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Covid Deniers and Anti Vaxxers

John Wright

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Fascinating stuff - just goes to show how the internet and SM have affected our lives. Over the last few weeks I have been told:

Have you heard of the Nuremberg trials? Answer - yes they were the trials of war criminals at the end of WW2.

 NO they were the trials of doctors doing secret experimental stuff on members of the public!

Really I didn't know that.

AND do you know what's going on now?

No please tell me.

It's a global conspiracy - Covid is an invention of the global superpowers to supress the population and inject us with nanoparticles to control our minds.

Oh really why would they want to do that and destroy the global economy?

Are you stupid? its obvious.

Yes, why?

No answer.

You can't really argue with that sort of stuff - I even got handed a looney tunes printed sheet by a taxi driver on the Victoria Street rank.

Oh and by the way, I do have some qualifications BSc MB BS FRCS MD Solicitor(Non-practising) Advocate(Non-practising) albeit years ago.


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The real truth about how anti vaxxers work dishonestly to misrepresent the truth.



“A clever aspect of the videos is that they start with a trace of plausibility before veering into the implausible.”

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Some developments:

Senator Rand Paul "Surprise surprise - Fauci lied again And I was right about his agency funding novel Coronavirus research at Wuhan. Read this thread and the papers released."



I see AstraZennaca are now telling the UK government not to be hasty with the boosters.

It looks as if the pending October lockdown is being wound back.

(Are they still going ahead with injecting children?)

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1 hour ago, philwebs said:

It looks as if the pending October lockdown is being wound back.

Would that be the October lockdown in the UK that the UK Government has denied was ever under any consideration?

Please don't confuse the incompetence of the current UK Government with conspiracy.  There is no way this current shower could hide the truth.  

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3 hours ago, philwebs said:

(Are they still going ahead with injecting children?)

Phil, governments are now backing away from the "pandemic" / "vaccination" lies and genocide. 

We are heading for a revolt and the criminals behind this attack are terrified. We should all be "vaccinated" by now but the genocide stalled before even half the adult citizenry received the kill shot. Rage against our attackers will become extreme as "vaccination" injuries and deaths soar. Political puppets and front men will be thrown to the wolves by their masters but we must ensure that all the criminals pay for their crimes.

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23 minutes ago, Ann said:

1. Phil, governments are now backing away from the "pandemic" / "vaccination" lies and genocide. 

2. We are heading for a revolt and the criminals behind this attack are terrified

3. We should all be "vaccinated" by now but the genocide stalled before even half the adult citizenry received the kill shot.

4. Rage against our attackers will become extreme as "vaccination" injuries and deaths soar.

5. Political puppets and front men will be thrown to the wolves by their masters but we must ensure that all the criminals pay for their crimes.

1. Not so. Many governments are pressing ahead and many countries are now vaccinating 12+ age group. Notwithstanding JCVI advice I expect Johnson to allow 12-17 vaccination on demand. So parental choice. Will you prosecute parents?

2. Really. Yes there are a few, very few, vocal malcontents. There aren’t terrified criminals. Just health administrators doing a job for the benefit of the population. Very different to Nuremberg where there was no benefit, and it was enforced/compulsory. That’s the huge distinguishing factor.

3. in the IoM, as in most of Europe, vaccination is in the high 80’s. In fact in IoM it’s around 95% of the 18+ population have had at least 1 shot.

4. the number of yellow card event reports is not a measure of death or injury. The number of deaths or injury related to the vaccination is low, especially when the number of doses administered is so high.

5. under what law will “criminals” be made to pay? Nuremberg isn’t domestic. And I’ve pointed out the defence. It’s a genuine medical response to a global pandemic, and it’s voluntary, not compulsory/forced.

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1 hour ago, John Wright said:

1. Not so. Many governments are pressing ahead and many countries are now vaccinating 12+ age group. Notwithstanding JCVI advice I expect Johnson to allow 12-17 vaccination on demand. So parental choice. Will you prosecute parents?

2. Really. Yes there are a few, very few, vocal malcontents. There aren’t terrified criminals. Just health administrators doing a job for the benefit of the population. Very different to Nuremberg where there was no benefit, and it was enforced/compulsory. That’s the huge distinguishing factor.

3. in the IoM, as in most of Europe, vaccination is in the high 80’s. In fact in IoM it’s around 95% of the 18+ population have had at least 1 shot.

4. the number of yellow card event reports is not a measure of death or injury. The number of deaths or injury related to the vaccination is low, especially when the number of doses administered is so high.

