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9 hours ago, forestboy said:

Yes getting dropouts. 
Also missing emails I think. 

Same here. Erratic. Hope it settles down soon or words may happen.!

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Not had a new email since Thursday. I'm trying to recover another account but the forgot password emails aren't getting through. I also have active job applications I'm waiting for responses on. Cannot get through to MT Helpdesk and their webmail maintenance disruption message says until tues 2nd june. As today is tues 1st June, not exactly confidence inspiring!

I've sent myself 6 emails since thurs and none have been received. As a paying customer its disappointing. 

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I think its time to abandon MT email all together. I have had so many issues over the last few months. Multiple incidents of not being able to receive email. I miss their old email service. It may not have looked pretty but there was never this many issues with it. I currently am not receiving any emails at all.

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My emails haven’t come through to phone or iPad since Friday, but I can log onto MT and retrieve them. I called helpline last night (Tuesday) and was told that the ongoing maintenance is causing problems for users, is due to end at midnight tonight (Weds) and everything should be ok after that.  Not holding breath....

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26 minutes ago, Itsmeee said:

My emails haven’t come through to phone or iPad since Friday, but I can log onto MT and retrieve them. I called helpline last night (Tuesday) and was told that the ongoing maintenance is causing problems for users, is due to end at midnight tonight (Weds) and everything should be ok after that.  Not holding breath....

Getting them on phone but NOT on iPad!!

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13 minutes ago, Hillside said:

Apparently the issue may be if you have the Mailplus service. If so change your server settings from mailplusin.manx.net to mail.manx.net and do the same for mailplusout.manx.net.


Still no emails to my mobile and the server setting is for mail.manx.net. 

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It blows my mind that after years of this crap people still use manx.net when gmail is free, works, gives you a calender which can be shared with family and is auto populated from emails, and allows you to login to nearly every website in the world using your email address.

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1 hour ago, trmpton said:

It blows my mind that after years of this crap people still use manx.net when gmail is free, works, gives you a calender which can be shared with family and is auto populated from emails, and allows you to login to nearly every website in the world using your email address.

Getting a gmail isn't just getting an email address. It is marrying yourself into googles complete ecosystem without even being asked if that's what you want to do. From the minute you register your gmail account all manner of features are enabled across the eco system that start recording all kinds of data and pushing various ads and suggestions. I setup a new gmail yesterday and spent a good 20 minutes going through the settings turning off all kinds of option that I didn't want enabled. For the average user who is not that tech savvy it can be pretty daunting and overwhelming. The good thing about Manx.net is that it provides a simplistic basic email service which is what a lot of people want. It is just a shame that it is a sub par email experience with a horrific looking UI that is slow, clunky, seldom ever works properly and relies on a third party to keep the lights on. I really only use my Manx.net email as my alt email for alt accounts that I don't want cluttering up my main email. But, it has provided enough of an issue lately with my alt accounts that I have had no choice but to switch.

Here is a question though. Why is it on the island, whenever we get a "Manx" version of something, that it is always sub par and about 10% of what the rest of the world has?. It's as if somewhere in Peel, Grandad comes out the attic after reading two pages of a "how to code HTML" book and decides that he's going to revolutionise an industry. Literally, every Manx version of something is like the pantomime guy shouting "Oh no he didn't" and us, the crowd, shouting back "Oh f*** he did...".

Want a locally owned Manx technology store on the island?. Welcome to Aldridge Audio...sorry...PC Solutions. We gotchu for your tech needs. Intel Celeron Single Core...not a problem. Fixing a broken DVD drive.....not an issue, we sell all the latest 1x read speeds. We also sell floppy disks.

Need a crypto currency for the Isle of Man. Welcome to Manncoin. The crypto currency with no exchange, no fiat conversion, no mining and most importantly....no use case what so ever. But we will take ALL your personal details for uhm....safe keeping....

What about a locally owned branch of the famous franchise CEX. Sounds good right!. We gotchu for that also. Just....don't mind if we add on about 15 - 25% more in price than CEX on the mainland charges and employ a guy that tries to convince people you aren't able to turn off an iPhone via the physical buttons....when trying to sell it to them that is.

