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3 hours ago, ian rush said:


Is this training of drivers so you can carry on driving fast going to be done by the Nanny state you speak so fondly of? I thought your Jeremy-ometer would have picked this up. 

No, it would be provided by an advanced training organisation set up to reflect best practice within the cops, ADIs, the IAM etc. Surprised your pedometer didn't pick that up.

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On 8/11/2021 at 9:04 AM, Galen said:

Yesterday, I found an elderly gentleman wandering around our estate looking lost. As it was a warm afternoon, I was concerned he may have sauntered out of a care setting without a carer or relative being aware and may be disorientated. Adopting appropriate social distancing I approached him asked if I could be of assistance. Bemused, at being approached I was promptly thrust a piece of paper and told he was campaigning on behalf of his daughter - Alison Lynch.

Wearing no face mask, (which he took umbrage at being asked why not when he was canvassing on doorsteps) I asked a few simple questions pointing out, in my experiences, Ms Lynch's abysmal performance as Chair of Marown Commissioners. Daddy, unhappy that his daughter could be anything but perfect, stated that the Commissioners are very limited at what they can do. When I suggested that performance in parish pump room politics can often be a indicator of potential ability at national level I got a 'nil response' - a glazing over - a trait inherited by Ms Lynch in my limited dealings with her as a Commissioner when faced with a reasonable question that requires a specific answer.

Reading Mrs Lynch's A4 flyer (which starts with an apology apparently I was out when Alison called!) full credit must be given to the fact that unlike some other candidates' literature, it uses a readable font and has the capital letters in the right places. It was interesting to note that Ms Lynch has conveniently omitted portions of her previous employment which I understand includes being a civil servant - embarrassment of having a 'dark past' I wonder? The flyer also included reference to the hospital nursing occupation of her spouse which is curious as I would have thought voters were more interested in the candidate not their partner. Or is having someone in the family who is affiliated to health a 'go faster' stripe in our political advancement?

In concluding, as with the other literature that to date has been thrust into hands or pushed through my letter box, there was no colouring section, but in keeping with tradition there was a picture - presumably in case voters forgot what the candidate looked like or needed something during the winter months to hang by the fireplace to warn the children to keep away - something I feel many Middle voters will be doing!

He came to my door & was pleasant & handed the leaflets explaining a full manifesto would follow, didn’t have any problems with him.

Why his daughter & her husband aren’t doing more of the legwork rather than an elderly relative is another matter!!

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27 minutes ago, Banker said:

He came to my door & was pleasant & handed the leaflets explaining a full manifesto would follow, didn’t have any problems with him.

Why his daughter & her husband aren’t doing more of the legwork rather than an elderly relative is another matter!!

Well presumably they are, but it's a lot of doorsteps to get round in a short time and any candidate is going to be grateful for help. In the UK most people wouldn't expect to be canvassed by the candidate - even in local elections.

The ideal thing of course is to start early and give yourself time to get round to everyone in person, but as I pointed out back in January, hardly anyone does.  Of the 60 candidates so far only 10 declared before the end of April.

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On 8/17/2021 at 6:54 PM, quilp said:

Couldn’t have put it better. Spot on, 

Establishment figure  - middle class, and very much unlikely to ever rock the boat - criticism where it’s due without sticking the knife in. I don’t like those who constantly trade on their voluntary work - its akin to saying how much you give to charity. A lot of people do charity and voluntary work, help out with Brownies/Guides etc and have involvement with various charities, but do it quietly without fanfare! In many cases without reward or a gong. I’m sure there are many in here who do charity work, sit on committees, are all round dogooders and do it quietly. 

If elected will she be doing a weekly blog, highlighting all the wondrous work and meetings attended? Also will she keep us informed as to how she has spent her current expenses like Rob Callister does?

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On 8/11/2021 at 9:04 AM, Galen said:

Yesterday, I found an elderly gentleman wandering around our estate looking lost. As it was a warm afternoon, I was concerned he may have sauntered out of a care setting without a carer or relative being aware and may be disorientated. Adopting appropriate social distancing I approached him asked if I could be of assistance. Bemused, at being approached I was promptly thrust a piece of paper and told he was campaigning on behalf of his daughter - Alison Lynch.

