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20 minutes ago, HeliX said:

I've had much more contentious conversations than that and not been accused of anything. Perhaps its the way you approach the conversation?

i.e. "I'm not sure affirmative action is always a good thing" vs "companies keep giving all our jobs to minorities".

Is it affirmative action though?

Where companies employ people to fill quotas it's only an affirmative action from the perspective that a box is ticked.

Not that best person for the job actually got the job, in the context big Tony us referring to:thumbsup:

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18 minutes ago, TerryFuchwit said:

Is it affirmative action though?

Where companies employ people to fill quotas it's only an affirmative action from the perspective that a box is ticked.

Not that best person for the job actually got the job, in the context big Tony us referring to:thumbsup:

Quotas are just an implementation of affirmative action, non?

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On 7/8/2021 at 12:51 PM, HeliX said:

Quotas are just an implementation of affirmative action, non?


The issue includes the ability to "fight" back from stereotypical or offensive viewpoints that reduces people to mere labels. The references used on social media can reflect so much that people seem genuinely totally unaware of. Those that have to endure crass comments based on ignorance who are not there or able defend themselves should be supported, yes, even in their absence.

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I don’t have a vote in Middle but I did see Stu Peters Facebook post about traffic cones.

My lord!! Asking for answers to what was asked in Tynwald and then asking if anyone knows who owns a business.  How can anyone expect people to vote for them if they can’t do the most basic of research? It’s a worry alright.

Stu. Here is a clue.  Try the company registry.  It is all online and very simple because it is all public information 

Edited by Ramseyboi
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4 hours ago, offshoremanxman said:

He could maybe also drive around Middle as most businesses have a big sign on their building telling people what that business is. Braddan Business Park is a bit of a giveaway as well. I genuinely worry about Peters and the fact he might get in and be the worst sort of MHK. The field in Middle is appalling as it stands. It’s a shame Shimmins has had enough.

I don't understand your point, I drive around Middle a lot. And see lots of cones, hence the FB question. It's not a forensic investigation so I'm not going to pay for details from CR (and probably wouldn't recognise any names anyway). The worst sort of MHK is the Nodding Dog. We have enough of them already and I don't intend to be one.

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15 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

The worst sort of MHK is usually a super opinionated egotist who makes every thing about themselves. Which is why having heard some of your radio shows I generally don’t think you will be a good one. 

Damn, I wish there was a 'burn' icon! 

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On 7/7/2021 at 11:41 PM, Stu Peters said:

I agree with pretty much everything Manxman said on the previous page, but would just add that over the last few years we've arrived at a point where we can no longer discuss issues rationally and respectfully without fear of offending someone. That was never something I set out to do, but it happens. I'm with Stephen Fry on offence. There have been some epic spats on this forum over the years, but nobody has ever faced losing their job over it, yet a small group of people a year ago took offence at my comments about BLM (and before that naughty children in restaurants) and tried to have me fired. These trolls must have nothing better to do than seek out people to attack - and I'm absolutely against that kind of fascism.

Someone wants to offend me by saying I'm overweight, old, opinionated, untalented - that's fine as I can argue back. But the minute someone throws in an '....ist' card the converstion is over and the hate (often based on third hand accounts) begins. In my experience it's the people who preach inclusivity and giving everyone a voice who are the least tolerant of anything outside their strange (to me) world view. Even using your own rather than their approved words draws condemnation.

It's not so much that you have Opinions. Opinions are fine. Not everyone in the world agrees on the same subjects 100% of the time. It is more about the way in which those opinions are delivered, the weight that goes along with them and the effect that they can have. I would be more understanding and forgiving of your broadcasting and journalistic style if you actually tried to engage other people in a discussion on these issues instead of just ranting off about them day after day on your nightly public platform. Maybe trying to learn about these particular topics, the issues faced by those people within society and what it is that they are fighting for day in day out and THEN formulating an opinion on the matter would be a much better way to handle things. You however, chose to use your position as a public broadcaster to make, at times, quite derogatory comments on a number of topics ranging from women to LGBTQI+ to BLM to whatever else was your bugaboo of the day. You never once sounded like you wanted to actually engage anyone in discussion or learn about what it was those people were fighting against. You may come back at me on this and state that I am speaking nonsense but I stand by comment. I have never ever heard you once ever try to actually engage or learn about a particular topic that you oppose and have a lot to say about.

