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Covid Deniers and Anti Vaxxers

John Wright

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10 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

It remains a possible scenario. It has happened before, the last person to die from smallpox was because of a lab leak in Birmingham.

The most likely scenario continues to be it that it jumped from animals. Like history shows us in the case of HCov-OC43. And that it will happen again.

From memory, the point of the documentary was that the virus had been isolated and kept in the lab which facilitated the jump to humans.  I can't quite remember how, but the conclusion was that if it had not been isolated and kept, it would not have jumped to humans.  I think the object of the research was to synthesise potential viral infectors and this one got out  

The conclusion was that there should be a worldwide ethical agreement not to isolate viruses that currently do not infect humans. 

I will have to watch it again as it was far from conspiracy theory, but gave a cogent explanation. 

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On 9/2/2021 at 4:52 PM, Scipio said:

you can get Covid even with however many "vaccines" you might have.

Yes. The "Delta Variant" death rate among "vaccinated" is over 5 Times HIGHER than among the un-"vaccinated" in England.

As a Finland Parliament Member warned recently, governments are violating the Nuremberg Code and committing genocide.

CV-19 "vaccination" in France has been judicially blocked since 26 August. https://www.profession-gendarme.com/la-vaccination-est-bloquee-par-voie-judiciaire-depuis-le-26-août-dernier/ [DeepL is good for translation]

Justice is inevitable. We can expect politicians, pseudo-scientists and others responsible for these crimes against humanity to be hanged.

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4 minutes ago, Ann said:

1. Yes. The "Delta Variant" death rate among "vaccinated" is over 5 Times HIGHER than among the un-"vaccinated" in England.

2. As a Finland Parliament Member warned recently, governments are violating the Nuremberg Code and committing genocide.

3. CV-19 "vaccination" in France has been judicially blocked since 26 August. https://www.profession-gendarme.com/la-vaccination-est-bloquee-par-voie-judiciaire-depuis-le-26-août-dernier/ [DeepL is good for translation]

4. Justice is inevitable. We can expect politicians, pseudo-scientists and others responsible for these crimes against humanity to be hanged.

1. Given that nearly 90% of the adult population is vaccinated, and many of the vaccinated are elderly or clinically vulnerable you’d expect it to be higher. The fact it’s only 5 times higher ( if that were true - it isn’t ) actually demonstrates efficacy and benefit.

2. anyone can shout Nuremberg from the roof tops, you, Heading, a Finnish MP. To answer the point, governments aren’t violating the Nuremberg, they aren’t committing genocide. If you can’t identify the difference between Nazi atrocities and an attempt to fight a global pandemic it says more about you.

3. That’s fiction. Vaccination and the pass system is moving forward apace in France.

4. No.

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41 minutes ago, TheTeapot said:

The most likely scenario continues to be it that it jumped from animals. Like history shows us in the case of HCov-OC43. And that it will happen again.

Or even more relevantly SARS-1 which is the most closely-related virus) which similarly spread from bats, probably via another mammal.  Everyone seems to be trying to forget about SARS-1, possibly because it suggests a strategy of eradication could have worked if governments worldwide had moved fast enough.

The arguments against a lab escape theory seem to me to be two-fold.  One is that the geneticists don't think it looks like an artificially modified one and the second is likelihood.  There would be a very limited number of chances for a lab escape, whereas potential for cross-over from wild animals are happening all the time.  It's not impossible but it seems a lot less plausible without a lot of proof. 

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1 hour ago, Ann said:

Yes. The "Delta Variant" death rate among "vaccinated" is over 5 Times HIGHER than among the un-"vaccinated" in England.

As a Finland Parliament Member warned recently, governments are violating the Nuremberg Code and committing genocide.

CV-19 "vaccination" in France has been judicially blocked since 26 August. https://www.profession-gendarme.com/la-vaccination-est-bloquee-par-voie-judiciaire-depuis-le-26-août-dernier/ [DeepL is good for translation]

Justice is inevitable. We can expect politicians, pseudo-scientists and others responsible for these crimes against humanity to be hanged.

Good job you don’t live in Italy as possibly going to be compulsory!!!


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2 hours ago, Gladys said:

There was a documentary on 4, I think, a couple of weeks ago looking at the possibility of an unintended release from the virus lab in Wuhan.  It looked like a feasible explanation and a couple of days later the WHO report issued its findings, inconclusive. 

That's not the first time, according the Times it also happened during the first SARS outbreak in 2003.

Over the last couple of weekends or so The Sunday Times ran stories about how WHO was subject to intense lobbying in 2017 by China, in particular how they literally sponsored (bought) and plotted to take control of WHO via their man, Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus. The man is easily influenced according to the Times (I'd say bent). All of this latest cozying up to WHO was in direct response to China's failure to come clean in 2003 and admit that the virus had somehow found it's way out into the public domain from a science setting.


