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23 hours ago, Keiran Hannifin said:

My hope would be to stagger it in sections, as the living wage balance should quite quickly eliviate a lot of the budget we use for benefits. And as silly as it is, pensions are considered benefits. My hope would be that tynwald would not decide to redirect these savings, but would put them into the hands of those still on benefits. So... Yes, ultimately it would, but I would imagine there would be alot of deliberation about the best order and way to unroll it, so it would not likely come at once.

Everyone who works/has worked deserves to be paid fairly.


So the answer is effectively, 'no'! Or, 'maybe, but you will be dead before it happens'!

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2 hours ago, doc.fixit said:

So the answer is effectively, 'no'! Or, 'maybe, but you will be dead before it happens'!

Hi, sorry I hadn't seen this. :)

I'm still awaiting to see what comes from the poverty report, I strongly believe that you will see certain ministers already put steps in place to boost benefits before the election comes around. If I have a say in the matter, all benefits including pension would be living wage. Or certainly above what they are. If you have worked to earn your pension, you should be paid accordingly. 

The problem comes with what is considered living wage, as often expenses for employment itself will be configured into that.

From the IOMG's website:

"The Living Wage is distinct from the Minimum Wage, as it is voluntary rate of pay that is calculated with reference to the broader cost of living for different household types. It is intended to represent the minimum level of pay necessary to allow people the basic opportunities and choices necessary for them to participate in society."


If we can't provide the basic opportunity to participate in society, or provide appropriate medical care without a 5 year + waiting list.... The government is not very good and doesn't deserve the power it has.

Everyone who has earned a pension, should be paid fairly.

That being said, people are already accusing me of wanting to do too much, too quick. It's much easier to convince a group of people that the average person, who works the average full time job, should be able to afford an average house then it is to discuss in depth benefits changes on top of it. 50% of people will just hear "free money!"


Our entire benefits/pension schemes need to be shaken up... But I can't discuss every idealistic thought I'd like to do. I struggle to get people to talk in depth about 3 things.

I have huge ideas for climate change reversal, entire financial and data restructures of the island etc etc. But. We need to actually get an ambitious and progressive government before these things even get mentioned. 


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36 minutes ago, Albert Tatlock said:

Sorry to say this Keiran...but I think you're going to do as well as the UK did in the Eurovision song contest.

At least you're sorry to say it 🤷‍♂️

Time will tell, the people will get the government they vote for and therefore choose. I'm offering a different choice. People want to complain that we need different types of politicians and then people want to complain when a person sticks their head up.


I'm trying to better this island, that is my sole reason for doing it. If the people vote against me? That's democracy and good enough for me. If they vote for me? I'll dedicate 7 days a week, 365 days a year, for a solid 5 years trying and anyone who knows me well, knows it to be true. 

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7 minutes ago, Keiran Hannifin said:

If the people vote against me? 


Maybe semantics, but if you don't get votes I don't think it will be down to people voting against you, more not voting for you.

Like, I'm going to vote against Graham Cregeen, as an incumbent, but any new candidates who don't get my vote will be simply cos I didn't vote for them.

Might just be me reading it like that though.

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22 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:


Maybe semantics, but if you don't get votes I don't think it will be down to people voting against you, more not voting for you

That's fair. I'm quite confident I will get a few votes 😛

I have received quite an over whelming amount of support, not necessarily on here! 😅 

And I actively encourage people to vote, against or for me. If the turnout happens, I'm happy. I just want a fair island, where the peoples wants are actually listened to and enacted and the general quality of life improved.

"freedom to flourish" 

I'd love to get in and be able to make a positive contribution to my home... If I don't get in, at least I'll be able to say I have tried to make a difference. 

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Few people will tell you to your face that they won't vote for you. With many it will feel as if they support you but the X is made on the night when nobody is watching and there are many factors playing into it. 

