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Excessive Force? - Greater Manchester Police


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Did anyone see the video of the man getting repeatedly kicked by the policeman in Manchester? I was really quite shocked.


Whilst the man did commit a crime and needed to be arrested, I thought the force used was sickening considering he was already cuffed. They also seemed to slam his head on the door of the police van.




I would like to see the PC answer some questions in a public enquiry at the very least.

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It says the police officer in question won't face charges, sickening that, after what he did.

I wonder, would they of completly ignored it if a seagull got kicked.

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Sorry peoples but i have to disagree, from the guy's picture he looks a sizable bloke and an Ex Para to boot so a very capable man whether hand cuffed or not , also if he has just trashed a bus stop he is obviously not being rational about the police wanting to arrest him


At which point would most people given themselves up and stopped fighting

King was sprayed with CS gas but continued to struggle before being forced to the ground and kicked several times, allegedly suffering a broken tooth and bruised genitals.
the guy was not 'Playing the Game' and needed to be cleared off the streets as soon as possible.( CS spray is a pleasant as stickin a handfull of forks in your eyes :ph34r: )


I have No problem with the police using heavy force with an uncooperative thug,




and as for the island i think it is about time that the certain 'bad element' here should respect/fear the police ,as it might put a stop to all the trouble that is about especialy from all the groups of scallies and chav's that seem to wander about at the moment with nothing to fear


A good cuffin never did me any harm :blink: when i was a kid

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Sorry peoples but i have to disagree, from the guy's picture he looks a sizable bloke and an Ex Para to boot  so a very capable man whether hand cuffed or not , also if he has just trashed a bus stop he is obviously not being rational  about the police wanting to arrest him


At which point would most people given themselves up and stopped fighting

King was sprayed with CS gas but continued to struggle before being forced to the ground and kicked several times, allegedly suffering a broken tooth and bruised genitals.
the guy was not 'Playing the Game' and needed to be cleared off the streets as soon as possible.( CS spray is a pleasant as stickin a handfull of forks in your eyes :ph34r: )


I have No problem with the police using heavy force with an uncooperative thug,




and as for the island i think it is about time that the certain 'bad element' here should respect/fear the police ,as it might put a stop to all the trouble that is about especialy from all the groups of scallies and chav's that seem to wander about at the moment with nothing to fear


A good cuffin never did me any harm :blink: when i was a kid

Well Said

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So repeatedly kicking someone is ok then? He was down and immobilised as far as I could see.


He needed arresting he didn't need a beating! Courts punish people not police officers. And what about banging his head off the van door, was that just a nice little touch at the end to soften him up. I'm not saying that the man wasn't resisting I just object to the type of force.


How would care workers deal with a mental patient that was out of hand? I would think they have methods of restraint that do not involve kicking.


Yes the courts/police should have more powers to deal with thugs and idiots, but I do not and will not accept police brutality.


Also the police should realise how inflammatory footage like this is. Rodney King anyone...

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I just want to clarify.


I don't want to come across as being anti Greater Manchester police. I know because I'm from there that they have really hard job to do and on the whole they do it very well.


I was simply shocked and offended by what I could see happening in my hometown. Two wrongs don't make a right.


Manchester city centre is a great place to be. The police & local authorities have really made it much safer than it was back in the late 80's early 90's.

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So repeatedly kicking someone is ok then? He was down and immobilised as far as I could see.


He needed arresting he didn't need a beating! Courts punish people not police officers. And what about banging his head off the van door, was that just a nice little touch at the end to soften him up. I'm not saying that the man wasn't resisting I just object to the type of force.


How would care workers deal with a mental patient that was out of hand? I would think they have methods of restraint that do not involve kicking.


Yes the courts/police should have more powers to deal with thugs and idiots, but I do not and will not accept police brutality.


Also the police should realise how inflammatory footage like this is. Rodney King anyone...


The M.E.N. can reveal the investigation concluded the officer used "reasonable self- defence". The report backs the officer's claim that a controversial kick was delivered while Mr King had trapped his leg and was delivered in self-defence.


So a kick is a now a kicking in your version of events, also were you there at the time, Tell me 'Oh great one' How would you have handled it , maybe sat beside him on the pavement and offered him a nice cup of tea and a cuddle :whatever:


I'm not saying it is ok for the cops to go around and give out random beatings :ph34r: but i think they are doing a very stressfull and hard job and should be allowed to use reasonable force and to me reasonable is defined in a split second to get a job done.



BTW where did you pick up your ROSE tinted glasses from, maybe i need some B)

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Did you see the the footage?


He was kicked several times.


Here's a better discription:


"The 20 minutes of footage in Manchester clearly shows King being sprayed with CS gas that stuns him. He is then dragged to the ground and handcuffed and repeatedly punched and kicked as he is forcibly spread-eagled and restrained on the pavement by a number of officers. The footage shows one officer swinging his leg repeatedly as he kicks an incapacitated King while he is on the ground. Another officer stands by observing the beating.


A passer by who tries to intervene can be seen in the footage and the police officers tell him to leave the scene.


When King is dragged into a police van his head is banged against the doorframe of the vehicle.


King recalls that he was kicked in the head and face several times and twice in his testicles during the attack. His injuries included bruising to his genitals and a broken tooth. Currently unemployed, he served for six years in the Parachute Regiment of the British Army including three years in Northern Ireland before leaving the army in 1995."


I hope if I was a police officer I would have had training about how to deal with such people.


I worked at both Old Trafford and Main Road football grounds as a steward for nearly 10 years. In all that time I never seen a beating like that, it was disgusting.


I think the police on the whole do a wonderful job, but I also think this officer was out of order.

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Did anyone see the video of the man getting repeatedly kicked by the policeman in Manchester? I was really quite shocked.


I lived in Manchester for many years and have experience with the GMP for many reasons (burglaries, muggings, demonstrations). In most cases they were fantastic and supportive even though they knew full well that they were never going to find the man responsible - usually 100% confident! I have also seen the other side where they hit and dragged teenagers during an anti-war demonstration outside the anti-war Manchester Council. Rest assured Manchester City Council weren't too happy about that.

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