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2 hours ago, trmpton said:

A disservice?  I clearly wouldn't run in a disguise and with "Vote Trmpton" on all my campaign materials

Fleetingly I misread your post as “Vote Trump”. I would have loved to say that this would have likely been a nasty shock for the good folks in Middle, but I suppose years of HQ have probably anesthetised their senses anyway. 

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4 hours ago, doc.fixit said:

Does the living wage apply to the state pension? If so I look forwards to the rise in my financial situation.

My hope would be to stagger it in sections, as the living wage balance should quite quickly eliviate a lot of the budget we use for benefits. And as silly as it is, pensions are considered benefits. My hope would be that tynwald would not decide to redirect these savings, but would put them into the hands of those still on benefits. So... Yes, ultimately it would, but I would imagine there would be alot of deliberation about the best order and way to unroll it, so it would not likely come at once.

Everyone who works/has worked deserves to be paid fairly.


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4 hours ago, Keiran Hannifin said:

I'm currently uncontested.... It's not so much about modesty, it's about likelihood... Unless at least another 2 decent candidates stand, my odds are pretty good.

The costs come from investments into this Isle, and saving money where we waste it elsewhere, such as benefit and poverty traps. 

 Low-income earners/Benefits overhaul. We accept on the Isle of Man, that £10.19 an hour, is ‘’Living Wage’’, Living wage is what is considered the minimum wage needed to live a normal life, above poverty. Living wage and Minimum wage are not the same, however.

 Minimum Wage on the Isle of Man is £8.25. That is a difference of £1.94 an hour, which in a 40-hour work week is £77.60 difference. Where you would/should be earning £407.60 per week, you would only make £330. With the cost of rent or purchase of even the most modest of homes, is it any wonder that we spend so much of our budget on the Benefit System?

If we accept the idea of a Living wage and we also accept that thousands of our population are currently being paid below that, then we are effectively telling a decent chunk of our population that they are not valued enough to be able to live without worry or poverty. In fact, worth 23.5% less. 

The Government, alongside the businesses that profit the most from the work of low-income workers share a moral obligation to provide these people with the same Freedoms to Flourish that they themselves have enjoyed.

We need a system where hours of employee labour are valued, for what they are, which are taxable assets. There should be a cap on how many hours per week a business may pay an employee at a rate that is below the living wage. Any persons who are hired below living wage, will have their wages subsidized in a benefit from the Government, like the Employed Person’s Allowance to bring it to living wage; but unlike the Employed Person’s Allowance, it will not be means tested beyond being paid to those who earn less than living wage. Any extra hours beyond this living wage cap that the businesses wish to employ, must be paid Living wage or above. This would be a move that would have massive economic and social advantages:

*Incentivize people off the benefits system – People rarely want to do the jobs that pay minimum wage, fair pay for these jobs would change that. Paying people a living wage would take a huge weight off our benefits system and encourage a much stronger workforce.

*This will encourage Business/Entrepreneurs – If the lowest income earners of our island all earned living wage, they could themselves afford start up for a business much more easily. When suggesting this idea, many have countered that businesses will simply up and leave if they cannot have unlimited minimum wage paid staff. However, if EVERYONE got paid at least living wage, there would be a lot more money flooding into our economy. More people will be able to afford drinks after work, a haircut, a cleaner once a week and more. In addition, any projected financial loss that a business may face through paying their workers a living wage, would be made up by those formerly underpaid workers spending their extra income on those business services. If this is not the case, then the business surely makes its profits not from the service that they provide, but from the exploitation and labour of low-income workers and it could certainly be argued that we should not encourage that sort of business practice on our island. Raising minimum wage to a living wage, would also drive innovation as many tests have proven that being below the poverty line can reduce an adult’s IQ between 13 and 15 points and can reduce the IQ in children between 4 and 7 points. How many Elon Musks die on a benefit system?

*Slightly ease the difficulty of getting onto the first rung of the property ladder. I am not suggesting that this will fix this issue, I do believe however that it is one of the most important steps we can take. There is a drive every election year for ‘’affordable’’ or ‘’cheap’’ housing. The notion of a house being affordable, or cheap to anyone earning £8.25 an hour is ludicrous to suggest as a realistic option. The first step to affordable housing, is making sure people have financial security.

*Healthcare – Many people might not notice the difference in their wages, because instead they would just work less hours, people might choose to work 3 different jobs. As well as allowing for creation of businesses, or improving Manx culture through art, this will also allow people more freedom to look after their mental health and physical health or give them time to raise their children or care for their elderly parents. The social implications of that alone are massive.

These reformations and the macro economic effects they would have, are just the tip of the iceberg. It could be argued that our Island is an economic microcosm of many parts of the wider world. The reformations we can make and the macro economic effects they would have would provide highly valuable data that could be utilized on a global scale.


My tact as to how I try to get things done, will very much depend on who is appointed as COMIN and chief, though I will Start with draughting legislation, backed up with any relative data I can find, though no other country has done what I'm intending and then trying to brain storm and have responses and answers to each problem.


