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9 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

I think you are completely wrong to attack GPs Keiran. There are completely obvious reasons GPs might not want to prescribe pot.

I didn't attack GPs. I just highlighted that using them as a reason for stopping people having access is moot. As they don't pass laws and can't legally prescribe unless on a specific register anyway. 


David Ashford is the health minister, therefore, the ideal person to meet no? I'm just repeating as I've been told, and where the info came from. If not COMIN, then who? As I've spoke to doctors, it's out of their hands, I've spoken to the police and its of their hands... So who would be responsible? 

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13 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:


Wouldn't it be a good idea to take legal advice before proclaiming that you know what the current legal situation is?  Relying on David Ashford as your source is hardly a smart move. 

Yes, the people who filled it out...  What percentage of the population filled it out?  Those who did probably had a vested interest in the consultation and that the outcome would be in favour.  

Personally I think it should be made legal but treated in much the same was as tobacco or if it is only for medicinal use then it is treated in the same way as a prescription drug.  I didn't submit my view at the time of the consultation though.

4000ish. Plus a 95% approval rating on mannin line. 


Now, I know neither are legally binding... But, hell. Neither was the brexit vote, but here we are. 


What is the purpose of paying for consultations, if they can be completely ignored. 


Have you ever seen a public consultation filled out by that many, with 99.7% in favour of ANYTHING? 

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3 minutes ago, Keiran Hannifin said:

I didn't attack GPs. I just highlighted that using them as a reason for stopping people having access is moot. As they don't pass laws and can't legally prescribe unless on a specific register anyway. 


It's been claimed that this is because the Island's GPs do not support the prescription of medicinal cannabis, although only 19 of our GPs bothered to respond to the consultation in Dec 2019. Thats less than half.
That aside, GPs are not elected or hired to make decisions on legislation and they are not the only health professionals able to prescribe medication.
 They don't seem to mind handing out hormone altering, addictive drugs that they KNOW causes damage to their patient's health, e.g. opioid based painkillers. Worse yet, the Isle of man follows NICE guidelines, which means that GPS cannot actually prescribe cannabis anyway. 

Is this not an attack at GPs? apologies if it isn't, but it is how I read it.

Can you see any potential problems if it were available on prescription? I can. Better to just skip the step altogether in my view.

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2 minutes ago, Keiran Hannifin said:

4000ish. Plus a 95% approval rating on mannin line. 


Now, I know neither are legally binding... But, hell. Neither was the brexit vote, but here we are. 


What is the purpose of paying for consultations, if they can be completely ignored. 


Have you ever seen a public consultation filled out by that many, with 99.7% in favour of ANYTHING? 

Kieran. If we had a consultation, or a referendum, about capital or corporal punishment, the answer would be to bring it back. The same would have been true of consultations historically to keep gay sex illegal or not to allow same sex marriage. 

Just because a majority want, or don’t want, a thing doesn’t make it morally or ethically, or even pragmatically, right or wrong. It’s an emotional response.

Its why, in a representative democracy, we elect MP’s, MHK’s. To take a lead, to actually weight up the pros and cons, the wider social, societal, national and international obligations and risks.

The issue with medicinal cannabis is simple. Home grown the strength and effect is hit and miss. Medically it hasn’t been tested sufficiently to evaluate strength, dosage, frequency, or even what diseases it can safely be used for.

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It wasn't an attack, more a point of the matter that less than half the GPS on the island should not dictate law based on a medicine they are not able to prescribe anyway. 

Cannabis has been tested alot. There is extensive research from Canada, America and Israel. As well as a fair bit in the UK (including the lead pain specialist) - we still don't quite understand how anaesthetic or paracetamol work. It has been proven an effective treatment for long term chronic pain, epilepsy and MS, as well as for various treatments in cancer. 

My recording, I record ALL my doctors appointments, all my meetings. I do this, so I can pay attention and don't have to Bring a note pad and can review at later dates. This is perfectly legal, provided I don't share the recording and I advise the person I am meeting, that I am doing so. 

Yes. That is why we pay and elect MHKS /ministers.... Therefore, they should be actually investigating this. Which it's evident that they are not. As per the Ashford comments above. 

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1 minute ago, Peter Layman said:

A better suggestion

Well, you have to get the data and info from somewhere. 

Ive read scores of studies world wide, spoken to specialists and pharmacists in the UK and Canada. I have spoken to each MHK who would talk about it, have spoken to local GPS and consultants. Have spoken to the police. I have read the legislations and acts inside and out. Have scowered the hansards (hence why I know the AG confirmed it as a legal medicine December 2018)

I didn't just get my info from Ashford, but it's an additional piece of info received. And as stated above... These people are hired for this reason. 

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1 hour ago, Keiran Hannifin said:

This is perfectly legal, provided I don't share the recording and I advise the person I am meeting, that I am doing so. 


when you say "don't share" I assume you're taking the stance that as long as you don't let someone listen you're ok compared to repeating the discussion in another format?

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2 hours ago, Keiran Hannifin said:

It wasn't an attack, more a point of the matter that less than half the GPS on the island should not dictate law based on a medicine they are not able to prescribe anyway. 

Cannabis has been tested alot. There is extensive research from Canada, America and Israel. As well as a fair bit in the UK (including the lead pain specialist) - we still don't quite understand how anaesthetic or paracetamol work. It has been proven an effective treatment for long term chronic pain, epilepsy and MS, as well as for various treatments in cancer. 

My recording, I record ALL my doctors appointments, all my meetings. I do this, so I can pay attention and don't have to Bring a note pad and can review at later dates. This is perfectly legal, provided I don't share the recording and I advise the person I am meeting, that I am doing so. 

Yes. That is why we pay and elect MHKS /ministers.... Therefore, they should be actually investigating this. Which it's evident that they are not. As per the Ashford comments above. 

Claire Christian has been pushing this and challenged directly in HOK and Tynwald woth questions and solutions to allow for medicinal cannabis to be prescribed in island. Ashford stated he was ‘personally in favour’ but it wasn’t a priority - Christian has been tenacious and supportive but keeps hitting a brick wall. 

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Just now, Fluffy123 said:

Claire Christian has been pushing this and challenged directly in HOK and Tynwald woth questions and solutions to allow for medicinal cannabis to be prescribed in island. Ashford stated he was ‘personally in favour’ but it wasn’t a priority - Christian has been tenacious and supportive but keeps hitting a brick wall. 

Agreed. I've spoken to Claire in depth about it, I've become quite a fan of hers in general. She is formidable and I think after another term she would be a great policy and reform minister, or even in the treasury. I also provided quite a bit of info to Daphne, pre and during questioning. Daphne also made an effort to attend the rally. 


There are a few MHKs who are great in this aspect....others, not so much. 


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