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Youth Gone Wild in Onchan


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School discipline always comes up with this sort of thing. Everyone wants more discipline in school...but not for their kids. Have rules regarding dress code and haircuts then when the rules are enforced there's facebook uproar and even local TV coverage. Juvenile discipline in general  is one of the great hypocrisy's of modern times.

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38 minutes ago, slinkydevil said:

Onchan is like the Isle of Man's Moss Side, only shit not dangerous.

Regrettably so - there is, has been, and will I fear continue to be, a higher than average (for the Island) youth scumbag quotient in Onchan. I don’t know why that should be.

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7 minutes ago, The Duck of Atholl said:

School discipline always comes up with this sort of thing. Everyone wants more discipline in school...but not for their kids. Have rules regarding dress code and haircuts then when the rules are enforced there's facebook uproar and even local TV coverage. Juvenile discipline in general  is one of the great hypocrisy's of modern times.

Discipline has to start in the home, from birth, through creating routines, setting boundaries, and sticking to them, but many parents don't seem to understand this. It's easier to blame the schools than to make sure a toddler has a set bedtime.

One thing I've noticed through the years is that the children who talk back the most and use the most foul language are those who are routinely screamed and sworn at by their parents, rarely spoken to calmly and hardly spoken to at all unless they're interfering with whatever the parent prefers to do with their time. 

Children learn best by example and if they're treated with little to no respect, they're not going to know how to treat others nor society as a whole with respect.

Not all kids are like this, but we don't hear much about the well behaved kids. Unsurprisingly, the ones causing havoc and damage get all the attention. Like in a shop, you don't notice the good kids, but you can't miss the ones running around like they think they're in a playground.

What to do about it? That's the billion-dollar question.

Introducing mandatory, age-appropriate sex and relationship education, and early-years development modules starting around year seven and continuing through HS would be my choice. Yes, that's putting responsibility on the schools, but I firmly believe we need to educate our way out of this dilemma. 

Parents can't teach by example what they don't know themselves. We have to start somewhere. 


(relationship education i.e. respecting personal boundaries, personal conflict resolution etc)

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1 hour ago, Uhtred said:

Regrettably so - there is, has been, and will I fear continue to be, a higher than average (for the Island) youth scumbag quotient in Onchan. I don’t know why that should be.

I think it is just the luck of the draw so to speak.

Different areas have problems depending on which areas have young scroats living there. 

I remember Union Mills was bad about 15 years ago, with a young teenage gang. 

The gang grew up and moved away so it stopped

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1 hour ago, Zarley said:

What to do about it? That's the billion-dollar question.

Introducing mandatory, age-appropriate sex and relationship education, and early-years development modules starting around year seven and continuing through HS would be my choice. Yes, that's putting responsibility on the schools, but I firmly believe we need to educate our way out of this dilemma. 


Or give them a bloody good kick in the arse.

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