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NHS app data for Manx residents


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1 hour ago, manx-person said:

Only if you have it, it's optional - say you don't have it.  If you are having difficulty and need some assistance please direct message me and I will arrange for someone from Manx Care to call you to assist you - they will also be able to provide reassurance over the concerns that you have raised here.

Patronising git.

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3 minutes ago, manx-person said:

I think that John has concluded somehow that it is.

There is alot of incorrect and uninformed comment on here.

I’ve no idea who’s fault it is. I’m not blaming you. But it’s typical half arsed IOMG response.

Youve offered up some explanations, you say others are incorrect and uninformed, so you’re clearly partly in the loop, somewhere, but no one, not you or anyone else, will actually explain in lay terms why the Pass isn’t available and generated on the App, or when it will be, or why there has been this long delay when the need was recognised way back in March.. 

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8 minutes ago, John Wright said:

I’ve no idea who’s fault it is. I’m not blaming you. But it’s typical half arsed IOMG response.

Youve offered up some explanations, you say others are incorrect and uninformed, so you’re clearly partly in the loop, somewhere, but no one, not you or anyone else, will actually explain in lay terms why the Pass isn’t available and generated on the App, or when it will be, or why there has been this long delay when the need was recognised way back in March.. 

All of the information I have referred to us in the public domain.

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1 minute ago, manx-person said:

Not at all - I could refer you to someone who could provide you with assurance about use at festivals for example.

Let me know if you would like that reassurance.

It's optional of course.

How can anyone possibly reassure Declan that the situation he thinks might happen of a kid on the gate allowing a form of vaccination certification that they haven’t seen before or been told they can accept won’t be an issue?

They can’t.  This non standard approach is dependant on people all over the world accepting something non standard.  There will undoubtedly be situations where places don’t accept them or at the very least entry is delayed and more faff than it should be.

Offering reassurances over something none of us have any control over is the most IOMG thing ever.

If I still get pulled to one side entering certain countries because the immigration staff have never heard of the IoM then Declan’s fears are well founded.

Sweepstake on the first news report or social media post about these not being accepted somewhere? I will have Wednesday.

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Just now, Ramseyboi said:

How can anyone possibly reassure Declan that the situation he thinks might happen of a kid on the gate allowing a form of vaccination certification that they haven’t seen before or been told they can accept won’t be an issue?

They can’t.  This non standard approach is dependant on people all over the world accepting something non standard.  There will undoubtedly be situations where places don’t accept them or at the very least entry is delayed and more faff than it should be.

Offering reassurances over something none of us have any control over is the most IOMG thing ever.

If I still get pulled to one side entering certain countries because the immigration staff have never heard of the IoM then Declan’s fears are well founded.

Sweepstake on the first news report or social media post about these not being accepted somewhere? I will have Wednesday.

Why do you say they won't have seen the vaccination certificate before ? Have you downloaded yours and looked it it - you do know that the QR code is verified using a PKI infrastructure ?

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3 minutes ago, Ramseyboi said:

How is the code linked to me when I attend a festival?  What is to stop me emailing my code to my unvaccinated brother and him adding it to the wallet on his phone? Or him taking a picture of mine and importing it to his sole wallet?

Because there’s other biometric data in there, name, age, gender.

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2 minutes ago, John Wright said:

Because there’s other biometric data in there, name, age, gender.

How does that stop my brother using it.  He is only a year younger than me, I will just lend him one of my credit cards in case they want to cross reference it to my name.

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There is alot of incorrect and uninformed comment on here.

It's a public forum, there is bound to be details that are inaccurate or perhaps not 100% accurate but I'd be wary of anyone lazily assuming we are all numpties who know next to nothing.


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20 minutes ago, snowman said:

you should have your passport removed if you cant figure out how to register & login to the nhs website

That’s not the point I’m making. And, whilst I can’t speak for Declan, I don’t read it as being his point either.

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