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Covid Deniers and Anti Vaxxers

John Wright

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The Atlantic:



Our Most Reliable Pandemic Number Is Losing Meaning

A new study suggests that almost half of those hospitalized with COVID-19 have mild or asymptomatic cases."


Have the numbers for WITH covid and FROM covid been isolated? Should be easy to answer. Deafening silence.


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5 minutes ago, philwebs said:

Have the numbers for WITH covid and FROM covid been isolated? Should be easy to answer. Deafening silence.

It is easy to answer for the Isle of|Man because the figures are published weekly:


If it's a deafening silence it's only because they haven't come round to read them out through a megaphone outside your house.

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Did you hear what Chris Whitty had to say today?


“There are a group of people who’ve got strange beliefs and … fine. And they make their own choices and, in a sense, also fine. People are adults who are allowed to make their own choices; however strange. That is a basic principle of medical ethics, actually.

This is a good statement


“But there are also people who go around trying to discourage other people from taking a vaccine, which could be life-saving or preventing them from having life-changing injuries. And many of those people, I regret to say, I think know that they are peddling untruths. But they still do it. In my view, they should be ashamed.”

And so it this

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2 minutes ago, wrighty said:

Been invited for my booster shot.  Does this mean that the government have realised the initial chips aren't working as well as they wanted, or do they want to just finish me off sooner than the already scheduled 3 years?

It's highly unlikely that you need one


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