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Local Authority Elections


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17 hours ago, angelo said:

Heard in the Ginger that the departing (in a hurry?) Archdeacon has sent an Irish missionary into the Jurby estates to set them right. Dunno if he lives there.


And for the Archdeacon:

Edited by Andy Onchan
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9 hours ago, Andy Onchan said:

But Jurby gets the Irish Missionary to bring civilisation to the estates. Good luck knocking on sone of those doors fella.

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On 7/27/2021 at 9:10 PM, Apple said:

Btw I hear the guy at Jurby Church has done a bunk.


Does he do just single beds as well?

Dunno. He was never there much. He was supposed to take a mission down the estates. Did faith healing and stuff.

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  • 3 months later...

This was completely inevitable, I suppose, but Ramsey having failed to rustle up more than 9 candidates for 12 seats on the Commissioners back in July, they've now managed to get 11 for the resultant 3 by-elections.  Also, not having had a single female candidate before, there are now 6 of the 11 who are.  Famine to flood.  Surprised it took so long for the by-elections, but I suppose they had to wait till after the General Election, to see if any of the Commissioners standing were elected (causing even more vacancies).

Technically things were even worse in Ballaugh as there were only two candidates for five places, not enough for a quorum.  Baker had to appoint one of the old Board pro tem so as they could legally do anything.  Can't find any details about by-elections though.

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32 minutes ago, CallMeCurious said:


See Dan didn't put down his address at the glen.

Looks fairly glen-y to me:


and seems to match other pictures.

According to Gef's list one candidate (Robyn Spenser) seems to have withdrawn (or been disqualified).


Edited by Roger Mexico
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  • 3 weeks later...
4 hours ago, Boris Johnson said:

WTF For?

Show me your papers?  

From what I have seen it is abused by one man band builder types but how do you police that exactly?

"It came from my garden" is very hard to disprove 

Every inch of the eastern site is covered by CCTV. I turned up with a mixed load on a flatbed yer man watched me while I separated it into the appropriate skips, I had to go around twice because of the way the shite was loaded. And half of it actually came from my garden. Yer man was polite and helpful, doing his job, so some surveillance goes on. Should something be carelessly dumped, rewind the vid, take the reg and issue a fine via post. 

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