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Youth Gone Wild in Onchan


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What to do about it ? Anything at all would be a start. The point is we do nothing and doing nothing is effectively the policy. Parents, schools, police, courts; all in their separate ways have backed away from positive authority and rules based socialisation. It doesn't need draconian solutions, just meaningful consequences that are fair and proportionate. We've elevated the freedom of the individual above the freedom of the community and society, and a very small minority are taking full advantage of it.   

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4 hours ago, Boris Johnson said:

Can you imagine what would happen if we did that now?

Weaponizing unruly youths who have no moral compass?

Why does National Service have to mean military? There are countless public services young adults could perform for two years. 

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The kids in Castletown are now stealing Swan eggs! 


To be honest it's hardly surprising that the kids are all going feral.  They haven't been in school for half the year and parents are having to attempt to school/control them at the same time as working from home.   

Luckily mine is too small to realise what's going on, but the fact that she hasn't been able to play (or even really see) other children for half the year, can't have a great effect on her (future) social skills etc. 


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10 hours ago, Zarley said:

Why does National Service have to mean military? There are countless public services young adults could perform for two years. 

Once again see the Scandinavian countries where the option is public service or military service. works a treat.

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14 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

Anyway, children in the U.K. going back to school after one year lockdown. I predict a riot. If not a riot a certain defiance, unrest.

I do hope I’m wrong and they all come back attentive and ready to learn but however they react it will show us how others may react. 


Anyway, we shall see. I think the Island’s children will be different. They’ve had contact, we have more community support here. The ones who will struggle the most will be the ones who need the most help. They’re the ones running riot during lockdown because their parents aren’t capable of parenting them. 




They are already rioting.  There's been flag burning etc at a school in London because of Head Teacher imposing a (not all together unreasonable) dress code.

My concerns are the parents that did have the 'tools' to look after the kids pre-lockdown, but are being forced into an untenable situation.  Both the wife and I have pretty demanding jobs that won't accept a slow down because of lockdown.  This is not a problem with nursery etc usually, but currently we are starting work at 7am, finishing work at 10pm and doing 2 hours on/off looking after the toddler, just purely to get a full day of work done.  I like to think we were pretty good parents before lockdown(s) but I'd be hard pressed to justify that now despite our best efforts.  But what are the alternatives?  


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Experts reject claim Covid has worsened behaviour in English schools

Gavin Williamson’s claim that “out-of-control behaviour” could destroy the atmosphere in England’s schools has been rejected by teachers and children’s advocates, with experts saying there is no evidence pupil conduct has worsened since lockdown.

The education secretary made the remarks as he announced the start of a national network of “behaviour hubs” designed to spread best practice among schools and teachers.

Williamson said some children had been slow to readjust to the classroom because “the lack of regular structure and discipline will inevitably have had an effect on their behaviour”. He added: “Out-of-control behaviour will also destroy the wholesome and happy environment that every school should be, leading to bullying, and turning the playground from a place of joy to a jungle.”


Wes Streeting, the shadow schools minister, said Williamson was blaming parents for lacking discipline when his own leadership “has been a chaotic shambles”.

Mary Bousted, a joint leader of the National Education Union, said: “With all the challenges currently facing schools, playing to the gallery by talking tough on behaviour is the least useful approach the education secretary can take.”

No evidence pupil conduct has worsened since lockdown? Maybe they're not looking hard enough, or maybe conduct wasn't very good before lockdown. 😐

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No one has taken discipline in school seriously for years and everything has been swept under the carpet. Most people have no idea how bad discipline is in many State schools. The failure of Comprehensive education has never been addressed and we've slipped well down the international rankings for attainment. In trying to set up hub schools and get kids back into education, Williamson has had to confront the real world for the first time and his eyes have been opened. He's always struck me as naive and I doubt he'll keep his job in the next ministerial reshuffle. 

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I see Onchans finest Julie Edge and The Peoples Prince have come together to indulge in some collective hand wringing, according to the Nations Propaganda Mouthpiece. Warm words but nothing more positive. Perhaps there will be action if any older constituents are verbally or physically threatened by feral youths, after all its coming up to Granny Farming Season, with harvesting of the granny crop due in September.

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12 hours ago, Zarley said:

Why does National Service have to mean military? There are countless public services young adults could perform for two years. 

They used to (maybe still) do something similar in France.  National Service included Fire Service, Hospital Porters etc.  I once met a French dude who was a beach lifeguard as part of his NS. 

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The Germans do, or at least did, give their children a choice of military national service or a community service. Both of my cousins opted for the latter.

Slightly off topic my German teacher in the late 1970's was a former German Junkers 88 crew member called Ernst Specht. When asked about it he would only say that nowadays he only flew gliders. Powerless flight obviously being the pacifist aviators choice!

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On 4/7/2021 at 7:09 PM, Tricky said:

Or give them a bloody good kick in the arse.

I got a bloody good kick in the arse when, aged eight, I walked over the bowling greens in the Villa Marina. Then dragged home by the ear, handed over to my parents for another bloody good arse kicking. Never did me any harm, although, I've never been inclined to play crown green bowls.

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On 4/7/2021 at 10:13 AM, quilp said:

Let's hope forensics can lift dabs off that energy-drink can. Appalling behaviour. My kids grew up in Onchan and there was one kid who terrorised the other younger kids, all sorts of allegations were made against him and this at his age 8. When he picked on my kids (punching and kicking them) I grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and marched him around to his (single) mother who, ashamed and visibly upset, said he was out of control and couldn't do anything to discipline him. Since that time I've noticed that he's consistently been in and out of adolescent units and prison for assault, drunk and disorderly, class A drug-dealing and possession.

Who's to blame? 

are GF the initials of said scrote ?

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