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Billy kettlefish

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5 minutes ago, ellanvannin2010 said:

So the airport  want you to be there 2 hours before the flight because they cannot sort out the shambles of security despite having spent £300k to sort the problem out. What a shambles, summer timetable starts in 3 weeks.

http://www.iomtoday.co.im/article.cfm?id=66147&headline=17 people miss flight due to security lines&sectionIs=news&searchyear=2022

’Passengers should aim to arrive at the airport two hours ahead of the flight departure time to ensure that there is sufficient time to pass through the process. 




Hasn't this reared its head before in the times of first flights out. Wasn't there a issue with airport being open and no appropriate staff available . Happy to be proved wrong 

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5 minutes ago, Numbnuts said:

Hasn't this reared its head before in the times of first flights out. Wasn't there a issue with airport being open and no appropriate staff available . Happy to be proved wrong 

Security is outsourced, you would think they have some performance parameters that they have to adhere to or face penalties, something along the lines of 95% of pax through security within 10 minutes of entering.

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13 minutes ago, ellanvannin2010 said:

So the airport  want you to be there 2 hours before the flight because they cannot sort out the shambles of security despite having spent £300k to sort the problem out. What a shambles, summer timetable starts in 3 weeks.

http://www.iomtoday.co.im/article.cfm?id=66147&headline=17 people miss flight due to security lines&sectionIs=news&searchyear=2022

’Passengers should aim to arrive at the airport two hours ahead of the flight departure time to ensure that there is sufficient time to pass through the process. 




This is one of the problems with fewer frequency higher volume flights a lot of people descend upon the airport at once . I used to fly BA to London City and the end to end travel from Isle of Man address to central London was 3 hours . Now as there is a need to arrive earlier at the airport and a longer travel time through Gatwick etc the end to end travel time is 5 hours . These are factors that those who seem to love EasyJet don’t take into account . My view has always been fine to have EasyJet for price conscious customers but for London have additional morning and evening flights into say London City . image.png.cdb3550b17ebd17eaa3e0088c0369e84.png

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35 minutes ago, Numbnuts said:

Hasn't this reared its head before in the times of first flights out. Wasn't there a issue with airport being open and no appropriate staff available . Happy to be proved wrong 

Yes…..bit difficult to arrive at security 2 hours before a 7am flight when the airport opens at 5:30am 🤷‍♂️


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52 minutes ago, Andy Onchan said:

As I said further up the blog.... some assets are the DOI's. Yet another example of how bad or should I say, non-existent the maintenance is.

And it's interesting to note in the report that they have dragged Air Menzies into the shit-storm. How effing disingenuous is that? 

To be fair Menzies are the actual people responsible - it's them who are contracted to the airlines to sort such things out.  Whether they are also responsible for maintenance of the equipment or even supply is another matter.

The trouble with privatising such things is that everything then becomes so complicated with interacting contracts that it takes forever to sort things out, even if the parties involved are competent and operating with good will.  And where there are disputes, the tendency is to leave it to the lawyers and just stop cooperating and hope the other side caves in. 

It's particularly bad somewhere like the Island because there will be only one handling agent - and possibly only one interested - unlike a large airport where there will be several competing for the work of the airlines.  And Menzies and the security people have had continual problems with recruitment because a low-pay, unsocial hours, ZHC model is not going to attract workers in a very low unemployment environment where you can't bring in people from elsewhere cheaply.

And all this is happening when the Airport is only operating at under half its previous capacity.

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1 hour ago, ellanvannin2010 said:

So the airport  want you to be there 2 hours before the flight because they cannot sort out the shambles of security despite having spent £300k to sort the problem out. What a shambles, summer timetable starts in 3 weeks.

http://www.iomtoday.co.im/article.cfm?id=66147&headline=17 people miss flight due to security lines&sectionIs=news&searchyear=2022

’Passengers should aim to arrive at the airport two hours ahead of the flight departure time to ensure that there is sufficient time to pass through the process. 




I'm fairly sure that it is a Department for Transport/CAA requirement that passengers should be able to pass through security (at UK airports anyway) within a certain amount of time. I have an inkling it may be 30 minutes - but I stand to be corrected.

The real reason airports like passengers there very early is probably to give business to the many retail outlets inside the departure lounge, who they can then charge exorbitant lease fees to. Obviously this doesn't apply here!


Edited by madmanxpilot
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13 minutes ago, madmanxpilot said:

The real reason airports like passengers there very early is probably to give business to the many retail outlets

...... and part of the reasons Easy Jet don't pay much, if anything, in fees, their business model takes into account the amount airport shopping increases with the throughput of passengers from them. Of course here that can't apply !!

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1 hour ago, Two-lane said:

Quote from the press release:

"’It was apparent that it is taking time for travellers to re-familiarise themselves with the requirements for flying.’"

In my opinion that is an insulting statement.

Treating people like idiots. 

DOI know what the issues are but nobody prepared to address them. Equipment failure, staff shortages and whatever the issue of the day is, being used as a leverage to get what they want - DOI spending more taxpayers money on scanners etc - they will turn around afterwards and moan that there isn’t enough staff to operate them - in the meantime the outsourced contractor in charge are killing themselves laughing at getting paid for a poor performance. 

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33 minutes ago, madmanxpilot said:

I'm fairly sure that it is a Department for Transport/CAA requirement that passengers should be able to pass through security (at UK airports anyway) within a certain amount of time. I have an inkling it may be 30 minutes - but I stand to be corrected.

The real reason airports like passengers there very early is probably to give business to the many retail outlets inside the departure lounge, who they can then charge exorbitant lease fees to. Obviously this doesn't apply here!


I can't easily find the guidance regarding queuing target times as it relates to UK airports (maybe it's classed as sensitive info?), but here is the same sort of thing for Dublin.


There was certainly a target time at Manchester and the airport were penalised if it wasn't met.


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