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Idiots (not) At Work...


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Now, am I the only one here who thinks that any BA employee currently taking part in the (illegal) strike action at Heathrow should face disciplinary procedures?


Regardless of the fact if the mentioned catering company was right or wrong to fire more than 500 of their workers, I am truly appaled by the fact that more than 70.000 people are currently stranded in London, because some baggage handlers and other BA ground staff decided to go on strike.


Do these people not realize that they are actually putting their own jobs on the line by taking part in this, instead of taking the appropriate action and informing their respective unions about it and encouraging them to do something about it?


Countless hard working families are being deprived of their well earned holidays, for which they paid with hard earned cash and were looking forward to all year - and now they're going to spend their time at Heathrow instead of Spain..


BA's share price has already dropped as a result and the damage caused by this is going to cost the company millions of pounds - all because some people think they have to "sympathise" with more or less fellow employees, instead of sticking to the rules and taking more appropriate action.


It once more proves to me that employees these days tend to know all about their rights but nothing about their responsibilities...

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Would have to agree, I'm hugely anti-strike action in all forms.


It totally destroys any sympathy from outsiders too.


Sack anyone who strikes for any reason I say.


I think striking can be very useful and can help protect the individual emploee from being exploited. That said I'm not really for this kind of sudden and illegal strike action, any strike should be legal and forewarned to allow a compromise to be found prior to disruption being caused.


What I've been hearing from The JV show on Radio 2 they are actually all members of the same union - the caterers, baggage handlers, etc - so this is an unofficial union strike not seperate unions striking in sympathy. There was also mention of some health and safety concerns that the ground staff were expressing regarding the lack of food on long haul flight. To be honest that sounds more like a cover than anything serious - surely planes wouldn't fly if such health and safety concerns existed?

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I'm really 'gutted' for those families that can't jet off to sunnier climes.


Would be nice for the workers to be able to do the same....but the minimum wage or just above, lends little towards being able to save when you live in or around London.


Oh and those poor share holders.

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I'm really 'gutted' for those families that can't jet off to sunnier climes.


Would be nice for the workers to be able to do the same....but the minimum wage or just above, lends little towards being able to save when you live in or around London.


Oh and those poor share holders.


That's a bit harsh. How do you know those families haven't been saving all year round for their one holiday in the sun? There are also other concerns, not every flight is for a holiday. There was a gentleman on the radio this morning who was trying to get to Australia to visit his dying mother but couldn't due to these cancellations. Are you 'gutted' for him?


If living in or around London is such a major hardship then they should move away and as this isn't a dispute about pay what exactly does the minimum wage have to do with it? The actions of the management of the catering company in their handling of this issue were out of order. Firing people via mega phone is never a clever thing if you want workers on your side but it doesn't justify the - illegal - disruption to so many other people's lives.


As for you comment about the shareholders. Not every shareholder is a super rich playboy who invests for treats. I know of alot of people who have had to buy shares as an investment for their pensions due to the collapse of their original pension scheme. Yes investing in the stockmarket this way is risky but is it fair that their futures should be on the line due to the knee-jerk reactionary and illegal actions of these workers?

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I'm really 'gutted' for those families that can't jet off to sunnier climes.


Would be nice for the workers to be able to do the same....but the minimum wage or just above, lends little towards being able to save when you live in or around London.


Oh and those poor share holders.


That's a bit harsh. How do you know those families haven't been saving all year round for their one holiday in the sun? There are also other concerns, not every flight is for a holiday. There was a gentleman on the radio this morning who was trying to get to Australia to visit his dying mother but couldn't due to these cancellations. Are you 'gutted' for him?


If living in or around London is such a major hardship then they should move away and as this isn't a dispute about pay what exactly does the minimum wage have to do with it? The actions of the management of the catering company in their handling of this issue were out of order. Firing people via mega phone is never a clever thing if you want workers on your side but it doesn't justify the - illegal - disruption to so many other people's lives.


As for you comment about the shareholders. Not every shareholder is a super rich playboy who invests for treats. I know of alot of people who have had to buy shares as an investment for their pensions due to the collapse of their original pension scheme. Yes investing in the stockmarket this way is risky but is it fair that their futures should be on the line due to the knee-jerk reactionary and illegal actions of these workers?


Of course you are right in a lot of what you say, but personally i think BA are now reaping what they have sowed.


In order to try and compete with the budget airlines, they have maintained high fare prices and made cuts in other areas.


On my many flights to the IOM, BA have charged my company up to £250 return, Euromanx did it for £53.


Its not right to just walk out, as they have done, but the support from other departments eg. baggage handling/retail says to me they must have a fairly valid point.


I don't think its fair of you to say that people who are on the minimum wage should move away, if they don't like it....would you?


As for those investing in shares to prop up thier pensions, well at least they have a pension to come.


Frankly anyone leaving thier money in BA shares needs a little advice to invest in a more profitable company.


I would hate to go back to the days of the 70's, but employers need to realise that without good relations and conditions for the staff in more menial positions, if they bite back whether rightly or wrongly, the effects can be devestating.


This is the 3rd year running there has been a dispute, they have to get thier house in order.

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THIS might help you!


Doorley said three people were killed during his club's competition, "which is a remarkable safety record considering that we had more than a dozen people competing. You'd think it would be a lot higher -- I mean, we're talking about people jumping out of airplanes without parachutes.


"Most of the fatalities happen in the earlier stages of learning the sport."


We'll look forward to you dropping in!



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THIS might help you!


Doorley said three people were killed during his club's competition, "which is a remarkable safety record considering that we had more than a dozen people competing. You'd think it would be a lot higher -- I mean, we're talking about people jumping out of airplanes without parachutes.


"Most of the fatalities happen in the earlier stages of learning the sport."


We'll look forward to you dropping in!




That's what i like about you Stav. always trying to help folk.

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In spite of being politically to the right of Attila the Hun I take the view that there are times when strikes are entirely the right course of action to take.


Looking at the background to this dispute I believe that the union are 100% correct in their actions. The workforce have been treated abominably


It’s not the strikers who in this particular dispute should carry the can it’s the employers. Their actions have been utterly disgusting.

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