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1 hour ago, wrighty said:

I wonder if placards and posters have resulted in a single vote for anyone, ever.  Does anyone who makes the effort to either go to a polling station, or get a postal vote, stare at the ballot paper and say to themselves, "Now, which of these can I remember seeing tied on a lamppost..."

I don't really know why they bother with them.  Because everyone else does, presumably.

I had two posters in my window for candidates. A lot of people stopped to read them

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6 minutes ago, SleepyJoe said:

I had two posters in my window for candidates. A lot of people stopped to read them

Maybe they were just using them as an opportunity to peer in your windows to check out your decor?

A nearby neighbour had a poster in their window. Based solely on my opinion of that neighbour, I automatically ruled their candidate out as worthy of one of my votes.

I quite appreciate that this could work the other way, too.

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5 hours ago, the stinking enigma said:

Could you sum it up please. 4 or 5 lines preferably 4

Let me help you with this.

I'm going to assume here that @Lost Login is not actually able to read Mr Peters' mind even though they post as if they can. Basically they are claiming that Mr Peters is of a time where casual racism and sexism was the norm and that he is unable to, or deliberately does not want to, move forward to have a more liberal outlook that is sympathetic towards issues like racial discrimination.

Unfortunately not only are they out by more than a few generations but they posted it up without realising it is all blatantly agist.

As to the BLM so-called "march" and "taking the knee" at the end apparently it's supposed to be a powerful message directed at all the racists on the island (number unspecified at time of posting) that they need to mend their ways pdq or they're going to end up with a chinese burn or something.

I'll leave you to figure out what impact it had...

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24 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Let me help you with this.

I'm going to assume here that @Lost Login is not actually able to read Mr Peters' mind even though they post as if they can. Basically they are claiming that Mr Peters is of a time where casual racism and sexism was the norm and that he is unable to, or deliberately does not want to, move forward to have a more liberal outlook that is sympathetic towards issues like racial discrimination.

Unfortunately not only are they out by more than a few generations but they posted it up without realising it is all blatantly agist.

As to the BLM so-called "march" and "taking the knee" at the end apparently it's supposed to be a powerful message directed at all the racists on the island (number unspecified at time of posting) that they need to mend their ways pdq or they're going to end up with a chinese burn or something.

I'll leave you to figure out what impact it had...

I cannot read SP's mind and have never claimed to, it is why I am careful to state that it is my opinion based on what I have read etc rather that it being a statement of fact.  I have read his posts, etc which lead me to conclude that in my opinion SP has casual racist and sexist views and opinions. I had presumed that, like most people, he was a product of his environment.  Based on what you say I presume you know SP well and I am prepared to accept you at your word that his casual racist and sexist views and opinions are not as a result of his background but rather after careful consideration on his part.

As for what impact BLM has had on the Island, well obviously little on the likes of you and SP, hence the need to continually reinforce the message

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12 minutes ago, Lost Login said:

I cannot read SP's mind and have never claimed to, it is why I am careful to state that it is my opinion based on what I have read etc rather that it being a statement of fact.  I have read his posts, etc which lead me to conclude that in my opinion SP has casual racist and sexist views and opinions. I had presumed that, like most people, he was a product of his environment.  Based on what you say I presume you know SP well and I am prepared to accept you at your word that his casual racist and sexist views and opinions are not as a result of his background but rather after careful consideration on his part.

As for what impact BLM has had on the Island, well obviously little on the likes of you and SP, hence the need to continually reinforce the message

Dear me "after careful consideration on his part" indeed. What a load of nonsense. Plus I would appreciate less agism on your part. It's disrespectful. Thanks.

As it's irrelevant to non-racists like us what impact has the BLM movement had on racism in the island? In your carefully considered opinion of course...

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6 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Dear me "after careful consideration on his part" indeed. What a load of nonsense. Plus I would appreciate less agism on your part. It's disrespectful. Thanks.

As it's irrelevant to non-racists like us what impact has the BLM movement had on racism in the island? In your carefully considered opinion of course...

Simple question. Do you believe SP is casually racist and sexist?

As for somebody seeking to define themselves as non-racists I am of the opinion that if you have to state that you are not racist then you probably are. Rather like seeing somebody admit they are a poor driver you rarely see anybody put their hand in the air and say they are racist.

As for being ageist I admit I probably am, but without doubt in general the young and old have different views, but it was SP who brought up about when he was raised and what he was brought up to believe.


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22 minutes ago, Lost Login said:

Simple question. Do you believe SP is casually racist and sexist?

As for somebody seeking to define themselves as non-racists I am of the opinion that if you have to state that you are not racist then you probably are. Rather like seeing somebody admit they are a poor driver you rarely see anybody put their hand in the air and say they are racist.

As for being ageist I admit I probably am, but without doubt in general the young and old have different views, but it was SP who brought up about when he was raised and what he was brought up to believe.

I know Mr Peters is not a racist but I understand, unlike a lot of shallow thinkers, exactly where he is coming from. As I have been accused along similar lines.

