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Living Hope -tithe giving and helping others


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Living hope tithing

Interesting video from Living Hope church.

My questions are:

1. Is there anyone who has been witness to, or can provide evidence of the church helping them…..they suggest 30 in their own church and hundreds more outside… Genuine question!

2. Is this theology “prosperity preaching”?


Maybe their context is totally different than the one referred to above.

interested to hear of any “good news” stories, which perhaps equate to the type of income this church appears to receive.

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Got a really bad news story by one of Living Hope and his business dealings . Allegedy !! owing lots of money and not paying his suppliers then starting up under another trading name. Enough reason for me to stay well clear and treat them with disdain. 

Edited by Numbnuts
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2 minutes ago, Numbnuts said:

Got a really bad news story by one of Living Hope and his business dealings . Allegedy !! owing lots of money and not paying his suppliers then starting up under another trading name. Enough reason for me to stay well clear and treat them with disdain. 

So his business dealing are dodgy due to his religious group?

Maybe he's just a dishonest twat. Whether he's involved in LH or not?

Has he specifically utilised the LH to be dishonest?

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No but he contributes to LH financially but cant pay his business commitments. Sorry but in my book that doesnt sit correctly and morally its wrong . And yes he is a dishonest twat and a real operator with no morals . 

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38 minutes ago, Numbnuts said:

No but he contributes to LH financially but cant pay his business commitments. Sorry but in my book that doesnt sit correctly and morally its wrong . And yes he is a dishonest twat and a real operator with no morals . 

Maybe he doesn't contribute to them and is dishonest there too? How do you know he contributes to them? 

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3 hours ago, Heffalump said:

Is there anyone who has been witness to, or can provide evidence of the church helping them…..they suggest 30 in their own church and hundreds more outside

Well as 30 is probably the number of their 'leadership group' and their families, that bit may be accurate.  Though it seems more difficult to find out nowadays who the members of that group are - possibly because so many of them have been involved in dodgy financial dealings.  A previous thread has some useful links and information, though as I said, a lot of the information about who works for LHC is now vanished.

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9 hours ago, Numbnuts said:

No but he contributes to LH financially but cant pay his business commitments. Sorry but in my book that doesnt sit correctly and morally its wrong . And yes he is a dishonest twat and a real operator with no morals . 

Well said! How someone can be "Christian" and live by the moral standards of a good Christian in one breath but be a twat every other day of the week is something I have witnessed on many occasion throughout my life. I've also previously worked with 2 of the LH crowd - both had financial morals of alley cats, but still feigned abject horror when they were called out by another member of staff.

If morals were enshrined in law, LH could arguably be called an OCG in Line of Duty parlance.

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1 hour ago, Manx Bean said:

Well said! How someone can be "Christian" and live by the moral standards of a good Christian in one breath but be a twat every other day of the week is something I have witnessed on many occasion throughout my life. I've also previously worked with

The biggest issue I’ve found with various religious groups is how judgemental they are, for some reason their morals/beliefs gives them the right to look down on and instruct others on how to live their lives.

I suppose it’s a bit like how some dangerously park outside the church, but are then the first to criticise bad driving/bad parking once they’ve left church, do as I say, not do as I do.

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10 minutes ago, Annoymouse said:

The biggest issue I’ve found with various religious groups is how judgemental they are, for some reason their morals/beliefs gives them the right to look down on and instruct others on how to live their lives.

I suppose it’s a bit like how some dangerously park outside the church, but are then the first to criticise bad driving/bad parking once they’ve left church, do as I say, not do as I do.

Hypocrisy is a necessary trait in the religious fundamentalists as everything is excused as being in the service of their God. 

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15 minutes ago, Annoymouse said:

The biggest issue I’ve found with various religious groups is how judgemental they are, for some reason their morals/beliefs gives them the right to look down on and instruct others on how to live their lives.

I suppose it’s a bit like how some dangerously park outside the church, but are then the first to criticise bad driving/bad parking once they’ve left church, do as I say, not do as I do.

Does this mean that MF qualifies as a religious group?

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9 minutes ago, Gladys said:

Hypocrisy is a necessary trait in the religious fundamentalists as everything is excused as being in the service of their God. 

I’m not trying to tar them all with the same brush, I have met some decent folk over the years who are quite humble/contented and just so happen to go to church every week without telling the world about it. Unfortunately I find the judgemental types often shout the loudest, there is also a lot of keeping up with the Joneses, which is something else I absolutely detest. Nobody cares how many A levels your Grandson has, nor does anyone care that he is off to Uni, because what they will forget to say is the poor lad didn’t really have a choice, it’s been expected of him as he’s had pressure piled on for years but of course it’s all for his own good.........

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