You say you want to become the MHK for middle. If that is the case you are going to have to represent and understand ALL the issues faced by ALL the people of middle and occasionally help those that may not exactly ally themselves with your own political way of thinking. So, my questions for you are thus..


1. How do you intend to rectify these issues to be able to gain the support of those voters you have previously taken issue with?.

2. Going forward, do you intend to try to be more understanding and open to the issues faced by those in the wider society and help contribute towards making the island a safer and happier place to live?.

3. What support do you plan to provide towards helping combat the current climate emergency?.

4. Do you plan to help improve our current healthcare system?. If so, how?.

5. What are your thoughts on the legalisation of cannabis and the potential multi million pound tourist industry it could create for the island?.

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I used to listen every day to Stu Peters. It was entertainment with a twist. His job was, and is, to attract listeners, sometimes by being provocative. Thats the job and a part of it that he did not try to hide. 

Politics includes compromise and agreement, taking others with you on issues needs a far different style and approach. I have watched others have to adapt to that if they want to achieve anything for themselves, the constituency and for the island.

There will be enough support and challenge in the HoK and locally if he misjudges what the role entails - he will soon be put right ! But, and it is a big but, he has the gumption and the nous to get in there and make a difference. He won't sit on his hands like some do. 

So, a bit rough round the edges -maybe. Potential to be effective - certainly. I wish he was standing in our patch.

Good luck Stu. 

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In answer to Chie's post:

1. How do you intend to rectify these issues to be able to gain the support of those voters you have previously taken issue with?

That presumes they need to be rectified. I always tell the truth as I see it, and usually after talking to many people. I'm certainly not going to pander to gain votes, even if it costs me the election. Greta and the Snowflakes (great band) will never vote for me anyway - but I'll happily talk to them to see if we have a common objective but with a different approach to achieving it.

2. Going forward, do you intend to try to be more understanding and open to the issues faced by those in the wider society and help contribute towards making the island a safer and happier place to live?.

I've always been quite open to anything that will make the Island safer, better, more prosperous, more equitable and happier.

3. What support do you plan to provide towards helping combat the current climate emergency?.

The impact of any MHK on climate change (I don't believe it's an emergency) is going to be precisely zero, but it's a good bandwagon for many candidates to jump on. Instead, let's look at spending the millions every year that IOMG has earmarked for 'Climate Change' away from committees and consultants, reports and research and into the economy in the form of grants for insulation and clean heating, charging stations for electric cars and a power station that will cope with the extra demand.

4. Do you plan to help improve our current healthcare system?. If so, how?.

Again, a candidate is in no position to promise anything, so most manifestos are at best a wish list for Santa and at worst an outright fraud. Our health service seems broken almost beyond repair. People can't get appointments, NHS dentists are like hen's teeth (see what I did there?) and we're apparently paying consultants here an average salary of £190k compared to their counterparts in the UK scraping by on just £120k. I don't have the answers but can think of lots of questions that might help focus better minds than mine.

5. What are your thoughts on the legalisation of cannabis and the potential multi million pound tourist industry it could create for the island?

I have no problem with cannabis BUT it can apparently cause paranoia and other mental problems in SOME younger users. I don't think it's a gateway to harder drugs, and it's less harmful (apart from the tobacco most people use to smoke it) than booze. Anything that makes people giggle rather than fight has to be good. I suspect that IOMG has to listen to Westminster on the issue of legalisation though, so it may not be within our powers to change the law.

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