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On 8/31/2021 at 7:24 PM, Stu Peters said:

This is a Middle election for Middle people. You have no business looking at our Middle manifestos.

FWIW I would define a Manx person as anyone who would fight and die for the IOM against any aggressor, even if that is the country of their birth.

Stu Peters Middle manifesto:


Posted before?

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20 minutes ago, GreyWolf said:

JPW is obviously fairly bright and articulate a Pam Crowe type of politician who just thinks she’s better than everyone else but let’s hope am wrong about that if she’s elected.

I didn’t get that impression on door step but probably different when addressing a wider audience 

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2 hours ago, GreyWolf said:

JPW is obviously fairly bright and articulate a Pam Crowe type of politician who just thinks she’s better than everyone else but let’s hope am wrong about that if she’s elected.

JPW is nothing like Pam Crowe.  I don't think Jane thinks like that at all.  She is definitely bright and articulate, but will go out of her way to fight for the underprivileged - she is the equality champion after all.  Pam Crowe was just... Leave it at that.  

I'm not a Middle voter, but I'm interested in this campaign as I know Keiran, Stu and Jane reasonably well.  I think Jane will get in in first place, and I suspect given the demographic that Stu might get the second spot.  I'd like to see Keiran shake things up a bit though - he's putting in a lot of effort and is doing it for the right reasons in my view.

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14 hours ago, Chie said:

I am not sure about Stu. Most of his comments and policies seem to boil down to “Those pesky lefties….and their dog too…”.

The real problem with Stu isn't just that his opinions are reactionary and incoherent (though they are) or even that, as the Fear and Loathing Guy remarked, that they're not his views but Jeremy Clarkson's (that's a bit unfair on Clarkson).  It that's all he sees the  job of an MHK as being - Having Opinions.

His 'manifesto' is basically just 'down with this sort of thing', but with no indication of how he would work to make things any better other than chunnering on the backbenches for five years, like a less well-informed Robertshaw.

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2 hours ago, SleepyJoe said:

I'd like to see Keiran do well, but climate response must come more to the fore

I'm happy to answer any questions on regards to climate you might have? 


At the hustings, there was a question about climate change (oddly not on YouTube), where I stated meaningful differences need to be made across the island and considered in lots that we do. Rather than planting a bunch of token trees for PR. 


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12 minutes ago, x-in-man said:

KH (or probably one of his helpers) shoved a glossy thing though the door with an additional bit of paper saying because of Covid he wasn’t going to knock on the doors to meet people.  Instead, posts on Facebook that he is in the pub and pop in to see him. 


Its not lazy. And you have been quite liberal with your paraphrasing, please feel encouraged to share the actual slip. 

I am happy to come to your door, meet you in a pub, cafe, or anywhere else...There are a heck of alot of access ramps in Middle. Lots are shielding. I'm not refusing to see anyone, just not doing it uninvited whilst the current play is "we are learning to live with it, so shield if you don't feel safe". I still am chatting to plenty of people, as many have invited me. 

Also, it's mostly me delivering (on foot), or me plus a friend, or my wife. shy of last Monday eve where a friend delivered some for me. 

The reason being is its 62p per candidate(paid by the tax payer), per house hold to deliver. 5 candidates In Middle, over 2300 houses. 

65 Candidates in total.  That's alot of money for manifestos to be delivered that many people won't even read.

Me choosing to deliver by hand, and walking 15km on most days AND not knocking on doors uninvited, is the opposite of lazy. It's doing the right thing, not the easy thing. 



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