5. under what law will “criminals” be made to pay? Nuremberg isn’t domestic. And I’ve pointed out the defence. It’s a genuine medical response to a global pandemic, and it’s voluntary, not compulsory/forced.

All fair points, as long as the decision to vaccinate the younger members of society, who are at virtually zero risk of Covid themselves, doesn't err towards coercion.

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John Wright we'll soon know where events such as the following lead:

1. Finland. Parliament Member warns against the "vaccination" genocide (link above).

2. Spain. Competent courts have annulled, one by one, the official orders to introduce the "vaccination" passport. https://www.europereloaded.com/spains-supreme-court-rules-against-using-vaccine-passports-to-restrict-access-to-public-spaces/

3. France.
Businesses are refusing to enforce France’s vaccine passport. https://www.europereloaded.com/businesses-are-refusing-to-enforce-frances-vaccine-passport/

b) CV-19 “vaccination” judicially blocked since 26 August (link above).

4. Germany. More Than 23,000 German doctors have quit the genocide campaign. https://www.europereloaded.com/more-than-23000-german-doctors-have-quit-the-genocide-campaign/

5. Denmark. All Corona measures scrapped effective 1 October. https://tapnewswire.com/2021/08/denmark-abolishes-all-corona-measures-thank-you-denmark-finally-some-common-sense-at-national-level/

Public awareness and rage about the criminal "pandemic" / "vaccination" attack (biological, psychological, social, economic) is escalating fast. Apparently some governments recognize this and want to try prevent violent revolution. Either way, the course of events shows that political puppets, front men and their masters are going to be severely punished by the people they betrayed.

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42 minutes ago, Ann said:

John Wright we'll soon know where events such as the following lead:

1. Finland. Parliament Member warns against the "vaccination" genocide (link above).

2. Spain. Competent courts have annulled, one by one, the official orders to introduce the "vaccination" passport. https://www.europereloaded.com/spains-supreme-court-rules-against-using-vaccine-passports-to-restrict-access-to-public-spaces/

3. France.
Businesses are refusing to enforce France’s vaccine passport. https://www.europereloaded.com/businesses-are-refusing-to-enforce-frances-vaccine-passport/

b) CV-19 “vaccination” judicially blocked since 26 August (link above).

4. Germany. More Than 23,000 German doctors have quit the genocide campaign. https://www.europereloaded.com/more-than-23000-german-doctors-have-quit-the-genocide-campaign/

5. Denmark. All Corona measures scrapped effective 1 October. https://tapnewswire.com/2021/08/denmark-abolishes-all-corona-measures-thank-you-denmark-finally-some-common-sense-at-national-level/

Public awareness and rage about the criminal "pandemic" / "vaccination" attack (biological, psychological, social, economic) is escalating fast. Apparently some governments recognize this and want to try prevent violent revolution. Either way, the course of events shows that political puppets, front men and their masters are going to be severely punished by the people they betrayed.

1. Is meaningless. Any MP, any country, any parliament can stand up and say any idiotic thing they wish. They don’t have any special standing or insight. Lots of conspiracy theorist MP’s.

2. the article in English does not accurately portray what the Supreme Court of Spain has done, or why. The “ban” isn’t a ban. It’s not Spain wide. The autonomous regions are now responsible for pandemic restrictions. Every time a restriction is introduced it has to be approved by the regional court. They often say no, raising a quibble, there’s a tweak redraft, it’s then approved. The only one to get to the Spanish Supreme Court was a Valencia night time economy restriction. It’s not been approved in original form. It’s now in place in slightly tweaked format. Approved. So the headline is wrong. It was never all public spaces, throughout Spain.

3. a. There are millions of venues covered by the French Pass scheme. Most are complying. It’s a bit like a few shopkeepers keeping stones, pounds and ounces or pounds shillings and pennies after metricisation/decimalisation - there’s always a few.

3. b. No. That’s false.

4. Well, what can I say. Yes, many GP practices are no longer offering vaccinations, and vaccination centres are closing. But that’s what happens when you reach the end of a campaign. It’s nothing to do with suggesting it’s wrong. It’s a simple demand/supply equation.

5. As for Denmark, they’ve had a very high uptake of vaccination. Enough, for now, probably, to give rise to herd immunity. UK and IoM are the same. Health service no longer under threat due to Covid. And it’s not true that all restrictions  are gone. There’s still isolation if you test positive, there are still border restrictions.

Its all about spin. You, and  the sources you search/read/post put an unnaturally strained, artificial, paranoid, conspiracy spin on perfectly ordinary facts and try to present them as something they aren’t. And that’s because you don’t have an open questioning mind.

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