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In the ‘debate’ introductions by the candidates, Jane Poole Wilson spouts her Manx credentials. Secondly she waffles how she wants to get involved properly. Admirable! She says she’s seeking a mandate from the electorate. WTF didn’t she resign her Lego seat? She’s virtually said it’s powerless and she can’t influence change from that area. She is very arrogant, she obviously believes she’s going to get in. That’s a true Manx Establishment figure for you. Arrogant, and Self Serving. 

She would have gained kudos and respect if she had the guts to resign her seat beforehand. In the meantime she is still a fully paid member of the Manx Elite, a phone call and walk from Quayle’s Palace. As a constituent, I sought help on a matter, she refused on the grounds that it’s unfair. Pardon me life’s unfair, but she is a taxpayer funded official - unelected as well, gifted the position by patronage! Banana Republic! 

If she fails to be elected I presume she will resign her seat on Lego? I doubt it, the smell of Bisto ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh is very tempting. 

I disagree with Kieran Hannifin immensely and don’t feel that he is a good fit. However, I’ll give him credit for the effort, the work and the financial sacrifice that he has made. I might just give him my second vote after Stu!


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Good post.

It came over to me that JPW likes to spout her Manx credentials as a bit of a dig at Stu. I generally find that if someone has to keep mentioning their Manx birth and manxness, it becomes meaningless and almost self-defeating.

The efforts being made by KF are remarkable and he has come a long way since he announced. In the event he is not successful this time he will have gained huge experience for the future. 

Edited by Barlow
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18 minutes ago, Barlow said:

Good post.

It came over to me that JPW likes to spout her Manx credentials as a bit of a dig at Stu. I generally find that if someone has to keep mentioning their Manx birth and manxness, it becomes meaningless and almost self-defeating.

The efforts being made by KF are remarkable and he has come a long way since he announced. In the event he is not successful this time he will have gained huge experience for the future. 

I really disagree with Kieran, but he’s made an effort, and he would have taken a financial hit, by standing for office. Unlike JPW who is financially comfortable and could afford to resign the Lego seat, but would rather sup on the taxpayers teat. I would really like to think that by the actions of both KLB and JPW, legislation is enacted immediately to force serving MLCs wishing to be elected, to resign their seats. Also legislation should be introduced to force MHKs who wish to go into Lego to resign their seats and take a gamble. If they feel confident of the votes they to coin Robertshaw ‘have nothing to fear’. 

It’s not just JPW manxness that she boasts but her tireless charity credentials and her love of playing on committees. Not good boasting. The good people who do good works, are the quietist, the least attention seeking, and seek no recognition or reward - working or running a small charity without financial recompense.

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41 minutes ago, 2112 said:

In the ‘debate’ introductions by the candidates, Jane Poole Wilson spouts her Manx credentials. Secondly she waffles how she wants to get involved properly. Admirable! She says she’s seeking a mandate from the electorate. WTF didn’t she resign her Lego seat? She’s virtually said it’s powerless and she can’t influence change from that area. She is very arrogant, she obviously believes she’s going to get in. That’s a true Manx Establishment figure for you. Arrogant, and Self Serving. 

She would have gained kudos and respect if she had the guts to resign her seat beforehand. In the meantime she is still a fully paid member of the Manx Elite, a phone call and walk from Quayle’s Palace. As a constituent, I sought help on a matter, she refused on the grounds that it’s unfair. Pardon me life’s unfair, but she is a taxpayer funded official - unelected as well, gifted the position by patronage! Banana Republic! 

If she fails to be elected I presume she will resign her seat on Lego? I doubt it, the smell of Bisto ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh is very tempting. 

I disagree with Kieran Hannifin immensely and don’t feel that he is a good fit. However, I’ll give him credit for the effort, the work and the financial sacrifice that he has made. I might just give him my second vote after Stu!


If you want to vote for a person that many, including myself, view as a racist bigot or would prefer to ignore science and experts that is your prerogative.

As for JPW I hold a different opinion to you. In my opinion she has undertaken the role of the MLC in the way it is meant to be performed. It is the reviewing and revising chamber. It is not to be a quasi MHK getting involved in local constituency issues or being part of Government. There is an argument over whether we should have MLCs but whilst we have I would prefer that they stick to their roles.  If she is elected then you are one of her constituents but until then you merely live in the same constituency just as I do. I have had issues which I have sort help with whilst she has been an MLC but I approached the MHKs and not her as I recognise they have different roles.

Whether an MLC should resign whilst they stand if they don't get elected is a matter of opinion. Possibly there should be some set rules. There are those I would argue they should and others no but that is purely based on who they are. In my view I don't think they should provided they can carry on with their duties whilst campaigning. If JPW does not elected I would like her to stay in place as an MLC as I prefer that the role of an MLC is taken by an individual who does not treat the role as a quasi unelected MHK or a an MHK who sees it a cushy retirement number.

