose one might also ask, in The Great Scheme Of Things, is it worth paying a minimum of £71,000 per year to any number of people whose job requirements are:

educational - none

business experience - none

common sense - none

Stu Peters ought to be doing his best to make sure the airport keeps  running, otherwise he would either be elsewhere or would be desperately looking for a job.


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1 hour ago, Stu Peters said:

Costs are high, not because of management bloat but because we have to comply with international regulations if we want to fly further than Jurby.

Uh oh... The Annie Reynolds slide deck had come out I wonder what the big project round the corner is?

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Thank you for the ad hominem comments. Like I said earlier, we need a grown up discussion about the airport and these posts show exactly why so few politicians even look at MF, and far fewer contribute.

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3 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

What we need is a grown-up discussion about how important the airport and its airlines are in The Great Scheme Of Things. Obviously those using it will say ‘very’, but there are many others who would score it way below healthcare, roads or education for example.

Let’s have that formal discussion ASAP then. 

I really hope that those who may think the Airport less important than other pieces of national infrastructure never experience the pain and stress of missing a friend’s funeral or a critical medical appointment due to the inability of the airport to handle low visibility conditions. I think they may change their viewpoint if they did.



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16 minutes ago, madmanxpilot said:

Let’s have that formal discussion ASAP then. 

I really hope that those who may think the Airport less important than other pieces of national infrastructure never experience the pain and stress of missing a friend’s funeral or a critical medical appointment due to the inability of the airport to handle low visibility conditions. I think they may change their viewpoint if they did.



I understand that MMP, but it’s a flippable argument. A large proportion of our population never needs or wants to fly, and resents resources being expended on what they consider a non essential. Someone waiting for a hip replacement cares little that a flight might be diverted due to fog etc. Of course, I agree about it being an essential, but not everyone feels the same.

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1 minute ago, Stu Peters said:

I understand that MMP, but it’s a flippable argument. A large proportion of our population never needs or wants to fly, and resents resources being expended on what they consider a non essential. Someone waiting for a hip replacement cares little that a flight might be diverted due to fog etc. Of course, I agree about it being an essential, but not everyone feels the same.

That's not a great example, Stu. 

Any of us are just a doctors appointment away from needing to take a flight for treatment in the UK. MMP makes some good points. 

The health service and the airport are both essential services. I do hope you see that and are just being flippant. 

There are plenty of non-essentials that could be culled to free up money.

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8 minutes ago, Stu Peters said:

I understand that MMP, but it’s a flippable argument. A large proportion of our population never needs or wants to fly, and resents resources being expended on what they consider a non essential. Someone waiting for a hip replacement cares little that a flight might be diverted due to fog etc. Of course, I agree about it being an essential, but not everyone feels the same.

The new boat has just gone tits-up tonight - again. More and more people are being pushed towards the dwindling numbers of flights as their only option to get on and off.

Edited by Non-Believer
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No Airport or prohibitively expensive airfares = 10% reduction in IOM population, e.g., professionals with good skills in demand will leave, etc, etc.

Only people who want this Island to fail would consider this as a viable proposal, it's ludicrous. 

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1 minute ago, Stu Peters said:

I understand that MMP, but it’s a flippable argument. A large proportion of our population never needs or wants to fly, and resents resources being expended on what they consider a non essential. Someone waiting for a hip replacement cares little that a flight might be diverted due to fog etc. Of course, I agree about it being an essential, but not everyone feels the same.

Sorry Stu, I normally sort of agree with you.

I would question your assertion that “a large proportion of our population never needs or wants to fly and resents resources being expended on what they consider a non essential”

A proper reliable air link is essential for an Island ( ask the UK! OK on a bigger scale but the same principle applies)

I can’t think of any of my peers who have never flew off, or into the Island. 

Just imagine we close the airport, have no air travel and rely entirely on sea travel. What sort of impact do you think that may have on our economy? Might be OK for a remote Scottish Island with a few dozen inhabitants but not here.

I think you’re being silly, whereas normally I regard you as a cool head


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I had high hopes of the shadow airport board being locally driven where local tech expertise ( yes there is a lot available), and some local perspective could be brought to bear. Alas that hasn't happened and we have HIAL now entrenched ! I wonder how long it will be before the remote tower raises it's head, maybe Cobb and Co haven't had enough of that yet despite the utter shambles in HIAL. I know Stu was fighting long and hard for local input to the airport .......

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9 minutes ago, Stu Peters said:

I understand that MMP, but it’s a flippable argument. A large proportion of our population never needs or wants to fly, and resents resources being expended on what they consider a non essential. Someone waiting for a hip replacement cares little that a flight might be diverted due to fog etc. Of course, I agree about it being an essential, but not everyone feels the same.

You’ve been paying far too much attention to the demographic of your previous employer. 

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20 minutes ago, Stu Peters said:

I understand that MMP, but it’s a flippable argument. A large proportion of our population never needs or wants to fly, and resents resources being expended on what they consider a non essential. Someone waiting for a hip replacement cares little that a flight might be diverted due to fog etc. Of course, I agree about it being an essential, but not everyone feels the same.

Unless they are waiting to be flown off island for that hip replacement (or any other medical procedure). 

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12 minutes ago, Stu Peters said:

I understand that MMP, but it’s a flippable argument. A large proportion of our population never needs or wants to fly, and resents resources being expended on what they consider a non essential.

Where's your evidence for that?  The last year we have figures for was 2018, where the passenger survey says there were 247,000 departure flights taken by residents.  Presumably they came back as well.  That's around 3 return flights for every person on the the Island. Some may have taken more, some not flown at all, but you can't say on those figures that using the Airport is somehow a minority interest

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