I'll answer the other questions in a wee while. As I keep getting criticised for dodging questions, and then criticised for answering them 😅 



I’m just a bystander here - but if you want my 2p. Spend far less time trying to educate or win over the muppets on this forum, and get out amongst the people of Middle 

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12 minutes ago, Fluffy123 said:

I’m just a bystander here - but if you want my 2p. Spend far less time trying to educate or win over the muppets on this forum, and get out amongst the people of Middle 

Lots on the "muppets" on this forum are people of middle, have kids who go to school and activities in Middle, and speak to an awful lot of people who are voters in Middle.


Edited by trmpton
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20 minutes ago, trmpton said:

Lots on the "muppets" on this forum are people of middle, have kids who go to school and activities in Middle, and speak to an awful lot of people who are voters in Middle.


Exactly my point on page 2. Every single person on this island should have a right to decent representation and to have choice in who they can pick.

32 minutes ago, Fluffy123 said:

I’m just a bystander here - but if you want my 2p. Spend far less time trying to educate or win over the muppets on this forum, and get out amongst the people of Middle 

Door Knocking starts in June. :)

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1 hour ago, Keiran Hannifin said:

My hope would be to stagger it in sections, as the living wage balance should quite quickly eliviate a lot of the budget we use for benefits. And as silly as it is, pensions are considered benefits. My hope would be that tynwald would not decide to redirect these savings, but would put them into the hands of those still on benefits. So... Yes, ultimately it would, but I would imagine there would be alot of deliberation about the best order and way to unroll it, so it would not likely come at once.

Everyone who works/has worked deserves to be paid fairly.


There is - or was - over £1bn in the NI Fund to pay living pensions

Why stagger it?

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7 minutes ago, x-in-man said:

It aIl seems a bit ‘ wishes and dreams’. Tax is what’s going to pay for it all.  Tax burdens which hit the majority - the working folk.

I disagree. Tax already has its purpose. Most of us already pay tax. Its paid for by people earning and spending and the economy actually functioning. It's not free money, and it's targeted to help working folk. But the main point is, it's a wealth generating plan, not a wealth costing plan. 

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5 hours ago, Fluffy123 said:

As much as you think it’s very important... I doubt if an election has been or ever will be won or lost on Manx forums 😂😂😂

well..... it could be lost on Manx Forums

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On 5/22/2021 at 1:15 PM, Keiran Hannifin said:

Climate change, I'm avidly for, but like everything else, think we need a wider approach then we are currently exploring. From recycling our plastics into free insulation boards for all manx home owners (saving on average £250 annually In heating), to producing more green energy, to intelligent eco system recovery design. Planting loads of trees, badly the way they have is likely to offset very little carbon. Rewilding our uplands, Greenland and disused quarries would do a heck of alot more. I could go on about this... But I tend to write out big spiels that people scroll through. If you are interested in my bigger picture for this, I will make an additional post.

Being "for" Climate Change is not a good stance.  What you meant is that you accept the science around Climate Change and have a number of policy ideas for addressing the issue.  You need to be careful with your phrasing particularly if you are potentially going to be in a position to influence legislation.

On 5/22/2021 at 1:15 PM, Keiran Hannifin said:

Heritage. It depends what you mean by that. We have a long heritage, if it's talking about big expenses such as horse trams or Peggy whilst we're closing residential homes and opening foodbanks, I believe we should prioritise better. Though, I do believe in heritage.

Whilst I agree that healthcare and social care should be a priority I also believe that the Isle of Man is very unique because of the heritage assets we have.  If you lose the heritage assets then the Isle of Man simply becomes a small island with very few attractions other than the countryside/coast which are far from unique. 

When you say you believe in heritage what exactly do you mean?  What are you proposing?

On 5/22/2021 at 1:15 PM, Keiran Hannifin said:

Tourism, I have spoken about quite extensively, as I want to aim to make the Isle of man a medical tourism hot-spot, whilst increasing focus on turning nobles into a resident training hospital.

What does "medical tourism" mean?  Who do you think would be willing to pay all the associated costs to travel here for what presumably would be an elective treatment? 

On 5/22/2021 at 1:15 PM, Keiran Hannifin said:

Public transport does need encouraging, I actually support the idea of free public transport.

How do you propose to fund this?

On 5/22/2021 at 1:15 PM, Keiran Hannifin said:

Affordable housing is a virtue signalling issue that every candidate in the history of politics has ran on. Affordable housing cant exist if people don't have money to feed themselves. I have a large idea on a fair pay for labour bill(notably more extensive than the labour party's for bridging the poverty divide). Living wage is the main answer to this question, though a more nationalised work force would also help.

Whilst I agree that there are many people paid below the Living Wage and I think your aim is admirable how do you propose to achieve this?  

On 5/22/2021 at 1:15 PM, Keiran Hannifin said:

Education, we need to pay teachers better, I'd like religion out of schools, I'd like our college to offer more oppurtunities then they do, and id like a serious move on medical training. Id like more free education for adults, or the option of claiming more expenses back on completed open University courses. 

