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Prince Phillip has died

Max Power

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50 minutes ago, Stu Peters said:

BBC and other broadcasters and media organisations have a detailed prepared plan that goes into effect the minute something 'of national importance' happens, like royal deaths. It would be a sackable offence to play certain songs whilst those protocols are in place.

Quite. The BBC will be broadcasting the stuff on Phil they've prepped and updated probably for thirty years or more.

I loved the way you could always rely on him for truly quality gaffes. Especially when visiting the Commonwealth countries.

A sad loss...

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4 hours ago, Pipsqueak said:

can someone PM me when we are allowed to start putting jokes in please,  the tinder pic is excellent but i don't want to start offending the snowflakes on here and those that have had a sense of humour bypass and get banned again.  

I always find it interesting that the biggest snowflakes are usually the ones constantly complaining, moaning and getting offended at the idea of other snowflakes. It’s like one huge snowflake circle jerk. I always view the whole snowflake argument as pointless as the right wing nut jobs who shout it seem to be the most offended of all.

As for Philip. RIP and...



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6 hours ago, monasqueen said:

Someone who came across as a real character, and who helped to hold a marriage together for 73 years. He will be sorely missed.

Not like he was living in a 2 up 2 down is it ? They could have a row and not see eachother for a week without leaving home.

Edited by floors4u
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In my opinion, he was a great man. Throughout the lives of the majority of us he has been the bedrock for our head of state, our Queen, one of the most important and influential people in the world. What QE2 has done for the world, and women in particular is fantastic. Philip was always their by her side. 

Bless you Prince Philip. God speed. 

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Prince Philip, inadvertent father of the Computer Misuse Act, dies aged 99 • The Register

Many years before, the Queen Mum had welcomed Prince Philip into the family by dubbing him "The Hun" while other courtiers called him "Charlie Kraut" or "Phil the Greek". Even saintly Princess Diana reportedly referred to him as "Stavros", although not to his face as his response might have been robust. He was sailing off the Isle of Wight one year when the skipper of another boat shouted: "Oi! Out of the way, Stavros!" Philip yelled back: "It's not Stavros, and it's my wife's fucking water so I'll do what I fucking well please." What a treat he would have been on Oprah.

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The death of any human being (exceptions are reserved for the likes of Ian Brady and Myra Hindley, etc.) is always sad. But, I personally was much more moved by the passing of that humble and inspirational gentleman Captain Tom Moore who at the ripe age of 101 raised circa £30m for the NHS, than by the death of someone whom I have never met and who has had absolute zero impact on my life, and the lives of anybody I know. That said, I am sorry for their loss. 

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