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52 minutes ago, pongo said:

I'm picturing a map of middle with animated Nazi arrows heading towards it and the Dad's Army theme music starting up.

If referring to SP that is a bit unfair. I do view SP as having the views and opinions that previous generations who grow up in the 1930s to 1950's might have held but it is wrong to classify him as a Nazi. He may not appear to understand that the world has progressed from the days when the likes of the Black and White Minstrels and Mind Your Language were seed as acceptable popular TV programs but I would defend him against insinuations comparing him with the Nazi, if only in jest.

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1 minute ago, Lost Login said:

If referring to SP that is a bit unfair. I do view SP as having the views and opinions that previous generations who grow up in the 1930s to 1950's might have held but it is wrong to classify him as a Nazi.

Have you never seen Dad's Army? You've got it totally wrong. 

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On 8/31/2021 at 7:24 PM, Stu Peters said:

FWIW I would define a Manx person as anyone who would fight and die for the IOM against any aggressor, even if that is the country of their birth.

Every time I read this type of saber rattling nonsense it always reminds of this quote from the Carl Sagan (well worth watching the video linked below as well)

"So that in glory and triumph they could become the momentary masters of fraction of a dot"

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Sorry chaps, but I'm having to recuse myself from posting for fun until 24/9.

Whilst I enjoy the rough and tumble, cut and thrust of banter, bullshit and badinage on MF I just know that someone will take offence at something said in jest, post it on Facebook to discredit me and enrage an angry mob.

Normal service will be resumed by October, win or lose.

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23 minutes ago, Stu Peters said:

Sorry chaps, but I'm having to recuse myself from posting for fun until 24/9.

Whilst I enjoy the rough and tumble, cut and thrust of banter, bullshit and badinage on MF I just know that someone will take offence at something said in jest, post it on Facebook to discredit me and enrage an angry mob.

Normal service will be resumed by October, win or lose.

Bet you miss the rado where you can talk over people and push the kill switch, when it's not so one sided you are totally out of your depth.

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1 hour ago, offshoremanxman said:

Doubtful .. 

I don't have your confidence. There are an awful lot of more elderly people out there who will have similar views to SP and see no reason not to refer to some of those from the middle east as Ragheads etc. Additionally many voters appear to simply vote for a person they think they know or recognise the name of. I expect SP will garner a fair number of votes simply because he is that guy off Manx Radio. On that basis, unfortunately, I think he has a real chance of getting in. If he was not the "radio guy" I don't think he would have much of a chance of being elected.

I don't think Middle is blessed with candidates. I expect and hope JPW gets elected as I have confidence she can at least understand legislation and see the merits or not in proposals, argue the case etc.  

After that I expect the second position will be between SP and Alison Lynch. Come election day I will use my two votes but only one of them will I use as a positive vote for a candidate I have confidence in them. The other will simply be a case of using to try and prevent the other worse, in my view, candidates being elected.   

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