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Billy kettlefish

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On 2/27/2022 at 8:53 PM, The Voice of Reason said:

The airport website is currently showing a “ ticker “ notice saying that the airport car parks are expected to be full tomorrow ( no shit with them being free) and asking people to find an alternative  for getting to/from the airport.

Is getting new bits for the barrier mechanism, ticket machine, or whatever  the problem going to be as drawn out as the flume debacle?

One of the three car parks is closed !

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This is really sad. 

I remember, 20 years ago, being really proud of our little airport when I was picking visitors up. Easy to collect them, either in the bays put front or being able to take advantage of a reasonable free parking period.

Clean and tidy, decent services and proportionate to the needs of the Island. The rot started when they started charging for short stays for pick up and drop off. 

Expensive control tower, badly executed runway extension, undermining the function by turning it into an over priced jab Centre all followed.


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43 minutes ago, IOM said:

I suggest you read my post more carefully. I did not blame the problem on the airlines its a consequence of having high volume low frequency services. Its those that think this is the answer I blame because they don't understand what comes with it. And the supposed cheap fares they so crave are not really that cheap by the time you have included bags. 

Sorry my post was in reply to post from  notail . I understand your post but I was posting as you were and I came in below you .

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39 minutes ago, snowman said:

I had the misfortune to use one of the baggage trollies on Saturday. Pushing a rusted trolley along a very bumpy footpath from the terminal to the long stay car park was very difficult. The dropped kerb here isn't flush with the road so the trolley abruptly halted, tipped and threw the luggage on the floor.

I personally Emailed Crookall about them and received a reply straight away to say could he pass on my email to management at the airport. I of course said yes . That was around 4th December . Clearly they have done nothing about it. What is so hard about fixing and putting oil on trolleys . What do management do down there ?? 

Edited by Numbnuts
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14 minutes ago, Derek Flint said:

Expensive control tower, badly executed runway extension, undermining the function by turning it into an over priced jab Centre all followed.

Yet these and the cases for all the other "improvements" were "sold" to our politicos and approved at the cost of many, many millions of pounds. What do we have now to show for it all?

Perhaps it's time that some people took a good look at themselves and rather than reciting the endless mantra of always looking forward, were obliged to look back at what they've sanctioned and what the results are. Reynolds' legacy will take many years to resolve and make good.

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56 minutes ago, Manx17 said:

That’s terrible that people missed flights. They  haven’t got the staff, there are security staff working 16 plus hours a day, some are not even getting a break. The Bidvest Noonan Manager is supposedly a battle axe. There are lots of workers that had been there for years and have left. There was such a shortage they had to advertise across for staff, and are now advertising again, but no one  will work with her and they will end up leaving. There is always going to be a problem going through security as long as she is there.

Crookall should already have pulled the so-called Deputy Director and the Noonan management into his office for crisis talks. 

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7 hours ago, Numbnuts said:

What do management do down there ?? 

It is difficult to say. For many years those of us who have business at the airport, have posted just how bad management are / were, Reynolds was a joke, just mantras of management bullshit strung together baffling those who cared to listen. Areas of the airport vital to operational efficiency ignored, and an overwhelming desire to spend cash whilst spouting absolute bullshit about passenger numbers and new destinations. Derek is right, the airport used to be happy in its skin as an island airport with lots of realistic destinations served by suitable aircraft. It is now an utter shambles of a place. The latest wishlist for millions, apparently includes body scanners so a security chap told me.

What will it take for someone to get a grip, appoint someone who knows about aviation and wants to run an island airport in a efficient manner, get shut of the dreamers who want to run Heathrow on sea !

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3 hours ago, asitis said:

It is difficult to say. For many years those of us who have business at the airport, have posted just how bad management are / were, Reynolds was a joke, just mantras of management bullshit strung together baffling those who cared to listen. Areas of the airport vital to operational efficiency ignored, and an overwhelming desire to spend cash whilst spouting absolute bullshit about passenger numbers and new destinations. Derek is right, the airport used to be happy in its skin as an island airport with lots of realistic destinations served by suitable aircraft. It is now an utter shambles of a place. The latest wishlist for millions, apparently includes body scanners so a security chap told me.

What will it take for someone to get a grip, appoint someone who knows about aviation and wants to run an island airport in a efficient manner, get shut of the dreamers who want to run Heathrow on sea !

The sad but funny thing is that a really good manager wouldn't need the raft of bloat below them (Deputy Airport Director), but that's not the way of the IOM Public Sector. 

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Not seen this talked about on here but this sums up how unimportant it would seem revenue streams are. In the last full year of barriers working , 2019 , the income was approximately £679 k . Anyone on here who has run businesses will know thats a major return so why is it so difficult and take so long to get them working or replaced . Mind blowing they can ignore this income stream but I guess they dont have to balance the books or even care . 

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