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Uk Getting Ready For Longer Drinking Laws


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The UK is bracing itself for longing drinking hours.


I think longer drinking hours definitely causes more violence.


I want to knock the heads off all those drunken screaming shouting sh1ts that drag themselves up our road at 3 and 4 oclock in the morning.


And the next day I'm that grumpy through losing a good nights sleep I want to knock the heads of the kids too.

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You know, I never really understood all this fuzz they make about the licensing laws..


(warning - German card coming up!) - Back home, we don't have specific licensing laws like they are in place here and you don't need to pin your name over the door to show the whole world who the poor sod is, that constantly has one leg in prison..


Every petrol station sells booze, a bar can open as long as it wants to (although you might need to pay a little more to your local gov office for this - but that's only so they earn a bit more from the trade) and most noticably: I've never seen the kind of behaviour you get in the UK/England/IOM on a night out over there..


Yes, there are fights and stuff, as everywhere, but not as extreme as over here - I mean, I went to the Kontrast in Berlin once, Germany's biggest club - that place is huge (20.000+ capacity) and it's also cheap - click on the link above and then click on "Preise" and have a look at the menu - all drinks are doubles and a vodka and coke costs you 3 Euros!


It's basically like a constant happy hour but despite pretty much everyone in there getting hammered, I didn't see any noticable fights or any kind of trouble you see on BBC when ever they report about the "drinking problem" in Britain..


And that goes for the vast majority of times I went on a night out in the Heimatland - is there just such a difference in cultures, the Germans/Europeans maybe being more civilized and the British holding on to "A Pint and a Fight" tradition, or why is this?


Just don't get it...


But personally, I think that relaxing the law and allowing people to drink 24/7 is a good idea - I mean, no-one is gonna go out til the morning all the time and it will ease the tention on the streets if people can leave clubs whenever they want, not when the gov wants them to.


At least, it may prevent drunks from staggering along the prom at 7pm - they're now gonna do that later on..

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The horror stories in the UK press all seem to assume that every pub and club will immediately want open all day, every day. I think our own experience has shown that this simply isn't the case - I haven't noticed any local pubs rushing to do so!

Ultimately, the amount of money people have to spend on entertainment and leisure is finite and, although there may be an initial upsurge in drinking to take advantage of the novelty of it, I've no doubt that it will ultimately prove to self-regulating. If establishments aren't taking enough cash across the bar to justify remaining open they will close.

Our own experiment hasn't led to any greater incidence of drunkenness in the pubs in my opinion. The only problems have been caused by the ridiculous imposition of the one o' clock rule for entering a club at the weekend and the continued regulation of how long they can remain open.

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Opening hours aren't the reason for binge drinking in the UK and extending them won't decrease the incidence of drunken behaviour and violence on the streets. Binge drinking is a major problem in the UK (and to a degree here) because of the culture and because of drinks promotions.


Many people I know start drinking at home before going out and often arrive out already half-drunk. This then coupled with various drinks promotions (a recent one in the railway to give away 10 gallons of beer one to each person who downed a pint in one by the DJ is a good example) leads to excessive drinking which leads to stupid and sometimes violent behaviour.


As with everything more needs to be done to tackle the root causes of the problem not random crazy legislation designed to grab headlines.

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If more liberal licensing hours were really likely to cause more drunkenness and crime, then it would clearly follow that reducing them would lead to a dramatic improvement.

Therefore, following that to its logical conclusion, if alcohol could only be sold for say 3 hours in the afternoon, and 3 or 4 hours in the evening, the problem would be virtually solved!

Does anyone believe that? :huh:

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they tried that in australia I believe, allowing drink to be sold for only a hour or so a day - ended up with people buying 12 pints for the hour the pubs were open and serving, then remaining there for the rest of the day/night finishing the 12 pints off!

didn't work basically!


I think 24 hour drinking is a good idea for all the reasons mentioned, but it's a shame nobody has actually taken advantage of it here yet.

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The reason they are relaxing the laws is because if people are not getting kicked out of the pubs all at once but tend to go home when they have had enough then you will not have as many people in one place for the trouble to kick off.


