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Covid Deniers and Anti Vaxxers

John Wright

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Quilp - I was genuinely very sorry to read of your own partners’ stroke FOUR DAYS after she received a covid vaccine. I hope she is recovering. I completely understand it is now irrelevant to you why she has had a stroke, and whether that was linked to her vaccination, but that is not the case for those of us who are now considering whether or not to get our children vaccinated against covid. For us, any potential link is absolutely relevant.

There are increasing reports of both myocarditis and multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS) in youngsters who have received the Pfizer-Biontech vaccine, in addition to the many reports of blood clotting from all of the vaccines. Many of us are hoping our own regulator will pause the vaccine roll-out to children while these issues are investigated.
The reason questions have always been raised about vaccination programs is that there has always been negative or dangerous side-effects from all vaccines - as you may have experienced. Asking questions about vaccines and medicine - particularly where our children are concerned - is not ‘denialism’ but common sense and rational thinking. Trying to portray this as anything else is absurd.
It is tragic that the 'covid discussion' has become so divisive and polarised. This thread ought to be labelled “Covid issues” but anyone straying from the mainstream narrative is now immediately labelled a “covid denier” or “anti-vaxxer” - many of us are wondering why? Could it be because of the huge vested interests of the pharma and medical industries?
Few are denying that covid - or at least, some unpleasant virus - is doing the rounds. However, almost all recover from it, so why the rush to vaccinate our entire population, and to impose wartime-like restrictions upon us? Australia and New Zealand are now under ‘lockdown’ - not as a result of any devastating illness, but because of a relatively small number of 'cases'. Some politicians have said people should not even talk to one another, others that the unvaccinated will be denied medical care. These measures supposedly for people’s well-being. Consequently many are wondering if the agenda is not really about health but rather about increasing state control. These concerns are so extensive that truckers are now blockading roads in Australia and millions are demonstrating across Europe - bizarrely without this being reported on the BBC or other mainstream outlets. Many are wondering why? Instead of openly discussing these serious issues this forum seems more intent of rubbishing and ridiculing anyone who asks valid questions.
Thousand of doctors Worldwide are now speaking-out against the fear-mongering about ‘covid’ and are expressing grave concerns about the hastily rolled-out experimental vaccine program. Sadly, all of these doctors put their careers at risk when they question the mainstream narrative, so none do so lightly. One who is particularly well informed is Doctor Tess Lawrie. Dr Lawrie is not only a consultant to the World Health Organisation but her main clients are the pharma industry so she is likely to lose her business as a result of raising her concerns, ie; a woman of principle and integrity. For anyone who is genuinely interested in the facts the below interview with Dr Lawrie makes compelling viewing:
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51 minutes ago, ricardo said:


Thousand of doctors Worldwide are now speaking-out against the fear-mongering about ‘covid’ and are expressing grave concerns about the hastily rolled-out experimental vaccine program.

Like we have said before 000's might be. Millions are not and millions are encouraging vaccination. 

Do you see that the majority of the professional health world is not with you. How do you explain that?


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My great grandfather who was as establishment as you like (government NI inspector, 2nd life member of the IOMFA, life member of the Legion) was threatened with prosecution for refusing to have my grandparents compulsorily vaccinated against contagious stuff back in 1910. So it's not new. The same problems re: alternative theories (presumably with more of a religious element back then) to consensus scientific opinion have seemingly always existed (There's a Cancer Act on the statute book which allows prosecution for selling 'cures'). Its just theres more stuff for the gullible to latch on to now. And it's not compulsory now.

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24 minutes ago, quilp said:

Breakthrough or distraction..?


High levels of a naturally-occuring enzyme contributing to poor outcomes in Covid sufferers and those with so-called "long Covid."

It's probably that article is badly written, but it seems to based on a sample of ...two.

The trouble with this sort of thing is you can't distinguish cause and effect.  The enzyme levels are more likely to be high because patients have serious Covid rather than the other way round.  But it may help in working out how Covid acts on the body.

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45 minutes ago, Roger Mexico said:

It's probably that article is badly written, but it seems to based on a sample of ...two.

The trouble with this sort of thing is you can't distinguish cause and effect.  The enzyme levels are more likely to be high because patients have serious Covid rather than the other way round.  But it may help in working out how Covid acts on the body.

There are plenty of what we call 'acute phase reactants' that get measured in blood tests to help diagnose or monitor infection/other illness.  C-reactive protein is one that is commonly measured.  

I'm not saying there's nothing in this, but I'd guess at 'distraction' rather than 'breakthrough'

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1 hour ago, wrighty said:

There are plenty of what we call 'acute phase reactants' that get measured in blood tests to help diagnose or monitor infection/other illness.  C-reactive protein is one that is commonly measured.  

I'm not saying there's nothing in this, but I'd guess at 'distraction' rather than 'breakthrough'

I'd go with distraction. As an aside, I was always taught that C-reactive protein (CRP) should really be called CRAP for all the indication it gives as to where the inflammation is 🤣

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29 minutes ago, rachomics said:

I'd go with distraction. As an aside, I was always taught that C-reactive protein (CRP) should really be called CRAP for all the indication it gives as to where the inflammation is 🤣

That could be confused with the fracture fixation procedure ‘Closed Reduction and Application of Pins’

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