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The latest info on losses/gains I can find are:

http://www.iomtoday.co.im/article.cfm?id=40117&headline=Horse tram loss was £200,000, not £500,000&sectionIs=news&searchyear=2018

The money used to subsidise this, could subsidise 58.5 full annual salaries, 35 hour weeks from minimum wage to living wage. 


As for raising taxes, in order to pay for pensions... If the only way our government can make money is repeatedly increasing taxes, we need a new government. Innovation and production is the way. 

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1 hour ago, Keiran Hannifin said:

The latest info on losses/gains I can find are:

http://www.iomtoday.co.im/article.cfm?id=40117&headline=Horse tram loss was £200,000, not £500,000&sectionIs=news&searchyear=2018

The money used to subsidise this, could subsidise 58.5 full annual salaries, 35 hour weeks from minimum wage to living wage. 


As for raising taxes, in order to pay for pensions... If the only way our government can make money is repeatedly increasing taxes, we need a new government. Innovation and production is the way. 

Yes, but government paid to buy the horse trams track and rolling stock, then it bought the stables, and the Strathallan Terminus and promptly knocked  it down and rebuilt it, then it ripped up the track and is now relaying it. Total cost to tax payers over 5 years in excess of £12 million.

Then there’s the Liverpool Terminal. Total cost probably £50+million.

We could have just abandoned both. Spent £1 million on Heysham Terminal, subsidised links to Lancaster bus and train station.

Then there’s millions on RESA, the new runway turning circles, the uncosted promenade.

Best part of £200 million on unauthorised electricity expenditure.

£176 million on the Steam Packet ( unnecessary  if we had given the Steam Packet a new user and regulatory agreement - plus another £40-£80 million for the second new boat ).

We are way above £600 million wasted. Yes, we have some assets for the money. But most aren’t saleable.

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15 hours ago, Keiran Hannifin said:

Again, it will much depend on who we get in comin. 

Ive made no effort to hide that until I am actually elected, and my peers are defined... Its impossible for me to promise a delivery method, as my game plan will have to be adjusted according. With the current admin. This could be done, this way. One pharmacist. 

For me I was seeking evidence of awareness of how Tynwald works

I am going to presume from your answers that you're favouring a networking approach to win over a majority of colleagues?

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24 minutes ago, Keiran Hannifin said:

600m = 169,993 minimum wage salaries subsidised to living wage.  

Why convert every figure to minimum wage salaries?  I understand that the living wage is one of your key priorities but the Isle of Man does not need 169,993 minimum wage salaries.


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17 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

Why convert every figure to minimum wage salaries?  I understand that the living wage is one of your key priorities but the Isle of Man does not need 169,993 minimum wage salaries.


I believe the majority of our problems start at that. I'm constantly being told the Isle of man could not afford to do it....so when a conversation comes up about how the Isle of man wastes money, its an ideal time to drive the point home that we could, but choose not to. 


21 minutes ago, Rhumsaa said:

For me I was seeking evidence of awareness of how Tynwald works

I am going to presume from your answers that you're favouring a networking approach to win over a majority of colleagues?

Favour, yes. No man is an island... And a bull in a China shop, whilst probably good for approval ratings, does very little for systematic change. I want reform on a large scale and need other people to agree. 


Edited by Keiran Hannifin
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1 hour ago, manxman1980 said:

Why convert every figure to minimum wage salaries?  I understand that the living wage is one of your key priorities but the Isle of Man does not need 169,993 minimum wage salaries.


The living wage wouldnt be a magic wand anyway.  

It isn't without its problems either.  Employers who are struggling can often end up getting rid of staff to pay the rest.

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23 minutes ago, The Dog's Dangly Bits said:

The living wage wouldnt be a magic wand anyway.  

It isn't without its problems either.  Employers who are struggling can often end up getting rid of staff to pay the rest.

So, would that not mean that they had over hired in the first instance? 

If you are able to pay fairer wages and get a higher level of work output, is that not a good thing? 

It is a pretty magical wand to those who are on minimum wage. 

Also, in my plan there's a cap. So up to a point, the government would pay the difference. Not the employer. 

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17 minutes ago, Keiran Hannifin said:

So, would that not mean that they had over hired in the first instance? 

If you are able to pay fairer wages and get a higher level of work output, is that not a good thing? 

It is a pretty magical wand to those who are on minimum wage. 

Also, in my plan there's a cap. So up to a point, the government would pay the difference. Not the employer. 

It's naive to think by giving someone a couple of quid more an hour they're suddenly becoming 30% or whatever more productive.   Because that is what you are insinuating.

It isn't about overhiring.  You simply end up with a business facing a choice of cutting staff, flogging the remaining staff harder and in many cases cutting corners to survive.

Have you spoke to a load of minimum wage workers who are telling you they purposely do nothing? 

How do you propose to raise the revenue required to fund it if you expect government (the tax payer) to pay for it?

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15 hours ago, Keiran Hannifin said:

So, would that not mean that they had over hired in the first instance? 

If you are able to pay fairer wages and get a higher level of work output, is that not a good thing? 

It is a pretty magical wand to those who are on minimum wage. 

Also, in my plan there's a cap. So up to a point, the government would pay the difference. Not the employer. 

what world are you living in. The government so far have failed the hospitality side of the island whilst looking after other sections very well

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On 6/10/2021 at 8:15 AM, Keiran Hannifin said:

ts going to be a very different tynwald if Alf cannon is chief compared to if Chris Thomas is. 

...or if Alex Allinson gets it. 

He currently is seen in several photo calls with HQ. Seems like he is being prepared for the role.

But to politics

What do you think of the current state of our health and social care services and what would you personally advocate in relation to the current position of the complaints process (due for public consultation soon), and what role would you as an MHK take in constancy complaints related to mental health services.?

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On 6/10/2021 at 3:14 PM, manxman1980 said:

Why convert every figure to minimum wage salaries?  I understand that the living wage is one of your key priorities but the Isle of Man does not need 169,993 minimum wage salaries.


it also doesn't make sense in my head to compare capital investment in infrastructure with ongoing costs through benefits

even with the overspends and wasted money in the capital projects it's not an obvious move to just plough it into ongoing benefits

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On 6/10/2021 at 1:27 PM, Keiran Hannifin said:

The latest info on losses/gains I can find are:

http://www.iomtoday.co.im/article.cfm?id=40117&headline=Horse tram loss was £200,000, not £500,000&sectionIs=news&searchyear=2018

The money used to subsidise this, could subsidise 58.5 full annual salaries, 35 hour weeks from minimum wage to living wage. 


As for raising taxes, in order to pay for pensions... If the only way our government can make money is repeatedly increasing taxes, we need a new government. Innovation and production is the way. 

You're deluded.  That isn't how it works.

Governments raise revenues.  The main way is taxation and VAT.

It has absolutely nothing to do with innovation.

And comparing everything to binning it off and equating it to how many people can  get an extra couple of quid an hour is going to do you no favours in Middle.

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