Its working fine over here douglas prom is a example of that lol.


You will never stamp out drunk behavior because it has gone on for years its human nature so to speak the only way to stop it is proabition and that worked well in america lol.


Drink girlz feck thats how most sum up a saturday night out lol

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As someone who represented an inner city constituency back in the UK, I can see big problems ahead. It's not so much that there will be more disorder and violence (although I suspect it will increase), but that it will happen later at night - so more disturbed nights' sleep and more people unable to work the next day through rolling in at 2am half-cut.

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well we have the laws here and i think it is better having the laws because there isnt the pressure to go to the clubs and drink.


Because the pubs are later opening a lot of people just stay out till last orders then go home so no probs, its the drinking in clubs that i think is the problem it is always when the clubs kick them out is when you get the bother.

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I think it's a culture thing more than anything. I've been out countless times abroad and never found any trouble at all. Many of the bars are open until the early hours of the morning and trouble just doesn't seem to be apparent at all.


I've no idea how this will turn out in the UK but I suspect that it will only worsen the situation tbh.

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I would just like to put one thing straight its not the drink the turns people to violent behavior, these people are already violent and use drink as an excuse, and think they can get away with it.


Drink turns normal people who drink to much sick and to do silly things like steal your next door neighbours plants, or maybe have sex with someone who you wouldn't normally or is that just me. Not kick the hell out of the first person they see.


Just like to point out I haven't been drunk in a long time.

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My 10p's worth?


Yes we have a culture of binge drinking, but that culture has only evolved because of licensing law.


I would expect to see this 'culture' reverse itself over time after the licensing laws are relaxed.


ffs. Britian is a NANNY STATE, it's like living in the poxy big brother house, it's time the government stopped thinking for people and let the people think for themselves.


If someone wants to go to a shop and buy a bottle of bubbly at 3am WHY should he not be able to do so?


drinking is made into a big thing because it's virtually forbidden after 11pm... and yes, people act like school kids with alcohol because of that. look at europe, it's totally different, in spain you can buy alcohol from anywhere, and you don't get hassle. why? is it because those damn spaniards have five livers and can process alcohol five times quicker than us and so are virtually sobre by the time they leave the pub? is it feck. they have never had licensing laws, and that is the only difference.


"Let the people decide - The trouble will subside" that, is my new slogan with repect to all this.

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You know, I never really understood all this fuzz they make about the licensing laws..


(warning - German card coming up!) - Back home, we don't have specific licensing laws like they are in place here  and you don't need to pin your name over the door to show the whole world who the poor sod is, that constantly has one leg in prison..


Every petrol station sells booze, a bar can open as long as it wants to (although you might need to pay a little more to your local gov office for this - but that's only so they earn a bit more from the trade) and most noticably: I've never seen the kind of behaviour you get in the UK/England/IOM on a night out over there..

But personally, I think that relaxing the law and allowing people to drink 24/7 is a good idea - I mean, no-one is gonna go out til the morning all the time and it will ease the tention on the streets if people can leave clubs whenever they want, not when the gov wants them to.


Longer licensing hours are a good idea. What's the point stopping people at 23:00 or whatever time it stops when they can consume 24/7 at home or outside a pub? I don't think it will stop fights though because the British and Manx people will always drink to get pis*ed unlike people in other European countries. I know this isn't always the case and many people do drink in moderation (or at least spread out the 10 pints) but a minority do ruin it for the rest.


For a start to reduce problems give us more seats in pubs so people can sit down and drink, provide more snacks and food so the drink affects us less and make sure troublemakers are discharged immediately.

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i couldn't agree more cheesemonster... more seats, more food, and less NOISE.


because, when you think about it, past a certain time there are only a copuple of places to go, and this is usually true of anywhere in the UK...


and of those places, all of them have very loud music, nothing to eat and very little seating..



so we are left with nothing to do but down drinks whilst standing up and shouting at each other... when we can be bothered, it is, and has proved to be, a recipe for disaster.

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