Speaking of franchises. Come down to Sports Direct where we haven't updated our stock in around five years. Barely ever have anything in. And have a manager that clearly doesn't care about attracting new customers or stocking the latest clothing. We STILL have those t shirts on sale that wouldn't sell three years ago and definitely NOT in your size.

Need your iPhone repaired?. Or perhaps you want to buy some second hand technology. Enter...GADGET MAN....the most over priced, rip off store you could ever possibly hope to encounter. Want that 2014 MacBook Air?....sure.....£900 in the window....£400 on Ebay. What about that 2009 unibody MacBook Pro. Thats right, £700 and it could be yours. £200 on Ebay though. We pride ourselves on the 3 Os. Overpriced, Overvalued, Overpaid.

The list goes on 😅

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8 minutes ago, Chie said:

Getting a gmail isn't just getting an email address. It is marrying yourself into googles complete ecosystem without even being asked if that's what you want to do. From the minute you register your gmail account all manner of features are enabled across the eco system that start recording all kinds of data and pushing various ads and suggestions. I setup a new gmail yesterday and spent a good 20 minutes going through the settings turning off all kinds of option that I didn't want enabled. For the average user who is not that tech savvy it can be pretty daunting and overwhelming. The good thing about Manx.net is that it provides a simplistic basic email service which is what a lot of people want. It is just a shame that it is a sub par email experience with a horrific looking UI that is slow, clunky, seldom ever works properly and relies on a third party to keep the lights on. I really only use my Manx.net email as my alt email for alt accounts that I don't want cluttering up my main email. But, it has provided enough of an issue lately with my alt accounts that I have had no choice but to switch.

Here is a question though. Why is it on the island, whenever we get a "Manx" version of something, that it is always sub par and about 10% of what the rest of the world has?. It's as if somewhere in Peel, Grandad comes out the attic after reading two pages of a "how to code HTML" book and decides that he's going to revolutionise an industry. Literally, every Manx version of something is like the pantomime guy shouting "Oh no he didn't" and us, the crowd, shouting back "Oh f*** he did...".

Want a locally owned Manx technology store on the island?. Welcome to Aldridge Audio...sorry...PC Solutions. We gotchu for your tech needs. Intel Celeron Single Core...not a problem. Fixing a broken DVD drive.....not an issue, we sell all the latest 1x read speeds. We also sell floppy disks.

Need a crypto currency for the Isle of Man. Welcome to Manncoin. The crypto currency with no exchange, no fiat conversion, no mining and most importantly....no use case what so ever. But we will take ALL your personal details for uhm....safe keeping....

What about a locally owned branch of the famous franchise CEX. Sounds good right!. We gotchu for that also. Just....don't mind if we add on about 15 - 25% more in price than CEX on the mainland charges and employ a guy that tries to convince people you aren't able to turn off an iPhone via the physical buttons....when trying to sell it to them that is.

Speaking of franchises. Come down to Sports Direct where we haven't updated our stock in around five years. Barely ever have anything in. And have a manager that clearly doesn't care about attracting new customers or stocking the latest clothing. We STILL have those t shirts on sale that wouldn't sell three years ago and definitely NOT in your size.

Need your iPhone repaired?. Or perhaps you want to buy some second hand technology. Enter...GADGET MAN....the most over priced, rip off store you could ever possibly hope to encounter. Want that 2014 MacBook Air?....sure.....£900 in the window....£400 on Ebay. What about that 2009 unibody MacBook Pro. Thats right, £700 and it could be yours. £200 on Ebay though. We pride ourselves on the 3 Os. Overpriced, Overvalued, Overpaid.

The list goes on 😅

Gmail is ace.  If you want to be all tin hat about it that's your lookout.

Everything else in your post applies to anywhere with our population.  Why would an isp supply email for free for people these days and why on earth would anywhere have its own crypto currency.

Boost the population to 120 to 130k and some of your "issues " go away.  Until then it is just part of living somewhere with a small market.

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Mamx.net mail comes with a MT telephone line. You need one to get manx.net mail, ergo it's part of the package you pay for.

On the bright side, ok again today and (looks like) all missing emails from last few days delivered 👍

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