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Covid Deniers and Anti Vaxxers

John Wright

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On 8/18/2021 at 6:48 PM, Scipio said:

no, I won't waste my time on the hive mind of jabbers


On 8/18/2021 at 6:54 PM, kevster said:

Please, educate me

Neither @Scipio nor @Ann will ever answer a question. It’s part of the conspiracy hive mind set of flat earthers, anti 5G, anti vaxxers and Covid deniers, freemen of the land.

Firstly, to give a direct answer risks it being debunked when people research. That causes cognitive dissonance.

Secondly, they don’t want to debate. What they have is a belief system or faith in the garbled web sites, blogs, videos from cranks, conmen, and snake oil salesmen. And we all know belief is a closed mind system, unquestioning, uncritical, with no science, testing, questioning allowed.

In fact, there are online instructions about how to deal with questioners. In one word the instruction is “DONT”. Don’t engage, don’t answer, just post more links to claptrap.

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5 hours ago, ricardo said:


Last Saturday several hundred thousand people marched through the streets of London protesting against the deeply suspect ‘vaccination passport’ - an imposition against our freedoms not seen since the second World war - and the proposed mass vaccination of children. Similar protests took place across many other UK and European cities. Much of France has been brought to a standstill as millions of citizens make their objections known - such is the feeling that in some cases the police have marched with them. The same has been happening in Australia and the United States, and has been throughout the Summer. On June 1st it was estimated close to one million people marched in London. Few are aware of these legitimate protests as they have not been reported by the mainstream media. One might wonder why?

According to official UK government vaccine adverse reaction figures (VAERS) over 3,500 people have so far died in the UK after a covid vaccination and hundreds of thousands have experienced life-altering side effects. These tragic numbers are not surprising given how little information was known about the new, experimental vaccines and that no long-term testing had been done. What is surprising is that our government is now proposing these experimental products are injected into our children.
Given the importance of this we could reasonably expect extensive information to be provided and for much public discussion to take place - a well-informed televised debate perhaps? As we would expect for any other issue of great national importance. But instead of reasoned debate, allowing us to draw informed conclusions, we are subjected to seemingly endless onslaught of vaccination ‘marketing’ - a campaign so pervasive it could more appropriately be described it as propaganda. Accompanying this is blanket censorship of any information that deviates from the government narrative. Anyone asking reasonable questions is quickly labelled a ‘covid denier’ or ‘anti-vaxxer’ (and by the dubious moderator of this forum as a ‘flat Earther’ also). Again, one might wonder why?
Most of the answers are obvious. It is obvious an unpleasant flu-like virus has been making many people ill. It is obvious that almost all healthy people who suffer from this virus, recover. It is obvious that effective medical care has transformed our society for the better. It is obvious our move to modern medicines has created a huge pharmaceutical industry. It is obvious this profit-driven industry has become extremely powerful. It is obvious what happens when too much power is concentrated in one place.
Most of those who have questions are neither ‘covid deniers’ nor ‘anti-vax’. In the Isle of Man appx. 10,000 citizens have either chosen not to take the experimental vaccine or are medically unable to. Many more have had at least one ‘jab’ but are now regretting doing so - Eric Clapton being one.* Almost none of these people believe our World is flat, but almost all believe something is not right. One of the things that is clearly not right is decisions about our health being driven by a huge industry that is focussed on profit, rather than our well-being. Unless you are 100% convinced this vast industry, and our government, have the well-being of your children at heart you might like to think twice before allowing them to receive a still experimental vaccine.
For anyone’s who’s interested there is extensive information about well-tested alternative treatments on the World Doctors Alliance and Oracle film websites below (* Eric Clapton interview)

Several 000's protested. Several millions didn't. 

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3 hours ago, slinkydevil said:

September tomorrow. Is it time for the Nuremberg trials? Just sorting out my popcorn supplies and stall.

Still some CEG ORBIT Baby Grows left too. (Would make great masks) £15.99

We already  have a complicated justice system.

It is not perfect,but it has evolved, over centuries.

It will be interesting to see how a pressure group setting up a “court” in a hired venue  somewhere( Not Nuremberg)   can even begin to believe they have any  sort of legitimacy.



Edited by hampsterkahn
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20 hours ago, ricardo said:

Thank you for all your helpful information Ricardo. While the paid influencers are terrified of people such as you, truth-seekers like myself quietly follow this thread in order to learn from informed and honourable people such as your good self. Please ignore the evil-doers and continue sharing your knowledge with us.

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