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10 hours ago, Stu Peters said:

Nice conflation Declan.

But this goes to the heart of why you are unsuitable for this role. 

You're happy to listen to “the man in the pub” on the Steam Packet pricing (which is only revenue neutral if it increases footfall).

But not experts on global warming. You quote Al Gore’s movie of 15 years ago and ignore the vast amount of additional information that has emerged since. Why would every national government and major corporations be convinced that this is a pressing issue of the need to act if this wasn’t pressing. Do you not think Boris would rather his legacy be building the  Johnson Tunnel to Ireland, than  nagging people about emissions? Or Shell would rather keep dragging. 

Let’s face it 15 years ago you saw a widely discredited film on Channel 4 and rather liked it because if it was true it wouldn’t threaten your lifestyle. You did not want global warming to be man made because then you’d have to adjust your thinking.  You found your own convenient truth and are clinging to it.

This ties in with what happened last year. You found something on YouTube that looked like it support your cozy pre-existing viewpoint and posted it on here. When someone called you on it you became abusive, refused to admit you’d made an error and claimed to be the victim of an ambush.

What happens if you’re health minister and a new pandemic hits? Do we keep the borders open or not administer vaccines because something you’ve seen on YouTube is contradictory? Do we do nothing until every single question you have on Climate Change has been answered? 


Edited by Declan
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9 hours ago, Piggle said:

All the striped shirts from Fowler reminds me of those striped tents people used to put on the beach. Who knows - maybe he’ll make a tent and move to middle for the next General Election since he currently lives in the… “vicinity.” 

Well at least he's consistent in his dress.  Consistently bonkers like with everything else, but consistent.

From memory he lives somewhere on Ballaughton, because I think he and Christian were the only two of the nine Douglas South By-election candidates who lived in that constituency.  So he is fairly close to the boundary.

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