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1 hour ago, wrighty said:

@Keiran Hannifin I’d recommend you stay away from climate change. Nothing we can do here to affect it in any way. Unless you’re going to use your time to lobby the Chinese, USA, India etc. 

Many drips fill a bucket. There is lots that could be done from here, but not that will fix the world. And the ideas I have for it are "too out of the box" for the island, and would require too many departments actually working together. I've got very little interest in disposable electric cars, or the odd fields of trees.... As they are plasters on a chainsaw wound. 

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13 hours ago, Keiran Hannifin said:

Hi, sorry I hadn't seen this. :)

I'm still awaiting to see what comes from the poverty report, I strongly believe that you will see certain ministers already put steps in place to boost benefits before the election comes around. If I have a say in the matter, all benefits including pension would be living wage. Or certainly above what they are. If you have worked to earn your pension, you should be paid accordingly. 

The problem comes with what is considered living wage, as often expenses for employment itself will be configured into that.

From the IOMG's website:

"The Living Wage is distinct from the Minimum Wage, as it is voluntary rate of pay that is calculated with reference to the broader cost of living for different household types. It is intended to represent the minimum level of pay necessary to allow people the basic opportunities and choices necessary for them to participate in society."


If we can't provide the basic opportunity to participate in society, or provide appropriate medical care without a 5 year + waiting list.... The government is not very good and doesn't deserve the power it has.

Everyone who has earned a pension, should be paid fairly.


That being said, people are already accusing me of wanting to do too much, too quick. It's much easier to convince a group of people that the average person, who works the average full time job, should be able to afford an average house then it is to discuss in depth benefits changes on top of it. 50% of people will just hear "free money!"


Our entire benefits/pension schemes need to be shaken up... But I can't discuss every idealistic thought I'd like to do. I struggle to get people to talk in depth about 3 things.

I have huge ideas for climate change reversal, entire financial and data restructures of the island etc etc. But. We need to actually get an ambitious and progressive government before these things even get mentioned. 





Re climate change reversal.

What can the iom do ? Honestly any time and money we spend on that is completely wasted in the grand scheme of things.

Just look at crypto currency.  What are your thought on the environmental impact of that?

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On 5/24/2021 at 9:54 AM, manxman1980 said:

Being "for" Climate Change is not a good stance.  What you meant is that you accept the science around Climate Change and have a number of policy ideas for addressing the issue.  You need to be careful with your phrasing particularly if you are potentially going to be in a position to influence legislation.

Whilst I agree that healthcare and social care should be a priority I also believe that the Isle of Man is very unique because of the heritage assets we have.  If you lose the heritage assets then the Isle of Man simply becomes a small island with very few attractions other than the countryside/coast which are far from unique. 

When you say you believe in heritage what exactly do you mean?  What are you proposing?

What does "medical tourism" mean?  Who do you think would be willing to pay all the associated costs to travel here for what presumably would be an elective treatment? 

How do you propose to fund this?

Whilst I agree that there are many people paid below the Living Wage and I think your aim is admirable how do you propose to achieve this?  

Ironic that you make a spelling mistake whilst talking about education.  Again if you are serious about becoming an MHK then you really should pay attention to such details.

As for your suggestion here I am generally in support, however, would you propose to attach a mechanism for the Government to recoup education costs if a person was to leave the Isle of Man following completion of a FE course partially or fully funded by the Government?

How are you going to do this?  Simply but there are not enough jobs on the Island to attract University students to return.  Where would a student find a graduate training programme on the Island?  There is much more opportunity in the UK with higher paying jobs.  

I would be interested to see how this would work in an economy based on capitalism.  I don't really following how a fair rate of pay would lead to more local businesses.  Could you explain further?

The birth rate has been falling throughout the UK and many western countries.  The way you phrase your comment on this subject sounds like you view people as breeding stock rather than individuals with the ability to make their own decisions. 

I know several people who have chosen not to have children.  The reasons vary but include;

1. No desire to have children (you cannot fix this through habitat);

2. Do not want to contribute to the overall global population that is causing many issues including climate change, habitat destruction and depletion of natural resources. 

