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Role of El Presidente, Tynpotwald - The Election 2021


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Is skelly getting paid, what, in the region of £70k for this role? 

God forbid he makes any decisions that go against the Commander in Chief. I can foresee it already. 

Howard Quayle : "I just can't believe it, we give this man in the region of £70k p.a and he will still so ludicrously go against me, I'm not speaking to him anymore!"  

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What really irks me about this role and especially the "getup" is that under normal circumstances people that wear wigs and clobber like that have done their time at Uni, further study then years and years in the courts. You know they are clever people.

Not like this when anyone can be elected if they have the right friends, there is no proper adjudication of the appointee and no guarantee of intelligence.

Its a lot like Colonel Gaddafi and his uniform, it looses its worth when there is nothing behind it.

Edited by Boris Johnson
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7 hours ago, NoTailT said:

Integrity?? This man has none.


My aim is simple - uphold and promote the trough of Tynwald. I have the full support of all the members in this noble challenge.

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7 hours ago, NoTailT said:

Integrity?? This man has none.


Question - Does El Presidente Skelly wear this garb every Tynpotwald sitting. Is it a new outfit, and does it need to be altered to fit? I wondered if it’s been cleaned - perhaps Mr Deputy Speaker Watterson takes to the launderette on Bucks Road?

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3 hours ago, Boris Johnson said:

What really irks me about this role and especially the "getup" is that under normal circumstances people that wear wigs and clobber like that have done their time at Uni, further study then years and years in the courts. You know they are clever people.

Not like this when anyone can be elected if they have the right friends, there is no proper adjudication of the appointee and no guarantee of intelligence.

Its a lot like Colonel Gaddafi and his uniform, it looses its worth when there is nothing behind it.

I think you're being really unfair. This guy has years of international trade experience, dealing in numerous items from what I imagine are many sources. You don't get to that sort of pinnacle in commerce without a gaining vast amounts of knowledge that is suitable for the highest courts of the land. We should be grateful that we have his calibre of experience.


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9 hours ago, NoTailT said:

Integrity?? This man has none.


What an absolutely tasteless, awful mess that robe is. Who the hell designed that - ‘Primark Parliament’?

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4 hours ago, Boris Johnson said:

What really irks me about this role and especially the "getup" is that under normal circumstances people that wear wigs and clobber like that have done their time at Uni, further study then years and years in the courts. You know they are clever people.

I hate to break this to you but you don’t have to have gone to Uni and further study to be a clever person.

You seem to be overly impressed with wigs and clobber like that.

Im not saying he is or isn’t clever btw

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Did he really? He was of course the first P of T and I guess he probably signed it off even if not actually responsible for it. He should have stuck to sheep farming. It’s gross.

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