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Role of El Presidente, Tynpotwald - The Election 2021


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1 hour ago, Omobono said:

Mr Skelly is home and dry now  until the next election for President , 5 years from now, nice job traveling the world CPA presiding officers meetings  and conferences , no doubt he will renew  his relationship with the world Manx society , and if he licks enough boots a Gong will be coming his way as an added bonus ,  for all he has done for us on our behalf !and at our great expense ,

Hopefully with the Island’s commitment to CO2 reductions, he will lead by example and reduce travel and do those meetings by Zoom. 



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2 hours ago, Shake me up Judy said:

Skelly's going to look like a right plonker in the fancy dress; like a character out of Gilbert and Sullivan. At least Rodan had the size and figure to carry it off.

Except to be fair, he didn't really.

He wears a kilt like it was a skirt, and with his hat at a jaunty angle too, he reminded me a wee bit of a pantomime dame.

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1 hour ago, Omobono said:

Mr Skelly is home and dry now  until the next election for President , 5 years from now, nice job traveling the world CPA presiding officers meetings  and conferences , no doubt he will renew  his relationship with the world Manx society , and if he licks enough boots a Gong will be coming his way as an added bonus ,  for all he has done for us on our behalf !and at our great expense ,

It would be good if somebody could list the successes for the Island that he has brought during his terms?

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4 hours ago, Manx Bean said:

Does Skelly still have to secure a seat in the September election to retain his presidency fancy dress outfits? Asking for a friend.

Does Skelly get a vote like the Bishop?  The Bishop getting a vote in constitutional issues is a complete farce and un democratic 

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3 minutes ago, buncha wankas said:

FFS. So 2 unelected get votes to influence the elected, on top of the MLC unelected.  
I think a new thread is needed.  That is beyond a farce 

how many not elected votes are there all together 


I was surprised by the number of MLCs when looking at the voting yesterday.

First it looked as if all MLCs had voted JW, then I found one, two, three additional had voted for LS.

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13 minutes ago, 747-400 said:

I was surprised by the number of MLCs when looking at the voting yesterday.

First it looked as if all MLCs had voted JW, then I found one, two, three additional had voted for LS.

[Points to another thread]:

LegCo also get to vote and they currently tend to ignore the CoMin line.  Greenhill is the only reliable CoMin vote plus possibly Henderson (who can be a bit maverick) and the Bishop.

What did surprise me was how few backbench MHKs voted for Watterson (and that Cregeen and Ashford did).  Whether this is because they can't stand him or whether they think he should stop pissing about in wigs and get a proper job in government, I don't know.

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10 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

[Points to another thread]:

Greenhill is the only reliable CoMin vote plus possibly Henderson (who can be a bit maverick) and the Bishop.


They know which side their bread is buttered for sure.

And newbie MHKs know just what to do should they fancy a hefty payrise, a seat at the top table and 'Hon' in front of their name.


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34 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

[Points to another thread]:

LegCo also get to vote and they currently tend to ignore the CoMin line.  Greenhill is the only reliable CoMin vote plus possibly Henderson (who can be a bit maverick) and the Bishop.

What did surprise me was how few backbench MHKs voted for Watterson (and that Cregeen and Ashford did).  Whether this is because they can't stand him or whether they think he should stop pissing about in wigs and get a proper job in government, I don't know.

Interestingly it was one of those two CoMin members that was slating Skelly off on my doorstep the other day.

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1 hour ago, buncha wankas said:

FFS. So 2 unelected get votes to influence the elected, on top of the MLC unelected.  
I think a new thread is needed.  That is beyond a farce 

how many not elected votes are there all together 


Time to take the vote away from the Bish & make MLCs obtain a public electoral mandate

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Laughable piece on the Nations Propaganda Mouthpiece Manx Radio, with the new El Presidente Skelly proclaiming that Tynpotwald is the Nations most valuable asset. I don’t know what planet he is on, or whether he is taking the piss, arselicking his backers, or he genuinely believes in this. 

Quite frankly there are other valuable assets that the IOM has, and I would say that it’s political institutions are way down the list. Still whatever turns you on ………..

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Yes, I saw that. Bit of a faux pas.

Surely the people are the islands best asset. 

Tynwald as a building is looking well jaded from the Prospect Hill  entrance and the chamber reminds me now of a smoke stained union negotiating back room from the '70s.. Cold in winter, poor acoustics, poor public parking, not even televised in this day and age. Needs at least £5 million to freshen up and improve access. 

Noticed there were no prayers in Manx last sitting. 

As for the processes and procedures in Tynwald - radical overhaul needed. The days of watching those older and richer business and land owners speak and for the plebs to hang on their every word are over. This Tynwald was tired, not just on Covid, but with little scope for imagination / new thinking.

Needs reinvigorating, a sense of new pride, more accessible to and engagement with the public. 

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