Wearing no face mask, (which he took umbrage at being asked why not when he was canvassing on doorsteps) I asked a few simple questions pointing out, in my experiences, Ms Lynch's abysmal performance as Chair of Marown Commissioners. Daddy, unhappy that his daughter could be anything but perfect, stated that the Commissioners are very limited at what they can do. When I suggested that performance in parish pump room politics can often be a indicator of potential ability at national level I got a 'nil response' - a glazing over - a trait inherited by Ms Lynch in my limited dealings with her as a Commissioner when faced with a reasonable question that requires a specific answer.

Reading Mrs Lynch's A4 flyer (which starts with an apology apparently I was out when Alison called!) full credit must be given to the fact that unlike some other candidates' literature, it uses a readable font and has the capital letters in the right places. It was interesting to note that Ms Lynch has conveniently omitted portions of her previous employment which I understand includes being a civil servant - embarrassment of having a 'dark past' I wonder? The flyer also included reference to the hospital nursing occupation of her spouse which is curious as I would have thought voters were more interested in the candidate not their partner. Or is having someone in the family who is affiliated to health a 'go faster' stripe in our political advancement?

In concluding, as with the other literature that to date has been thrust into hands or pushed through my letter box, there was no colouring section, but in keeping with tradition there was a picture - presumably in case voters forgot what the candidate looked like or needed something during the winter months to hang by the fireplace to warn the children to keep away - something I feel many Middle voters will be doing!

It could be worse, you could have Geoffrey ‘Go back to Ireland’ on your doorstep.

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15 minutes ago, 2112 said:

Couldn’t have put it better. Spot on, 

Establishment figure  - middle class, and very much unlikely to ever rock the boat - criticism where it’s due without sticking the knife in. I don’t like those who constantly trade on their voluntary work - its akin to saying how much you give to charity. A lot of people do charity and voluntary work, help out with Brownies/Guides etc and have involvement with various charities, but do it quietly without fanfare! In many cases without reward or a gong. I’m sure there are many in here who do charity work, sit on committees, are all round dogooders and do it quietly. 

If elected will she be doing a weekly blog, highlighting all the wondrous work and meetings attended? Also will she keep us informed as to how she has spent her current expenses like Rob Callister does?

I'm not really sure that it's fair to saddle anyone else as the political avatar of Frau Bucket while Pam Crowe is still around.  There can only be one.

Poole-Wilson has always been an establishment figure - that's why you get put on LegCo after all.  It's quite clear though that even she has been a bit 'radicalised' by seeing at first hand just how Tynwald operates and prioritises practically everything else over good government.  As for people listing their community contributions, that's fairly standard in Manx politics.  It's whether they are long-standing commitments or just picked up recently to add to the CV that's important.

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16 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

I'm not really sure that it's fair to saddle anyone else as the political avatar of Frau Bucket while Pam Crowe is still around.  There can only be one.

Poole-Wilson has always been an establishment figure - that's why you get put on LegCo after all.  It's quite clear though that even she has been a bit 'radicalised' by seeing at first hand just how Tynwald operates and prioritises practically everything else over good government.  As for people listing their community contributions, that's fairly standard in Manx politics.  It's whether they are long-standing commitments or just picked up recently to add to the CV that's important.

I thought the Mrs Bucket “satire” of Poole-Wilson was pretty trite to a Vaderesque level. 

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21 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

No, it would be provided by an advanced training organisation set up to reflect best practice within the cops, ADIs, the IAM etc. Surprised your pedometer didn't pick that up.

Institute of Advanced Motoring is a world of Alan Partridges.

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Maybe it’s that I thought it missed the mark with Poole-Wilson - she seemed much more like she’d be played by Olivia Coleman than Patricia Routledge. Hyancinth Bucket wasn’t a lawyer - she was a housewife who’d married up a level. Pam Crowe fits the bill much more.

Super Hans Hanni-fx was a good line. But Stu as Onslow? That’s stretching it.



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