*Being "for" Climate Change IS a good stance. I am of the belief (as are many scientists), that simply offsetting emissions is not enough, but we need to reverse some of the damage. I am happy to throw multiple ideas around in regard to this.

*I do believe in Heritage also, we have a long history that should be celebrated, such as giving women the right to vote... I also believe that we could afford to remove certain pieces, like the Peggy for instance, it is not a very good asset, if it is bleeding money. ''North of £5m" as a cost, will likely never be recovered through the tourism it would personally bring in.

*At a time where we have made so much loss on money, it seems to me like a very expensive approach...interestingly, many of the giant elk specimens on display around the UK were found here, perhaps hosting it elsewhere might be cheaper and highlight the Isle of Man to visitors in a foreign land?  Horse trams are another example, though horse trams are not ''Manx'', we were just the last to get rid... Is there specific heritage that you yourself are eager to see preserved? Our elderly are Manx Heritage, and we will be to future generations. I would personally rather we were remembered as people who lifted up our vulnerable, rather than kept a few treasures. Lets not forget this boat was forgotten about for over 100 years. 

*Why should education be any different to A-Levels in this way? Or IOM college? I don't believe that we should pay for all FE, but to do an open university course is insanely expensive and time consuming. Perhaps either a decent slither paid back, after course is completed, or even a benefit to help support those wishing to take on further education. I know that Rob Callister is also a champion of this, as are the Manx Labour Party. As for recouping costs, I am unsure of a mechanism for enforcing this, especially as you can move off the Island without the Government's knowledge. 

* I fully agree, there are not enough opportunities on the island, which is why people leave, youths are destructive and there is a pull to the UK, what are the department of enterprise actually doing? Our economy is based on consumerism, our infrastructure is based on capitalism. If more low paid workers were given the opportunity to thrive, they would. Trying to set up a business on the Isle of Man if you require property, stock and staff is near impossible on £8.25 an hour. I know this to be the case, as I work part time as a cleaner. We are paid £10.50 an hour and multiple members of staff have used the opportunity to set up and buy businesses. I have one, the Manx Blacksmith is one and another member of staff have recently bought a hair salon. I have also spoken to scores of people unable to get on the first rung of the ladder. As well as this, being able to hire multiple members of staff as a new business, and them get paid living wage from the get go, is more likely to boost your business, as well as the economy. If the lowest paid section of the Isle (i believe it is 1 in 6 people on isle, are below living wage) had these chances, you would see more businesses open across many sectors. Our island is built for people to monopolise. See Heron & Brearley, Manx Gas, Manx Telecom etc. etc. This would not only drive innovation and creation, but also competition. Which would lead to more activities and job opportunities for all.

*People are able to make their own decisions, but we are still part of nature. There is a reason that a HUGE percentage of people get the ''body clock'' effect. I, myself have chosen not to have children for a myriad of reasons. But, it's very hard to ignore the correlation between a drop in quality of life and people choosing not to have kids. I do accept that correlation and causation are not necessarily the same thing, but I do believe in this instance, its a heavy contributing factor. There are tons of reasons why. Childcare+rent will wipe out 2 parents entire wages, leading to people not only struggling to feed and clothe said children, but also have the time to raise them and teach them the qualities of what you wish them to have. People seem to work all their life, to pay someone else to raise their families. My wife has been gathering anecdotal data from various mothers in regard to this from ''Ladies Lockdown''


I hope I have not missed anything? Happy to go into more detail on any of those thoughts ^^


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1 minute ago, Keiran Hannifin said:

How basic is your understanding? So I'm not "mansplaining"

And my obsession is with blockchain infrastructure, of which crypto is one part of. 

My interest was purely the correlation between you environmental ideology and the vast amounts of energy consumed by the crypto industry.

To my mind the two things don't sit very well together.

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