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15 hours ago, Ham_N_Eggs said:

She has never held a Government / Departmental position other than equality champion which comes with no uplift. Deliberately so and not through want of being asked or so I am led to believe. 

Maybe she believes those roles should be held by MHKs (which they should) and is standing to allow her to take the roles. 

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1 hour ago, SleepyJoe said:

The pay rise was all for nothing!

Not really it got rid of the Departmental Member upgrade and the others are reduced (CM is currently 80%).  The DM thing was the biggest problem because it meant all Departments had an automatic Keys majority - even though most of them could be opposed to something.  I did some calcs a while back and Ministers were up a couple of thou, the Speaker down by the same, CM down by about a thou.

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Yesterday, I found an elderly gentleman wandering around our estate looking lost. As it was a warm afternoon, I was concerned he may have sauntered out of a care setting without a carer or relative being aware and may be disorientated. Adopting appropriate social distancing I approached him asked if I could be of assistance. Bemused, at being approached I was promptly thrust a piece of paper and told he was campaigning on behalf of his daughter - Alison Lynch.

Wearing no face mask, (which he took umbrage at being asked why not when he was canvassing on doorsteps) I asked a few simple questions pointing out, in my experiences, Ms Lynch's abysmal performance as Chair of Marown Commissioners. Daddy, unhappy that his daughter could be anything but perfect, stated that the Commissioners are very limited at what they can do. When I suggested that performance in parish pump room politics can often be a indicator of potential ability at national level I got a 'nil response' - a glazing over - a trait inherited by Ms Lynch in my limited dealings with her as a Commissioner when faced with a reasonable question that requires a specific answer.

Reading Mrs Lynch's A4 flyer (which starts with an apology apparently I was out when Alison called!) full credit must be given to the fact that unlike some other candidates' literature, it uses a readable font and has the capital letters in the right places. It was interesting to note that Ms Lynch has conveniently omitted portions of her previous employment which I understand includes being a civil servant - embarrassment of having a 'dark past' I wonder? The flyer also included reference to the hospital nursing occupation of her spouse which is curious as I would have thought voters were more interested in the candidate not their partner. Or is having someone in the family who is affiliated to health a 'go faster' stripe in our political advancement?

In concluding, as with the other literature that to date has been thrust into hands or pushed through my letter box, there was no colouring section, but in keeping with tradition there was a picture - presumably in case voters forgot what the candidate looked like or needed something during the winter months to hang by the fireplace to warn the children to keep away - something I feel many Middle voters will be doing!

Edited by Galen
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1 hour ago, Galen said:

In concluding, as with the other literature that to date has been thrust into hands or pushed through my letter box, there was no colouring section, 

There was a candidate in Douglas East 15 years or so ago, printed dotted lines on his manifesto so it could be easily folded into an aeroplane and fired into the bin.

It was original and a little amusing. To be fair to him, he didn't get in, but he did beat a couple of other perhaps more earnest  candidates.

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On 8/8/2021 at 12:46 AM, Stu Peters said:

Effectively yes. I didn't resign as such, I recused myself and suggested I take unpaid leave but was told as a freelance presenter I wasn't entitled to it.

I wonder if George Ferguson (late night show stand-in)  is secretly hoping you don't get elected.

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Also 'official' constituency hustings for Middle voters (all start at 7pm):

Wednesday 1st Septemberat Marown Primary School

Monday 6th September at Braddan Primary School

Monday 13th September at Comis Hotel, Mount Murray

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On 7/24/2021 at 11:06 PM, germann said:

Have you had assurances from Manx Radio that they'd take you back if you lose? Did you compare notes with Tim?

This is actually a massive dilemma for us Middle voters. Don't vote for SP and whilst we might not have to suffer him as an MHK he may be back on the effing radio again. Alternatively if we vote for him we might get the benefit of keeping him off the airwaves but at the price of him being an MHK.  Where is the none of the above option? 

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9 hours ago, offshoremanxman said:

So basically you bullied and harassed a poor old man and complained that he wouldn’t answer your questions when he isn’t the actual candidate who is standing for election and was basically just doing a leaflet drop to help out his daughter? He’s not legally required to wear a face mask either especially while wandering around a housing estate in an open outdoor setting.

To be clear, he was ringing door bells and engaging with people and not just pushing leaflets through doors. I know this as following his 'chat' with me he then went and round the corner and then went to my front door where he rang our door bell and started his 'spiel' with my wife - who kindly pointed out I had already spoken to him.

His wandering around the estate without a mask didn't particularly bother me, but the door bell ringing and engaging with people did, as there are a number of elderly and vulnerable people in our neighbourhood, who still are shielding as they harbour a genuine fear of getting covid (I know this to be the case as my wife and I do still do their shopping for them.)

As to the suggestion of bullying, I would remind you that one persons bullying is another person's assertion. I reserve certain assertions for dealing with uninvited, persons who cold call proffering goods or services with little or no knowledge of my needs or wants but are attempting to assert (or in your words, 'bully' me) me into taking/ buying/ believing.

Finally, if your re-read my post, you will note that I merely pointed out to the gentleman that his daughter's performance as Commissioner does little to inspire me that she is capable of being a politician.

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6 hours ago, Galen said:

To be clear, he was ringing door bells and engaging with people and not just pushing leaflets through doors. I know this as following his 'chat' with me he then went and round the corner and then went to my front door where he rang our door bell and started his 'spiel' with my wife - who kindly pointed out I had already spoken to him.

So you've basically just posted all this so you can brag how big your house is? (And that you tell your wife how to vote).

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