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Covid Deniers and Anti Vaxxers

John Wright

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so Ann is advocating a 'trial' for all those who have given a dose of vaccine, does Ann's grifting pals know where all the money's coming from for the new prisons to house all these arm murderers or who's paying for the trials in the first place.

Considering most of them are healthcare professionals  i assume Ann's essential oil treatment will fix that compound ankle fracture when she falls on some ice in the winter, since there won't be any paramedics or A&E staff, theatre staff available as they will all be banged up.

Its when you write scenario's like this down you realise how fucking ridiculous it is, still if Ann's shelling out for ebooks, crappy newsletters and paypal donations I suppose they will be happy.

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18 hours ago, Ann said:

You learn about this high level of awareness through chatting with people in 'real life'. This includes medical professionals and police officers who know the facts about pan-vax that politicians and mainstream media tried to hide.

Fuckin' cops?

Manx cops these days were bullied in school and barely have a hair on their chin with usually around 2 GCSE's, those being English & Maths at C grade. 😄

They have the wool pulled over their eyes and are paid a pittance to do the job. Absolute definition of mugs in this day and age.

And you seem to think they are omniscient beings?

fuck. me.

(By the way I am not witch hunting you and I completely respect your right to post your views regarding vaccines and COVID in general. But you lose a lot of integrity points from me following that statement)


Edited by Hugh G Rection
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1 hour ago, Ann said:

Suggested survey: Ask local people if they know about the Dr. Ryan Cole (pathologist) video on BitChute. Then ask them who they trust -- our government and pro-vax 'doctors' or Dr. Cole.

I asked some local people, but before I could get to 'Who do you trust?' they told me to fuck off.

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2 hours ago, Banker said:
2 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

You can read The Light here https://thelightpaper.co.uk/

These crackpots ....

In my view those behind The Light are not "crackpots" but rather calculating deceivers trying to mislead uninformed people.

Informed readers will know about the age-old deception tactic of mixing truth and lies. Aware people will have noticed a blatant lie on the front page of the linked Issue (no. 12) and dismissed this psyop on the spot.

There are vastly superior sources of information on this subject elsewhere.

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Conversation with Poison Control on Vaccine Ingredients

Iris: My question to you is how are these ingredients categorized? As benign or poison? ....

Poison control: ... they’re all toxic to humans… Used in fertilizers… Pesticides… To stop the heart… To preserve a dead body… They’re registered with us in different categories, but pretty much poisons....

Iris: If I were deliberately to feed or inject my child with these ingredients often, as a schedule, obviously I’d put my daughter in harm’s way… But what would legally happen to me?

Poison control: ... you’d likely be charged with criminal negligence… perhaps with intent to kill… and of course child abuse… Your child would be taken away from you… Do you know of someone who’s doing this to their child? This is criminal…

Iris: An industry… These are the ingredients used in vaccines… With binding agents to make sure the body won’t flush these out… To keep the antibody levels up indefinitely…

Poison control: WHAT?!

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2 minutes ago, Ann said:


Conversation with Poison Control on Vaccine Ingredients

Iris: My question to you is how are these ingredients categorized? As benign or poison? ....

Poison control: ... they’re all toxic to humans… Used in fertilizers… Pesticides… To stop the heart… To preserve a dead body… They’re registered with us in different categories, but pretty much poisons....

Iris: If I were deliberately to feed or inject my child with these ingredients often, as a schedule, obviously I’d put my daughter in harm’s way… But what would legally happen to me?

Poison control: ... you’d likely be charged with criminal negligence… perhaps with intent to kill… and of course child abuse… Your child would be taken away from you… Do you know of someone who’s doing this to their child? This is criminal…

Iris: An industry… These are the ingredients used in vaccines… With binding agents to make sure the body won’t flush these out… To keep the antibody levels up indefinitely…

Poison control: WHAT?!

And yet life expectancy is going up. If vaccines are designed to kill people they're a bit shit at it aren't they?

Also caller clearly has no understanding of why volume is important but that's no surprise. Drinking more than 2 litres of water per hour can kill you, you know.

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5 hours ago, CHERRYSCONE said:

Is that Ann's aim by posting here - trying to get us to click on the links to increase the views then somehow interpret the numbers of views as endorsing whatever nonsense is spouted?  (Haven't clicked on any myself as my double jabs have obviously had whatever mind-numbing effect the cabal behind the great vaccine conspiracy was aiming for .....) 

How are your bowels?

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So am i right in thinking we will have had more double jabbed admissions to hospital during the measured period than a city of a million and a half people? Yet less than 10% of their unvaccinated admissions. I don't really trust these american figures. They tried it with the 99% of deaths were in unvaccinated people thing too. 

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French vaccine expert Prof. Christian Perronne on Covid-19 "vaccines"

Prof. Perronne:

1. The products they call “vaccines” for Covid-19 are not really vaccines.

2. Never before in the history of infectious disease medicine has a state or politicians recommended systematic vaccinations for billions of people on the planet for a disease whose mortality rate is now 0.05%. That’s a very low mortality rate!

3. They’re making everyone afraid that there’s a new so-called “Delta variant” coming from India, but in fact all these variants are less and less virulent.

4. It is in the "vaccinated" population that these variants emerge. In all the countries with massive "vaccinations" we see a recurrence of the epidemic, with new cases of death.

5. Over 90% of cases are in very old people. And we can treat them. There are hundreds of publications showing that early treatments work: there’s hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, ivermectin, zinc, Vitamin D, and so on.

6. All these so-called “vaccines” are useless. If you treat early you can succeed and the epidemic will be over very rapidly.

Edited by Ann
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50 minutes ago, Ann said:


French vaccine expert Prof. Christian Perronne on Covid-19 "vaccines"

Prof. Perronne:

1. The products they call “vaccines” for Covid-19 are not really vaccines.

2. Never before in the history of infectious disease medicine has a state or politicians recommended systematic vaccinations for billions of people on the planet for a disease whose mortality rate is now 0.05%. That’s a very low mortality rate!

3. They’re making everyone afraid that there’s a new so-called “Delta variant” coming from India, but in fact all these variants are less and less virulent.

4. It is in the "vaccinated" population that these variants emerge. In all the countries with massive "vaccinations" we see a recurrence of the epidemic, with new cases of death.

5. Over 90% of cases are in very old people. And we can treat them. There are hundreds of publications showing that early treatments work: there’s hydroxychloroquine, azithromycin, ivermectin, zinc, Vitamin D, and so on.

6. All these so-called “vaccines” are useless. If you treat early you can succeed and the epidemic will be over very rapidly.

The products they call “vaccines” for Covid-19 are not really vaccines

Does he say what they are then?

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