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Manx Independence


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Jersey does not have a health service, it's all private insurance. What the CIs do have are very favourable tax conditions for business and individuals, coupled with excellent restaurants, hotels and cheap drinkeries - not things evident on the IOM. The CIs also have strict immigration rules - too late for the IOM to adopt similar now, too many indiginous Manx have moved away. It's much more like an English county now, northern English accents all over the place.


BTW - I am not anti-TT, but in common with the majority these days am not interested anymore. How many people in the average city/county/country are motorcycle let alone TT enthusiasts? After all, ownership of a motorcycle puts you in a small minority in itself. The TT sadly belongs in same era of the Irish/Scottish Wakes, Day Trippers etc. It started dying in the 70s. RIP


The Island need to move on.

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Does anyone really genuinely feel belittled by the existence of the post of the Lieutenant Governor, given that he is essentially a functionary in much the same way as the Queen is to the government of the United Kingdom?


I can see it being a bit irksome to die hard republicans, but I've never really felt that bothered.

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Total Independence for the IOM would be the worst thing posible as Tywald would have a free hand to do whatever they wanted with no comeback from Whitehall.


Hold on, I must have missed something somewhere........ sorry, I get my coat :whistling:

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Mec Vannin. . .  but their most basic desire is for the island's total independence from Westminster.


Is this feasible?  What would be the pros and cons?

These days there are many Manx folk who wish the Island was part of the UK. It couldn't be worse than things are at the moment.


The bully boys and greedies have had their own way for far too long.

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I would like to see a situation where all of the British nations have there own fully fledged parliaments. I believe self determination would benefit all of the nations and also help stop the Celtic nations blaming England for their ill's.


It would be good to retain open boarders, a shared defence and perhaps a reciprocal health service...


I would also like to see an English constitution (and Manx) and the abolition of the monarchy.


All by consensus of the people of-course.


I can't see it happening though! :) Also some of the best Westminster MP's have been Scotsmen and that would be a loss for England.

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I would like to see a situation where all of the British nations have there own fully fledged parliaments. I believe self determination would benefit all of the nations and also help stop the Celtic nations blaming England for their ill's.


So would that be a unitary state such as the USA or would you be thinking along the lines of separate Nation States i.e a State in which a single nation is dominant for example the republic of Ireland.

As an aside it is very much New Labour thinking to devolve democracy in the way I think you are suggesting. This idea was part of "New Times" policy formulated shortly before its demise by the CPGB. Messrs Leadbeater, Jacques and Campbell were its architects and one Peter Mandelson was a self proclaimed disciple.

Charlie L and Peter M are both still at the heart of New Labour and it is a matter of some surprise that most of the New Times thinking which underpins New Labour ideas has not been translated into actual policy !

That aside (with apologies) I see no reason the Isle of Man couldnt survive as a properly independent political entity. It is another question as to whether it would be a sensible move economically or socially.

Furthermore, the Island already enjoys a considerable degree of autonomy and as another poster has already asked ... do the remnants of past, such as the Lt Governor, really bother or make anyone feel humiliated ?

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These days there are many Manx folk who wish the Island was part of the UK. It couldn't be worse than things are at the moment.


The bully boys and greedies have had their own way for far too long.

I don't believe any truly Manx person would ever support such a ridiculous notion - and I've certainly never heard it expressed by anyone other than a few of the former Uk loonies who still tend to believe that Britannia rules the waves!

Get real, for heaven's sake - the UK is in a far worse mess tha we've evr been in. It's now just a country to travel through on the way to somewhere decent for your holidays!

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Get real, for heaven's sake - the UK is in a far worse mess tha we've evr been in.  It's now just a country to travel through on the way to somewhere decent for your holidays!


Well I can certainly understand the sentiment but it isnt based on facts.

We are all all extremely fortunate to have been born and live in any part of the British Isles.

The UK, for example, is amongst the richest countries in the world. Its citizens enjoy a high standard of living compared to the majority of the rest of the world.

It has an exceptional infrastructure compared to most countries in the world and it has highly developed notions of tolerance and citizenship.

The UK is a vibrant successful country and is absolutely not in a mess.

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Believe it or not, we are on a good thing here in the Isle of Man. Have we forgotten about the saying “If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it”? I know that there are many things that could or should be better but compared to the U.K. and certainly the rest of Europe we are bloody well off!


I for one will spend less time worrying about how we could become independent and more time worrying about what would happen if we were forced to become completely independent.


The current political and financial state of the island will probably not last forever. While I am certainly not opposed to change, I cannot imagine the island finding a better financial situation than it is in right now. (Let us forget about careless Government spending for a minute).


If we were to isolate ourselves from the United Kingdom, we would experience, in my opinion, more of a hardship than we would if we were to give up all our independence to the European Union. So let us enjoy it while it lasts and perhaps consider what we would do if or when we are forced to make a decision on the matter.

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I think there's been a gradual, almost surreptitious, move towards full independence for several decades past. The powers of the Lieuteneant Governor have been steadily diluted and the degree of interference from Whitehall has gradually declined.

Full independence would not serve us well at the moment IMO, simply because we don't have the necessary talents among our legislators and representatives to make it work.

As long as the relationship between ourselves and the UK is not seen as permanently fixed and is allowed to develop naturally, I think we are probably getting the best we possibly can from it.

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Full independence would not serve us well at the moment IMO, simply because we don't have the necessary talents among our legislators and representatives to make it work.

Maybe you agree that Phoney Tony should send over his mate Blunkett to rule here?

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Full independence would not serve us well at the moment IMO, simply because we don't have the necessary talents among our legislators and representatives to make it work.

Maybe you agree that Phoney Tony should send over his mate Blunkett to rule here?

No. We've got enough people turning a blind eye to what goes on!

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Full independence would not serve us well at the moment IMO, simply because we don't have the necessary talents among our legislators and representatives to make it work.

Maybe you agree that Phoney Tony should send over his mate Blunkett to rule here?

No. We've got enough people turning a blind eye to what goes on!



The cruel smirk that made me irk fills me with the guilt of a Catholic priest...

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