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6 hours ago, ricardo said:


My apologies - a more accurate statement would be that in our World of bias and disinformation, with huge vested interests at work, being discredited does not automatically mean one’s claims are baseless. Just as being ‘fact-checked’ by Facebook-funded 'checkers' does not make them true.

Ivermectin is supposedly ‘discredited’ but below is a peer-reviewed study. Ultimately we must use our own powers of discernment, and as Stu Peters says above, common sense:

"Discovered in the late-1970s, the pioneering drug ivermectin, a dihydro derivative of avermectin—originating solely from a single microorganism isolated at the Kitasato Intitute, Tokyo, Japan from Japanese soil—has had an immeasurably beneficial impact in improving the lives and welfare of billions of people throughout the world. Originally introduced as a veterinary drug, it kills a wide range of internal and external parasites in commercial livestock and companion animals. It was quickly discovered to be ideal in combating two of the world’s most devastating and disfiguring diseases which have plagued the world’s poor throughout the tropics for centuries. It is now being used free-of-charge as the sole tool in campaigns to eliminate both diseases globally. It has also been used to successfully overcome several other human diseases and new uses for it are continually being found. This paper looks in depth at the events surrounding ivermectin’s passage from being a huge success in Animal Health into its widespread use in humans, a development which has led many to describe it as a “wonder” drug."






But what does that peer-reviewed article from 2011 have to do with the efficacy of ivermectin as a treatment against Covid?

When you read it, what did the authors have to say about Covid?

(Did you mean to cite something else?)

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2 hours ago, Roger Mexico said:

Or even more relevantly SARS-1 which is the most closely-related virus) which similarly spread from bats, probably via another mammal.  Everyone seems to be trying to forget about SARS-1, possibly because it suggests a strategy of eradication could have worked if governments worldwide had moved fast enough.

The arguments against a lab escape theory seem to me to be two-fold.  One is that the geneticists don't think it looks like an artificially modified one and the second is likelihood.  There would be a very limited number of chances for a lab escape, whereas potential for cross-over from wild animals are happening all the time.  It's not impossible but it seems a lot less plausible without a lot of proof. 

The documentary was "Did Covid Leak from a Lab in China?"

More than apportioning blame, it was as much about introducing ethics to labs investigating viruses.

Worth a watch. 

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14 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

There was a piece in the Guardian a couple of days ago about how hospitals in Oklahoma were being swamped with cases who had overdosed on Ivermectin, especially in rural areas where access to it would be  easier.

That story isn't true. Came from a vanity fair article with a dodgy doctor I think, and it seems no one did their homework before widely re-reporting it.

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2 hours ago, Ann said:

Yes. The "Delta Variant" death rate among "vaccinated" is over 5 Times HIGHER than among the un-"vaccinated" in England.

As a Finland Parliament Member warned recently, governments are violating the Nuremberg Code and committing genocide.

CV-19 "vaccination" in France has been judicially blocked since 26 August. https://www.profession-gendarme.com/la-vaccination-est-bloquee-par-voie-judiciaire-depuis-le-26-août-dernier/ [DeepL is good for translation]

Justice is inevitable. We can expect politicians, pseudo-scientists and others responsible for these crimes against humanity to be hanged.

Here you go again. Quoting silly made up websites. Seems you will believe anything if it supports your view but ignore everything that doesnt.

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14 minutes ago, quilp said:

Proved to be false. 

Not quite - though the 'deluged' bit seems to have been an exaggeration and the doctor himself says his comments were misconstrued and taken out of context.:

As the story ran, it sounded like all of Oklahoma hospitals were filled with people who have overdosed on ivermectin and that’s not the case,” McElyea said. “The cases we are seeing, people who are overdosing on ivermectin, they are taking full strength cattle doses and coming in and that is something that could be avoided.” 

The amended Guardian article quotes one hospital he sometimes works (but which wasn't mentioned in the original article) for as saying that they had had no cases, but another medical provider said they had seen some:

INEGRIS Hospital said in a statement McElyea is an employee of an agency that staffs emergency departments throughout the United States including several emergency departments in rural Oklahoma. 

“What we can confirm is that we have seen a handful of ivermectin patients in our emergency rooms, to include INTEGRIS Grove Hospital. And while our hospitals are not filled with people who have taken ivermectin, such patients are adding to the congestion already caused by COVID-19 and other emergencies,” the hospital group said. 

So the press exaggerated the original story and then claimed there was nothing at in it while the truth was in between.

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