If you do not agree with some aspects of the BLM movement apparently this can only be because you are either a racist who needs to be dealt with or you don't understand the issues in which case you are ignorant and need educating. No middle ground like "You deliberately tried to kipper someone to up your profile irrespective of the harm it might cause them so now you can apologise" which simply doesn't get a look in.

This mindset is impossible to challenge or reason with and as I'm not a racist I would prefer them to simply stay out of my face and not bother with accusing me of "ignorance" or any of their other nonsense.

Unfortunately I suspect it's a lesson they will never learn...

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40 minutes ago, P.K. said:

I know Mr Peters is not a racist but I understand, unlike a lot of shallow thinkers, exactly where he is coming from. As I have been accused along similar lines.

If you do not agree with some aspects of the BLM movement apparently this can only be because you are either a racist who needs to be dealt with or you don't understand the issues in which case you are ignorant and need educating. No middle ground like "You deliberately tried to kipper someone to up your profile irrespective of the harm it might cause them so now you can apologise" which simply doesn't get a look in.

This mindset is impossible to challenge or reason with and as I'm not a racist I would prefer them to simply stay out of my face and not bother with accusing me of "ignorance" or any of their other nonsense.

Unfortunately I suspect it's a lesson they will never learn...

Blimey I find myself agreeing with PK, apart from the kipper bit whichI don’t understand.

I know I am not a racist and also find a lot of the stuff surrounding BLM to be somewhat questionable 

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1 minute ago, Roxanne said:

Did you just come on here to vent PK? You seem to be very angry about issues that no one is forcing you to support. You must be knackered mate. 

Hardly. Retirement suits. Just turned out an excellent loaf of light wholemeal which is a fave.

With such a narrow mindset the BLM will either stifle any debate on racism or they will exclude themselves from it. Fools.

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18 minutes ago, P.K. said:

I know Mr Peters is not a racist but I understand, unlike a lot of shallow thinkers, exactly where he is coming from. As I have been accused along similar lines.

If you do not agree with some aspects of the BLM movement apparently this can only be because you are either a racist who needs to be dealt with or you don't understand the issues in which case you are ignorant and need educating. No middle ground like "You deliberately tried to kipper someone to up your profile irrespective of the harm it might cause them so now you can apologise" which simply doesn't get a look in.

This mindset is impossible to challenge or reason with and as I'm not a racist I would prefer them to simply stay out of my face and not bother with accusing me of "ignorance" or any of their other nonsense.

Unfortunately I suspect it's a lesson they will never learn...

So can you read Mr Peters mind then.

I disagree with your second paragraph  I think it is perfectly possible to disagree with elements of BLM without being accused of being racist. There are elements I do not agree with but I think that it is also important to distinguish between the BLM social movement which in effect is just a demonstration against prejudice and the BLM Global Network Foundation. If you seek to discredit the social movement by stating that by supporting BLM you are supporting the latter or that you cannot support BLM because has extreme Marxist believes etc then I few you as racist as you appear to be looking to be able to interpret in a way that means so you can try and discredit people who wish to demonstrate against prejudice against black people. If you try and argue that white lives or all lives also matter then again I view you as racist as you are clearly trying to discredit BLM by interpreting it as meaning only black lives matter. If you argue against white prejudice simply because many white people may not be or feel advantaged then again I view you as racist as it is deliberately seeking to discredit the issue by deliberately misrepresenting what white prejudice means. I believe SP has done all of the above.

If somebody is deliberately misrepresenting a matter it can only be because they do not understand fully in which case it would be a good idea to learn a bit more about the matter, or because they do understand but want to deliberately misrepresent to discredit. If you are doing that re BLM, white prejudice etc that comes across to me as being pretty racist.  Suggesting that somebody is doing because they do not understand appears to be being generous as the alternative is you are holding the views because you are racist.

SP's comment that he would not take the knee because BLM supported George Floyd pretty clearly demonstrated to me that he wants to find any slightest pretext to try and BLM. Yes George Floyd might have been a criminal, arrested and appropriately punished but that does not alter the message that he was treated like he was purely because he was black and a white guy in the same situation differently. SP appears not to want to recognise that. I look forward to SP saying he no longer supports the police because Sarah Everard's was a policeman.

If you view racists purely as those who wave bananas as players at football matches to tell people they view as non white British people to go home then SP is not racist. That is not how I define a racist and SP's comment lead me to the view I have of him. You obviously disagree.

People like SP, in my view, know exactly what they are saying and when pulled up play the victim or try and hide behind phrases such as being anti-woke to try and make it seem there views are not what they are rather than stand up and be honest. 



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19 minutes ago, P.K. said:

Hardly. Retirement suits. Just turned out an excellent loaf of light wholemeal which is a fave.

With such a narrow mindset the BLM will either stifle any debate on racism or they will exclude themselves from it. Fools.

There is plenty of good debate to be had re BLM. Deliberately misrepresenting what BLM or White Prejudice are does not enable that debate. 

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