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Covid Deniers and Anti Vaxxers

John Wright

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23 minutes ago, Uhtred said:

Are you aware of the ‘fact’ that strawberries are the only fruit with the seeds on the outside? ‘Only one’…yeah, right. We all know that fruit have the seeds on the inside. Who are they trying to kid? Strawberry seeds are actually nano processors that then circulate in your blood making you shop for M&S food more frequently than you need to. And it’s really expensive. It’s all a conspiracy created by ‘Big Grocery’ to control the international money supply and make us eat chives n’stuff from weird places like Chile and Bedfordshire. I know this to be true as I saw a video about it on YouTube that MI6 and GCHQ tried to take down because the guy from Broadmoor (I think that’s a conspiracy-busting website) who made it, said so. 

Even more mind bending is the botanical fact that a strawberry is not a berry, but a banana is.  Yet Big Grocery send us to the berry aisle to buy them and where do they put bananas? Yep, you guessed it, in the fruit aisle. 

It's all about manipulation, time the sheeple woke up. 

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2 hours ago, Ann said:


The Vaccine Injured Unite

The article includes these links:

C19 Vax Reactions

"We are a large and ever growing group of Americans who were previously healthy and have been seriously injured by the COVID vaccines (Pfizer, Moderna, J&J as well as Astra Zeneca in the clinical trial stage in the United States)."

Vax Longhaulers

"We are suffering, often silently, with confusing, troubling symptoms that the current medical system hasn't addressed. It might look like we're okay, but we are not."

"Our lives, in many cases, have been ruined with terrifying symptoms, leaving many of us with the inability to work. The widespread general denial – even bullying – of those facing symptoms is making matters worse."

I clicked on one of the links.

I can only say that it's full of lies.

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Lawyer Thomas Renz: "Waking up ... and telling them to go to hell!"

1. [Quoting an executive order] "He admitted the vaccines don't work.... Why in God's name would I take it and why are they forcing it? It doesn't stop the spread of the virus. Why would you take it?"

2. "If the only reason you're taking it is because you think it's going to reduce your symptoms, okay, YOU take it, WHY DO I NEED TO? If it's not going to stop the spread, why do I need to take it?"

3. "The mask stuff is so easy to disprove. The science backs up that they don't work and that they are actually harmful.... The idea that these masks are going to take care of it [the virus] is the stupidest thing I've ever heard.... It's an outright lie.... Masks are there to punish people and to condition people to listen to what the government says, period."

4. "These people are crooks. They belong in jail. And that's the nicest thing I can say. And we are going to send them there if we have our way about it.... They lie when their mouth is open."

5. "We the people have to take our freedom back or it's going to be gone. This is the line in the sand."

6. "You don't have to be special to fight. What they fear is we the people. They fear the people waking up, growing a backbone, and telling them to go to hell! And that's what we need to do."

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7 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

Local facebook group of critical thinkers if you haven't seen it.

You might be surprised to learn how widespread factual knowledge of this subject is in IOM.

You learn about this high level of awareness through chatting with people in 'real life'. This includes medical professionals and police officers who know the facts about pan-vax that politicians and mainstream media tried to hide.

As these individuals value truth and the welfare of our people, they do not rely on politicians and their mouthpieces for education. They seek the facts from trusted experts.

Associated with this awakening across all levels of our society is a big shift in public mood.

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7 minutes ago, Ann said:

You might be surprised to learn how widespread factual knowledge of this subject is in IOM.

You learn about this high level of awareness through chatting with people in 'real life'. This includes medical professionals and police officers who know the facts about pan-vax that politicians and mainstream media tried to hide.

As these individuals value truth and the welfare of our people, they do not rely on politicians and their mouthpieces for education. They seek the facts from trusted experts.

Associated with this awakening across all levels of our society is a big shift in public mood.

'Trusted experts'. Like Yeadon? Get a grip.

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7 minutes ago, Ann said:

You might be surprised to learn how widespread factual knowledge of this subject is in IOM.

You learn about this high level of awareness through chatting with people in 'real life'. This includes medical professionals and police officers who know the facts about pan-vax that politicians and mainstream media tried to hide.

As these individuals value truth and the welfare of our people, they do not rely on politicians and their mouthpieces for education. They seek the facts from trusted experts.

Associated with this awakening across all levels of our society is a big shift in public mood.

Please share your “enlightened” views on 5G and the flat earth

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11 minutes ago, Ann said:

You learn about this high level of awareness through chatting with people in 'real life'. This includes medical professionals and police officers who know the facts about pan-vax that politicians and mainstream media tried to hide.

And when they're saying "Yes, yes, of course" have you not noticed they are very slowly backing away from you, while being careful not to make any sudden movements?

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20 minutes ago, Ann said:

You might be surprised to learn how widespread factual knowledge of this subject is in IOM.

You learn about this high level of awareness through chatting with people in 'real life'. This includes medical professionals and police officers who know the facts about pan-vax that politicians and mainstream media tried to hide.

As these individuals value truth and the welfare of our people, they do not rely on politicians and their mouthpieces for education. They seek the facts from trusted experts.

Associated with this awakening across all levels of our society is a big shift in public mood.

The problem is that the gullible and weak minded may see this “ newspaper” as some sort of legitimate publication and may actually be influenced by it.

Edited by The Voice of Reason
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