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Meat plant- value for money?


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30 minutes ago, pongo said:

Today's consumers would quite rightly reject any political attempt to introduce import restrictions. It would be completely unacceptable.

And it certainly is not only about price. Quality, variety and choice are also important considerations.

I can see a strong case from a variety of perspectives for ending live exports. I can also see a strong case for subsidising the abattoir in support of Manx farming. However I have a hunch that many  some farmers would like an import ban AND to be allowed to continue live exports AND to continue to be subsidised.

Personally I believe that the island should not be trying to produce competitively priced food. It should only be a a premium product.

They are currently supplying meat to UK at competitive prices whilst ripping off the locals. On top of this still want all the subsidies going. Talk about having your cake and eating it

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3 hours ago, Banker said:

Cost !!

MOTs, provided they were reciprocal, would potentially make it less bureaucratic and costly to bring in used cars. Bringing the whole process in line with the UK's would likely reduce the cost of motoring for most people.

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4 minutes ago, pongo said:

MOTs, provided they were reciprocal, would potentially make it less bureaucratic and costly to bring in used cars. Bringing the whole process in line with the UK's would likely reduce the cost of motoring for most people.

What if "most people" don’t import cars?

I agree with MOTS, but to argue they will save most people money is a bit tenuous. 

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7 hours ago, Gladys said:

As the majority of our exports are presumably to the UK, you do wonder if reintroducing some form of restriction would have any noticeable effect on our export business. The supermarkets may not like it, but from another perspective, if they can earn the same profits from Manx meat, would they care? 

That might be true of meat, but it isn't of other food exports such as shellfish, most of which have traditionally gone to Continental Europe.  You can't pick and choose between items and if you're trying to promote 'premium' products you need as wide a market as possible.

In practice the whole business of exports is such a mess anyway, post-Brexit and the UK Government finally realising that things are complicated, that no one really knows what is going to happen.

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45 minutes ago, Gladys said:

What if "most people" don’t import cars?

I agree with MOTS, but to argue they will save most people money is a bit tenuous. 

It should be much simpler to bring over a car from the UK without having to deal with a whole bunch of bureaucratic red tape.

It's not just about testing. The separate system of registration seems entirely pointless too - almost as if it has been designed to make it difficult. It works against the motorist.

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  • 2 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

The Minister - Nurse Clare has been on the NPM saying the Meat Plant isn’t going to make a profit but they are trying to reduce its losses. 

That’s big of her, thinking of the tax payers. If it can’t make a profit, or break even, then it’s an old knacker, which needs putting out of its misery. Or is the island subsidising eternally ad finitum, farmers, via the meat plant, creameries and general farming grants. Not forgetting holiday cottages. 

This is something that even a shop local eat local campaign can solve. 

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