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Classic 8-bit Games!


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I never had a Spectrum, I had a Commodore 16, Commodore 64 then an Amiga. I had probably one of the first "Cartridge" games for the Commodore 64 that loaded within a few seconds - it was amazing at the time (but a crap game). I also had some crazy green-screened Amstrad which had Manic miner on it.


In terms of old games (in no particular order).. I always liked Rambo, the Dizzy series, Rampage, Rastan, Last Ninja, IK+, Joe Blade, Wings of Fury and Sensible Soccer


All of which can be found here;



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some awesome memories with these games people..loved the jsw, elite, jetpac, gorf cart on the vic20, anyone remember zzoom on the spec? and dictator I think it was? Alien8 was ace as well. Got a very 'derr' story about elite; to cut it short, me and a mate tried to know everything possible about it cos someone gave us a spiel about unlocking the mythical planet raxxla; anyway we 'knew' it must exist cos we a had a screenprint in a mag of a space station at another 'unknown' planet called 'vorne' ; after several months we realised vorne is what you see in the german version for 'front view'...mwa mwa mwa

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Rainbow Islands and Ghouls & Ghosts used to play them on a black and white portable tv. When my ma let me use the colour tv for the computer for the first time, I thought they were absolutely amazing.

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Praise be!!


This thread bought a lot of ZX Speccy 48k happy memories flooding back!


I remember one of the many bugs in DT's Decathlon in the long jump. I managed to jump 999m at least!! Brilliant! - bonus prize for anyone who can remember how to do it!




hobbit game was great as well.. so many ace things:




Time passes.....


Thorin sits and sings about gold.

Gandalf arrives.

Gandalf leaves.



Two bulbous eyes stare at you.. (which was shortly followed by death!!)


Ultimate - Play the Game games were excellent,

Sabre Wulf, Trans Am, Jet Pak, Pssst, Knight Lore, Lunar Jetman etc etc


glorious days.... :)

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