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3 hours ago, P.K. said:

Calling someone ignorant is insulting.

You can't escape the fact that they tried to up the profile of their cause by entrapment.

Unfortunately, as there is no such thing as bad publicity, they were successful in this. I personally support the BLM movement but absolutely do not support the individuals involved because their actions showed they definitely don't deserve it.

Insulting or not if the shoe fits then the shoe fits. He is just one of many people in the world who would rather live in ignorance peddling the same opinionated nonsense than actually engage with and learn about the individuals he speaks out against.

As for BLM. Whilst I do think that some people take things a little to the extreme, I do understand why certain aspects of extremism are necessary when trying to promote change. As much as people like yourself may not agree with the methods it does serve a purpose to get everyone talking about the issue. When fighting against prejudice, misinformation and brutal ignorance sometimes talking is not enough. Sometimes you need to take action, to do something drastic to bring attention to the issue at hand. I don't necessarily agree with all aspects of the actions but I do understand why it is sometimes necessary.

We could use the Insulate Britain movement and there recent antics as a perfect example here.

Whilst I agree with what they are saying and do think the government should fund or at least partially fund insulation across the country. I think what they did was ridiculously reckless, stupid and in one case prevented an elderly lady from receiving medical treatment for a heart attack who, as a result of the delay, ended up dying on route to the hospital. I fully agree if they do something that stupid again then they should receive jail time for their actions as they are seriously endangering the lives of road users.

However...it worked. We all know who they are now. We all know what they want. Whether you agree or disagree you are talking about it and bringing the issue to the forefront of conversation.

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18 hours ago, offshoremanxman said:

If I was the next CM I’d be putting Peters into the DOI and see how long it would take for those disaster causing morons to totally destroy his petrol head reputation (about 3 - 6 months probably). 

I had a similar thought...

If he gets the prom and roads sorted out then that is a result.  If not then at least it will keep him busy and out of the way of more progressive MHKs until the next election. 

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Keenan appears to think he is some sort of local hero here to save the island!

iom news an politics where he is looking for a “public mandate” to stand as MLC

I have little doubt, that if the entire of the Iom had the opportunity to use their 2nd vote out of constituency - as would be democratic, as all 24 mhks will be affecting your healthcare, as will comin, that I would have avalanched in my success.

I may have been 4th. But only 200 votes away from joney, whom is being considered one of the biggest victories (and who also got 200 votes less than stu Peters)

My whole point of running was showing how ludicrous manx politics can be and how much it needs fixing.

If given the MLC role, I would rock it for 18 months (and make a tangeable difference) and then use that experience to mount a VERY strong campaign for your vote next time. 

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14 minutes ago, offshoremanxman said:

Kieran is coming across as some sort of idiot with a messiah complex now. He didn’t get in. But he’s fixated so much on getting in now that he’s now looking at alternative ways in which he can ‘’save’ the IOM. Frankly he’s now starting to look like a narcissistic egotist like all the others who just wants the power at all costs.

One thing puzzling me is if he wishes to be elected as an MLC, upon election he won’t be his own man. He will be a member of the club, he do despises. He won’t be allowed an opinion and if he has any, will have to fit in with others. If he upsets MHKs then he would run the risk in February 2023, of not being re-elected. As an MHK can give with one hand and take with another. Hardly changing things is it? Don’t rock the Gravy Boat. 

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I think someone needs to point out to him that having support in that Facebook group is not a public mandate.  The chance to obtain a public mandate was during the election and unfortunately for him he failed to gain sufficient support.

I am far from convinced in his view that there is support from him throughout the Island and there is no way to currently test that idea.

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27 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

I am far from convinced in his view that there is support from him throughout the Island and there is no way to currently test that idea.

If you had an all-island repechage  vote of all the defeated candidates with the top 6 going through to the grand final, sorry the election of MLC's by MHK's*, then he might make the top 6. He campaigned well on facebook, so will have Island-wide name recognition which someone like Crowther who campaigned locally wouldn't have. The names though would probably be Keeran, Josem, one each from MLP and the Greens and a couple of ousted MHKs unless someone else was to have launched an all-island campaign on Friday morning.  

But, that's not the system. Any new system would need debating and agreeing up front, you can't invent one after the general election. 







* I'm not advocating that process by the way. 

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2 hours ago, offshoremanxman said:

I’ve just read that thread mentioned on Facebook. As part of the election process he’s clearly turned into yet another delusional narcissist who wants the adulation and the status at any cost. It’s not about the public anymore it’s now about him and his political aspirations and nothing else. 

In my opinion he is destroying the goodwill he may have had. He stood for election and he got beaten. He didn’t disgrace himself unlike candidates like Boot. He should have kept quiet, got on with his life. Perhaps stand for public office like Douglas Council (lives in Douglas) or Braddan Commissioners. He would have gained more respect. People shouldn’t be entitled to be elected no matter how popular they think they are or their policies in their manifesto. They have to earn trust, respect and get votes. Kieran sadly didn’t get the votes. Democracy I’m afraid. I don’t like some of the new MHKs but that’s democracy. If they fail - Takeover TV and Facebook will make their lives hell, even more than MF. The electors will vote them out. Paul Quine found to his cost, and he apparently did a lot of good in his brief spell. 

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He seems to have concluded not to stand. 

I think it's more of a case of him asking everyone's opinions before he decides what the best position. That's how he seems to approach matters throughout his campaign - he likes to think things through see all sides make a decision. Not a bad tendency to have. Unfortunately, here he's investigating a proposition that for many is instinctively a non-starter.

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Just now, offshoremanxman said:

He seemed a nice bloke but with 553 votes that makes him about 21st from bottom out of 65 candidates so in the lowest 1/3 rd of all candidates just up from Josem at 508. It’s a bit rich to say that because of that you now fancy a free ride as an MLC on £50K a year for a few years. It does sound like it’s all gone a bit to his head and he doesn’t want to go back to reality as a cleaner, graphic designer and novelty rap act.

Didn’t Barrie Stevens stand for the HOK? Wasn’t he a cleaner? 

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1 minute ago, Declan said:

He seems to have concluded not to stand. 

I think it's more of a case of him asking everyone's opinions before he decides what the best position. That's how he seems to approach matters throughout his campaign - he likes to think things through see all sides make a decision. Not a bad tendency to have. Unfortunately, here he's investigating a proposition that for many is instinctively a non-starter.

You have a point, but the other side of the issue, you could be portrayed as a fence sitter. Unable to make a decision without asking for opinions or a focus group.

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1 minute ago, 2112 said:

You have a point, but the other side of the issue, you could be portrayed as a fence sitter. Unable to make a decision without asking for opinions or a focus group.

There needs to be a point when you need to make a decision. I suggest that's finding out what the options and facts are rather than acting off instinct, that's not the same as delegating the decision to an ad hoc committee on facebook. 


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