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Covid Deniers and Anti Vaxxers

John Wright

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21 hours ago, John Wright said:

Covid deniers have been sticking up anti mask posters on British Rail and Transport for London property.

Staff sent to remove them have been injured as the posters were booby trapped.

This reflects the truth of the Covid deniers, anti vaxx, and every other conspiracy theory believer.


I think the person claiming they found the razor and got cut may be a bit of a fantasist. They claimed they once got disembowelled and walked into a police station holding their intestines.. I’ll link up the Twitter thread if anyone’s interested. 

Edited by manxchester
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19 minutes ago, manxman1980 said:

Obviously the contributors to Manx Forums.  That being just as valid as the views of the people who established the "freeman" court...

I think the legitimacy for a MF court and its officials would be established by a vote, perhaps the most popular contributor?  As it is in parallel to the conventional legal system, a practitioner from that system is no better qualified than anyone else.  The decision should have the possibility of review by a higher court and also reference to earlier precedents for consistency.  Natural justice (if anyone really understands that concept) is certainty and the ability to challenge an incorrect decision based on that certainty. Impartiality and lack of self-interest are also important factors. 

Hmm, I can see several flaws.

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On 9/10/2021 at 7:38 AM, quilp said:



Quilp thank you for your insightful Heraclitus quote. I understand from various fields of modern scientific research (e.g. primacy of consciousness) that there's a transactional relationship between our level of consciousness (spiritual awareness) and deeds.

I marvel at the beauty of our awakening to (a) [forbidden name on this site] evil (historic, current); (b) our own evil (collaboration with the [forbidden name] via his religions -- including the evil "Jesus" cult -- and organizations, destruction of God’s creations / Nature upon which all our lives depend); and (c) the ineffable Force (God, consciousness, spirit, etc) behind such processes.

As you might know, conflict between dark / light forces can suddenly escalate, as when a black hole collides with a star, resulting in the star exploding into a supernova state (extreme luminosity). Astrophysicist Anton Petrov explains this on YT.

Like many others, I see signs of the conflict between human darkness / lightness (within and without ourselves) going ‘supernova’ soon.

Quilp my heartfelt sympathies about your wife's stroke after the "vaccination." Naturally I wish her the best possible outcome.

Serious medical problems after the "vaccination" are much more common than many people realize. For example, a highly intelligent friend of mine submitted to the "vaccination" (against my advice), suffered blood clots and was dead within one month of what some doctors call the "clot shot." I could offer more anecdotal evidence about "vaccination" harm but the best would be for interested people to study the independent medical research publications now available on this subject. The political puppets and mainstream media have not been telling us the truth.

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20 minutes ago, Not a paid influencer said:

Quilp thank you for your insightful Heraclitus quote. I understand from various fields of modern scientific research (e.g. primacy of consciousness) that there's a transactional relationship between our level of consciousness (spiritual awareness) and deeds.

I marvel at the beauty of our awakening to (a) [forbidden name on this site] evil (historic, current); (b) our own evil (collaboration with the [forbidden name] via his religions -- including the evil "Jesus" cult -- and organizations, destruction of God’s creations / Nature upon which all our lives depend); and (c) the ineffable Force (God, consciousness, spirit, etc) behind such processes.

As you might know, conflict between dark / light forces can suddenly escalate, as when a black hole collides with a star, resulting in the star exploding into a supernova state (extreme luminosity). Astrophysicist Anton Petrov explains this on YT.

Like many others, I see signs of the conflict between human darkness / lightness (within and without ourselves) going ‘supernova’ soon.

Quilp my heartfelt sympathies about your wife's stroke after the "vaccination." Naturally I wish her the best possible outcome.

Serious medical problems after the "vaccination" are much more common than many people realize. For example, a highly intelligent friend of mine submitted to the "vaccination" (against my advice), suffered blood clots and was dead within one month of what some doctors call the "clot shot." I could offer more anecdotal evidence about "vaccination" harm but the best would be for interested people to study the independent medical research publications now available on this subject. The political puppets and mainstream media have not been telling us the truth.

You are sounding like you have lost the plot completely. Ring 999 immediately and ask for help. 

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On 9/10/2021 at 12:14 PM, manxchester said:

I think the person claiming they found the razor and got cut may be a bit of a fantasist. They claimed they once got disembowelled and walked into a police station holding their intestines.. I’ll link up the Twitter thread if anyone’s interested. 

I’m interested. Sort of.

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3 hours ago, TheTeapot said:

What is this?

Although censored on mainstream / corporate media, this important information is now widely known. The subject is discussed by many scholars from various disciplines. I could offer scholar names and publications / websites but that would trigger hostility toward the messenger.

Truth feels like hate to those who hate truth. Specifically, truth feels like hate to the evil-doers that we are not allowed to criticize on sites such as this.

Today is the 20th anniversary of a mass murder (about 3,000 innocent people killed) that helped to wake up many people to the evil of those to whom I refer. If you want to join the ranks of the enlightened, learn the truth about 9/11 -- the perpetrators (not Muslims), their motivations and their consequent 'achievements' -- including wholesale slaughter of their enemies and theft of resources.

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10 minutes ago, Not a paid influencer said:

Although censored on mainstream / corporate media, this important information is now widely known. The subject is discussed by many scholars from various disciplines. I could offer scholar names and publications / websites but that would trigger hostility toward the messenger.

