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Palestine should receive IoM aid

Steve Kelly

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5 minutes ago, Steve Kelly said:

I made it quite clear why the same point was in two fora- the local element was that there was negative sentiment to us sending aid. My point is whether you can find a legitimately better case to try to alleviate their suffering. Can you? 

Sure the British Aerospace at Wharton will have lots of £££ dreams about their persistent surveillance abilities and so on. 

We have lots of gambling here so why not go all in? 

How would you have felt though if you'd been on the wrong side of a huge breakthrough in peace and say.. advocated for the Berlin Wall to stay up, Nelson Mandela remained in prison until he died? 

I can assure you I'm not blind to the realpolitik however your comment about Hamas simply proves to me that you don't understand the situation. I haven't got the time right now to do that but just think over my original point - their suffering is intense, surely a few of us could raise enough money which would go a very long way to improving life. 

We are talking about malnutrition, water, education in a place quite near where a lot of us have been on holiday. 

Please, take your time to explain to me what it is that I don't understand about the politics of Palestine/Israel. I'm in no rush.

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1 minute ago, Andy Onchan said:

Please, take your time to explain to me what it is that I don't understand about the politics of Palestine/Israel. I'm in no rush.

Cool, thanks for that, I'll add the necessary files for further reading and give a brief overview. I'm off on the bus now, cheers 

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1 minute ago, Steve Kelly said:

Yeah, like war, when the fun stops, fight harder

Israel is on the green list, so if you really concerned there is nothing stopping you from going out and doing voluntary work. 

what to you seriously think the IOM should do? Summon the Israeli Ambassador for a ticking off by the great colossus of international diplomacy HRH The Chief Minister! The island is totally fcuked, it’s spunked taxpayers cash on anything and everything, so I’m afraid a lot of peoples concerns are jobs, investment and the future. It is sad and concerning, but there is nothing the IOMG can do, and am sure if we sent aid, it will get into the wrong hands. 



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13 minutes ago, NoTail said:

I was wondering whether we could ask the Israelis for som financial support 

There are many Israeli interests on the Island, primarily in the egaming industry. Pokerstars and Playtech were established by Israeli/Canadian/Eastern European businesses. And it’s not just confined to egaming. 

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1 hour ago, Steve Kelly said:

I can assure you I'm not blind to the realpolitik however your comment about Hamas simply proves to me that you don't understand the situation. I haven't got the time right now to do that but just think over my original point - their suffering is intense, surely a few of us could raise enough money which would go a very long way to improving life. 

We are talking about malnutrition, water, education in a place quite near where a lot of us have been on holiday. 

Surely it would be better all round if instead of sending arms to Gaza, stirring up trouble in the Med etc etc if Iran sent proper aid to help their client state which essentially consists of Hamas.

Unfortunately that doesn't suit the Iranian agenda which is bad luck for the Palestinian people...

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3 hours ago, Steve Kelly said:

Quite. The fear they have (and ability to make it happen) is the concept of the 'Shia Crescent' stretching from a minority area in Afghanistan to Iran, Iraq, Syria (Alawite leaders but few Shia) and Lebanon. 

That will definitely create greater military spending I would think. 

The world needs to realise the suffering going on 

The Russians are briefing that Israel is refusing to agree to a ceasefire

& the BBC is reporting a view that Hamas is refusing to as well

I'm more inclined to believe the Russians on this

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There are some on this island that have strange left wing views, very very anti Israel and virally anti Semitic. Yet there are very few Palestinians who have liberal views especially relating to Homosexuality, Transexuality, Gay Marriage and Civil Partberships. Israel is one of the most tolerant countries where Homosexuality is not persecuted and people can live their lives. In neighbouring Syria under Islamic State Homosexuality would be punishable by being thrown from the top of a building. In today’s cancel and boycott culture if anyone practiced such hatred towards the LGBT community would be named, shamed and classed as a pariah. The same can be applied to certain racial groups and religions, The Isle of Man has its faults but it’s certainly free for people to practice religion and sexual orientation without nastiness.

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