Ironic that you make a spelling mistake whilst talking about education.  Again if you are serious about becoming an MHK then you really should pay attention to such details.

As for your suggestion here I am generally in support, however, would you propose to attach a mechanism for the Government to recoup education costs if a person was to leave the Isle of Man following completion of a FE course partially or fully funded by the Government?

On 5/22/2021 at 1:15 PM, Keiran Hannifin said:

Falling birth rate and encouraging university students to come back, would both improve with the rest of the stuff I've suggested happening.

How are you going to do this?  Simply but there are not enough jobs on the Island to attract University students to return.  Where would a student find a graduate training programme on the Island?  There is much more opportunity in the UK with higher paying jobs.  

On 5/22/2021 at 1:15 PM, Keiran Hannifin said:

Fair rate of pay >more local businesses >more local businesses >more competition >more to do in social environment and employment.

I would be interested to see how this would work in an economy based on capitalism.  I don't really following how a fair rate of pay would lead to more local businesses.  Could you explain further?

On 5/22/2021 at 1:15 PM, Keiran Hannifin said:

It says alot about the environment that we are in that people are actively not having families. Fix the habitat and make it suitable to thrive and people will. 

The birth rate has been falling throughout the UK and many western countries.  The way you phrase your comment on this subject sounds like you view people as breeding stock rather than individuals with the ability to make their own decisions. 

I know several people who have chosen not to have children.  The reasons vary but include;

1. No desire to have children (you cannot fix this through habitat);

2. Do not want to contribute to the overall global population that is causing many issues including climate change, habitat destruction and depletion of natural resources. 

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16 hours ago, Keiran Hannifin said:

Exactly my point on page 2. Every single person on this island should have a right to decent representation and to have choice in who they can pick.

Door Knocking starts in June. :)

Looking forward to this!  I actually had a pretty good chat with Bill Shimmins a couple of years ago when he came knocking round Mt Murray. 

None of the other candidates came round that I can recall.  

Incidentally BS also came to a Residents meeting a few months ago regarding land/road ownership issues. 

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6 hours ago, manxman1980 said:

Being "for" Climate Change is not a good stance.  What you meant is that you accept the science around Climate Change and have a number of policy ideas for addressing the issue.  You need to be careful with your phrasing particularly if you are potentially going to be in a position to influence legislation.

Whilst I agree that healthcare and social care should be a priority I also believe that the Isle of Man is very unique because of the heritage assets we have.  If you lose the heritage assets then the Isle of Man simply becomes a small island with very few attractions other than the countryside/coast which are far from unique. 

When you say you believe in heritage what exactly do you mean?  What are you proposing?

What does "medical tourism" mean?  Who do you think would be willing to pay all the associated costs to travel here for what presumably would be an elective treatment? 

How do you propose to fund this?

Whilst I agree that there are many people paid below the Living Wage and I think your aim is admirable how do you propose to achieve this?  

Ironic that you make a spelling mistake whilst talking about education.  Again if you are serious about becoming an MHK then you really should pay attention to such details.

As for your suggestion here I am generally in support, however, would you propose to attach a mechanism for the Government to recoup education costs if a person was to leave the Isle of Man following completion of a FE course partially or fully funded by the Government?

How are you going to do this?  Simply but there are not enough jobs on the Island to attract University students to return.  Where would a student find a graduate training programme on the Island?  There is much more opportunity in the UK with higher paying jobs.  

I would be interested to see how this would work in an economy based on capitalism.  I don't really following how a fair rate of pay would lead to more local businesses.  Could you explain further?

The birth rate has been falling throughout the UK and many western countries.  The way you phrase your comment on this subject sounds like you view people as breeding stock rather than individuals with the ability to make their own decisions. 

I know several people who have chosen not to have children.  The reasons vary but include;

1. No desire to have children (you cannot fix this through habitat);

2. Do not want to contribute to the overall global population that is causing many issues including climate change, habitat destruction and depletion of natural resources. 

Thank you for taking the time to go through it so thoroughly. I'll pay the same respects and give you a blow by blow over the next day or 2.


I will say, in regard to my spelling etc. I'm currently on manx forums, chatting whilst walking dogs or on the bus, between jobs... I'm not currently attempting to write legislation.  People are so hyper focusessed on my spelling in the most informal of settings. 

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41 minutes ago, Keiran Hannifin said:

Thank you for taking the time to go through it so thoroughly. I'll pay the same respects and give you a blow by blow over the next day or 2.


I will say, in regard to my spelling etc. I'm currently on manx forums, chatting whilst walking dogs or on the bus, between jobs... I'm not currently attempting to write legislation.  People are so hyper focusessed on my spelling in the most informal of settings. 

I look forward to it.

Whilst the forums are an informal setting you are standing for election and your postings on here do represent you and will influence how people see you. 

I appreciate that you are jumping on here whilst doing other things so mistakes do happen.

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