Truth feels like hate to those who hate truth. Specifically, truth feels like hate to the evil-doers that we are not allowed to criticize on sites such as this.

Today is the 20th anniversary of a mass murder (about 3,000 innocent people killed) that helped to wake up many people to the evil of those to whom I refer. If you want to join the ranks of the enlightened, learn the truth about 9/11 -- the perpetrators (not Muslims), their motivations and their consequent 'achievements' -- including wholesale slaughter of their enemies and theft of resources.

I would like to know the 'forbidden' names. The only forbidden names on here were Gubay, who is dead, and the guy who killed someone at Hillberry. So you're good to go. Name those names.

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On 9/8/2021 at 11:00 AM, John Wright said:

1. Not so. Many governments are pressing ahead and many countries are now vaccinating 12+ age group. Notwithstanding JCVI advice I expect Johnson to allow 12-17 vaccination on demand. So parental choice. Will you prosecute parents?

2. Really. Yes there are a few, very few, vocal malcontents. There aren’t terrified criminals. Just health administrators doing a job for the benefit of the population. Very different to Nuremberg where there was no benefit, and it was enforced/compulsory. That’s the huge distinguishing factor.

3. in the IoM, as in most of Europe, vaccination is in the high 80’s. In fact in IoM it’s around 95% of the 18+ population have had at least 1 shot.

4. the number of yellow card event reports is not a measure of death or injury. The number of deaths or injury related to the vaccination is low, especially when the number of doses administered is so high.

5. under what law will “criminals” be made to pay? Nuremberg isn’t domestic. And I’ve pointed out the defence. It’s a genuine medical response to a global pandemic, and it’s voluntary, not compulsory/forced.


One can believe these numbers if one chooses. However, trust in government and media is at an all time low - for good reason.

I respond though to the comments made about Courtenay Heading, his passionate efforts to publicise vaccine harms, and current legal challenge. Mr Heading has apparently elected to use the present system for his legal challenge against David Ashford and Henrietta Ewart - currently Health Minister and Director of Public Health. Both cases are now making their way through the Manx legal process (ORD21/0030 & ORD21/0031). Mr Heading is far from alone in mounting a legal challenge.

Amongst the other properly constituted legal cases being pursued is that of German lawyer Dr Reiner Fuellmich. Since July 2020 - assisted by a veritable army of independent lawyers - Dr Fuellmich has been compiling evidence against many of the main players in 'the covid story’ for what is likely to become the World’s largest class action. It is Dr Fuellmich’s ‘Investigative Corona Committee’ (Sifting Corona Ausschuss) that is often referred to as ‘the new Nuremberg trials’. Thus far his committee has logged over 10,000 hrs of testimony. Dr Fuellmich has previously successfully litigated against both Volkswagen Audi Group (emissions fraud) and Deutsche Bank (mortgage fraud) - two of Germany’s largest businesses. In the process VAG also received an €875m fine from the EU regulator and Deutsche Bank received the largest fine in legal history (https://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/deutsche-bank-agrees-pay-72-billion-misleading-investors-its-sale-residential-mortgage-backed).
Given the vested interests at stake Dr Fuellmich has obviously been ‘de-bunked’, and has also been suppressed (wikipedia page and others, removed) - the most credible website doing so is linked. Should anyone be interested in making up their own mind about Dr Fuellmich, US entrepreneur and podcaster Patrick Bet-David does an excellent YouTube interview with him below, and other relevant websites:


The 'coronavirus story' is deeply suspicious and various state's responses deeply questionable, which is why millions Worldwide are not 'buying it'. I previously posted the film 'Pandemic' (2) about covid 19 here. This excellent and compelling film contains as much of the information about what has been happening as anyone might wish for. The film starts with what is known as ‘Event 201’ in October 2019. 'Event 201’ was sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and World Economic Forum and was clearly 'a practice run' for the covid pandemic. Should anyone doubt this I invite them to view it - the conclusions are obvious. The director, and prime interview candidate, have also been 'de-bunked' but this has not stopped Mikki Willis' accompanying book reaching no. 17 on Amazon’s book charts. As ever, the truth will out..

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22 minutes ago, ricardo said:

The 'coronavirus story' is deeply suspicious and various state's responses deeply questionable, which is why millions Worldwide are not 'buying it'. I previously posted the film 'Pandemic' (2) about covid 19 here. This excellent and compelling film contains as much of the information about what has been happening as anyone might wish for. The film starts with what is known as ‘Event 201’ in October 2019. 'Event 201’ was sponsored by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and World Economic Forum and was clearly 'a practice run' for the covid pandemic. Should anyone doubt this I invite them to view it - the conclusions are obvious. The director, and prime interview candidate, have also been 'de-bunked' but this has not stopped Mikki Willis' accompanying book reaching no. 17 on Amazon’s book charts. As ever, the truth will out..


These sort of tabletop exercises have been going on for ages and cover all sorts of things. Even nation states carry out war game exercises. 

I’ve taken part myself in a terror attack exercise here on the Island. 

There’s no hidden agenda behind such exercises. Public documents are available 

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Ricardo your well-informed post is much appreciated. Thank you. I've been following the work of Dr Fuellmich and some of the medical experts he's collaborating with.

I was not aware of the extent to which Mr Courtenay Heading is also standing up for truth and the welfare of our people. His legal challenge against David Ashford and Henrietta Ewart is excellent news.

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