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Just now, Capt_Mainwaring said:

I'd love to see some pictures of the old café downstairs to the right hand side. Would bring back many memories. 

Are you thinking of the one where the bar was also. Where they had that dinosaur model thing with a notice asking people not to climb on it which the children just ignored?

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3 minutes ago, The Voice of Reason said:

Are you thinking of the one where the bar was also. Where they had that dinosaur model thing with a notice asking people not to climb on it which the children just ignored?

Yes it was the bar too that's the one. I can picture it in my mind, if I'm remembering correctly it looked out onto the apron and you could see the planes coming in and out? 

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5 hours ago, Cambon said:

Another good reason to use the boat. I can see the airport closing down if the government continues down its current path.

And then what happens if it becomes that you are  no longer allowed to park at the front of the Sea Terminal to pick up or drop off friends and family embarking onto, or disembarking from, the boat?

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2 hours ago, John Wright said:

And, there’s your answer. Stop the buses using either lane. It’s the buses that are the problem.

The plan and the text don’t tie up. The text says the inner lane will have barriers and security staff and nothing will be allowed through. It says buses and disabled drop off /pick up will be in the outer lane.

Why can’t the buses use the inner lane? The security can allow them through the barriers.

The plan shows disabled drop off still in the inner lane.

So it's not even clear what the new arrangements are and they've introduced them with about 14 hours notice.  On one of the busiest arrivals days of the year.

The 'middle' lane doesn't show any space for disabled drop-off and it's difficult to see where you would fit it in.  Which may explain why they are promoting the free hour in the disabled spaces (but how many of them are there?).  And it's not clear where the non-booked taxis are supposed to go when there's more that the small space allocated.  The middle lane isn't just narrower, it's shorter as well.

But they can't put buses and disabled drop-off back into the inner lane because that's effectively the people who are already supposed to be using it.  That would be admitting the whole thing was a mistake and the 'problem' could have been solved with the sort of policing they could have done all along.

Meanwhile it's not really clear what the inner lane is for and why it needs to be so protected with a level of security that they were previously unable to supply.  Of course if it does turn out to be usable by the 'right' people I'm sure that that won't be any problem at all and phots/videos of such use and users will never be taken and shown on social media.

Incidentally it would be interesting to know the legal backing of such rapidly introduced changes.

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1 hour ago, Mercenary said:

The only real issue I've seen down there is the buses flying past, which is well within their own control.

Should be aiming for best small airport, think the highly rated London City (which, not coincidentally, has free and close pick-up/dropoff) rather than trying to make it Gatwick.

A minor point but the only time the buses should be 'flying' past would be after the Airport is closed.  Otherwise the speed bumps slow them down and they have to check if anyone is waiting (and sometimes stop anyway if they are getting ahead of time).

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Stupid idea if they are looking to attract people and business here and your first impression is a 100yd walk in bitter wind and pissing rain because the Airport can't get it's shit together. And thats assuming your ride has even managed to get into the car park as people jostle for spaces or just sit and wait in the road.

Next they'll be building a covered walkway from the entrance to the car park. Or printing off a pickup/drop off pass 24 hours in advance. 

So why cant they make it a no parking zone, i.e. if you leave the car unattended it is parked and then issue a ticket. It wouldn't take long and with a few prominent CCTV camera's and warning signs and you could get almost 100%.

Those too stubborn, stupid or wealthy to care would at least contribute to the revenue then. A pretty good deterrent for everyone else.

Knee jerk reaction with no forethought, must be a civil service solution.


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6 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

And it's not clear where the non-booked taxis are supposed to go when there's more that the small space allocated

The outer taxi waiting lane, as now.

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Forgive me if I must of dreamed this, but was it not so long ago they did have the Security guards stomping up and down the line shouting "move on" and "get back in the car" and god forbid no one in charge of a vehicle out came the book. May of been before Covid or under Reynolds attempt to control the million's of passenger's using the airport.

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7 hours ago, littlebushy said:

The throngs of people waiting for passengers could also be improved by having an airport website that was actually accurate with real time arrival information. Too often, flights are listed as on time and people arrive to pick up, only to be left hanging around waiting in the....pick up area.

flight radar 24 tells you where the plane is in  real time , if you can access an airport website you could access flight radar instead , you just need the flight details to find the correct plane to watch.

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7 minutes ago, Dirty Buggane said:

Forgive me if I must of dreamed this, but was it not so long ago they did have the Security guards stomping up and down the line shouting "move on" and "get back in the car" and god forbid no one in charge of a vehicle out came the book. May of been before Covid or under Reynolds attempt to control the million's of passenger's using the airport.

You didn't dream it. It was happening as recently as a few weeks ago. Seems very suspicious that it stopped dead a few weeks ago and then the issue really became apparent. This is now justified (to someone) the new change.

Like I said some posts back, the obvious solution was to make it drop of only-and enforce it. There would have been no issue. All drop offs and pick ups via the short stay? Ridiculous.

I predict gridlock. 

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39 minutes ago, Dirty Buggane said:

As I said before governments attempt to raise funds from wherever possible (in their tiny minds). And no thought to cutting their own cloth to meet their own needs. 

Yeah, it's all very suspicious coming so soon after their refusal to tell us how much profit they made from their Ringo contract. 

As soon as you put the word 'contract' in the same sentence as 'IoM government', I worry. 

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