Ensuring MLCs do not take up Government roles is far more important to me than whether an MLC resigns if they seek election as an MHK


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15 hours ago, germann said:

Kieran is such a breath of fresh air in Manx politics. Anyone in Middle who doesn't vote for him is an arse. 

I disagree. As Declan said "There’s only two people in that debate that have even researched and thought about the issues. Hanif-x and Jane Poole-Wilson.". In my view they are therefore the only two worthy of consideration for my vote. Whether I actually vote for either, both or neither will depend on whether their views and opinions broadly accord with mine. If SP had come across as fresh air or appeared to be the only candidate who had done any research etc I would still not vote for as I would not vote for a person I consider who is a bigot with  racist views and who will ignore science, experts etc if he happens to hold a contrary view 

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KF and JPW are poles apart, worlds apart, but if they are able to work together I think they would provide a formidable representation for Middle and as part of (dare I say it..) "Team Tynwald".

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@Lost Login fair point. However, I wonder if Stu Peters made more effort to be informed his opinions might change. 

In the questionnaire in the paper he answers a question about whether he’d take the knee if he was an elite sportsman by saying he wouldn’t kneel to a career criminal like George Floyd. Like that’s what they are kneeling for. 

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22 minutes ago, Declan said:

@Lost Login fair point. However, I wonder if Stu Peters made more effort to be informed his opinions might change. 

In the questionnaire in the paper he answers a question about whether he’d take the knee if he was an elite sportsman by saying he wouldn’t kneel to a career criminal like George Floyd. Like that’s what they are kneeling for. 

I don't think so as I think many of his generation are set in their views and don't necessarily want to understand. Like many others who hold racist and bigoted views they deliberately find something in a matter or misconstrue something so that they can try and argue that their views are not coloured with racism.

It is very clear that taking a knee and stating support for BLM is, in general, not stating support for a political group that goes under that banner but is basically expressing support for the idea that Black Lives also Matter because it is apparent that many consider that there is an element in the population  that view white lives matter more than black lives. Maybe they should rebrand themselves as BLAM so that those who want to argue against the premise can not put forward the argument that other lives also matter to deliberately try water down the message.

It is the same way SP and others argue against the phrase white privilege. They deliberate misconstrue and argue that they or many white people are not privileged.  I am sure that it has been explained to SP on numerous occasions that white does not mean that all white people are in a privileged position and others are not but that, generally, where a white person and a black person are in a similar position the white person will be treated better. 

It is rather like those with racist views starting a sentence "I am not racist but......" SP is bright enough, I think, to understand the issue but as he does not agree with he looks for ways to discredit in a way that he can argue is not down to racism. I am against racists but I would almost have more respect for those that stood up publicly and admitted they are than those who try to find a reason or argue that they are not  

I expect that SP, and many others who hold similar views, in their own minds are not racist as they view that term basically relates to a person who hates another just because of the colour of their skin. In my view the term has moved on and the views that SP expresses now fall within the realms of racism.

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1 hour ago, Declan said:

 However, I wonder if Stu Peters made more effort to be informed his opinions might change. 

But the point is that he doesn't want to be informed.  There have been discussions on MF in the past, when he was presenting the lunchtime phone-in, when people have pointed to ways he might learn more about some topic or other, and he's simply refused to.  He didn't see it it as his job to find out more.  He Had His Opinions and that was enough.

Of course that meant that his opinions were just a ragbag of random misinformation which happened to fit in with his underlying prejudices and personal interests.  Rather than being the hard-headed realist of his imagination, he was actually completely gullible, just repeating whatever nonsense was last put in his head.  If he does get elected the civil service will love him because he will be putty in their hands.

I feel hard in saying this about Stu, because the media and politics, including on the Isle of Man, are full of people like this and he's probably more honest and less pompous than most of them.  But then I don't even think he'll enjoy being an MHK.

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Very true. How I see him being MHK is voting with the government unless one it goes against one of his preconceived opinions. Then expect a load of blather about common sense. He’ll probably make some comments that will cause a Twitter storm and maybe even one that will get attention across and make us look like a load of backwoods reactionaries. But he’s not going to impact policy or influence direction. 

That’s why I don’t think it would be worth voting tactically to keep him out. There’s not the jeapody there is in Douglas East or Peel. So there’s nothing stopping Middlers voting Keirran.  

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1 hour ago, Roger Mexico said:

But the point is that he doesn't want to be informed.  There have been discussions on MF in the past, when he was presenting the lunchtime phone-in, when people have pointed to ways he might learn more about some topic or other, and he's simply refused to.  He didn't see it it as his job to find out more.  He Had His Opinions and that was enough.


Made this same point in a conversation today.  

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