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Covid Deniers and Anti Vaxxers

John Wright

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55 minutes ago, prism10 said:

If any candidate falls for that. He deserves to be birched at the ballot box.


Also I would demand the names of all the lawyers and the names of the firms they work for.

Well, note they say lawyers, not advocates, solicitors or even legal counsel.  So, it is safe to assume their lawyers will not be practitioners in the everyday sense.  They will be other nutcases who have "studied" this form of "law" they espouse.  

In other words, they will be no more legally qualified than an adherent of the folklore of the Isle of Man. 

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On 9/22/2021 at 3:36 PM, Ebenezer said:

Vaccine investment disaster! From 20 October the Covid pass and vaccination will be abolished throughout the EU.


As my mum used to say "let's see"

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The Spartacus Letter


This is doing the rounds. It is a long and detailed look at Covid from the anti-vax side. It is published anonymously, possibly European in origin.

Perhaps someone with a good understanding of physiology take a look. Not really suitable for most people.


COVID-19 is a blood and blood vessel disease. SARS-CoV-2 infects the lining of human blood vessels, causing them to leak into the lungs.

It is a viral vascular endotheliitis

Existing countermeasures are inadequate to slow the spread of what is an aerosolized and potentially wastewater-borne virus, and constitute a form of medical theater.

The correct treatment for severe COVID-19 related sepsis is non-invasive ventilation, steroids, and antioxidant infusions. Most of the drugs repurposed for COVID-19 that show any benefit whatsoever in rescuing critically-ill COVID-19 patients are antioxidants. N-acetylcysteine, melatonin, fluvoxamine, budesonide, famotidine, cimetidine, and ranitidine are all antioxidants. Indomethacin prevents iron- driven oxidation of arachidonic acid to isoprostanes. There are powerful antioxidants such as apocynin that have not even been tested on COVID-19 patients yet which could defang neutrophils, prevent lipid peroxidation, restore endothelial health, and restore oxygenation to the tissues.


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40 minutes ago, philwebs said:

Perhaps someone with a good understanding of physiology take a look

No need - go straight to the conclusion more looney stuff:

The current pandemic was produced and perpetuated by the establishment, through the use of a virus engineered in a PLA-connected Chinese biowarfare laboratory, with the aid of American taxpayer dollars and French expertise.


This was then used by the utterly depraved and psychopathic aristocratic class who rule over us as an excuse to coerce people into accepting an injected poison which may be a depopulation agent, a mind control/pacification agent in the form of injectable “smart dust”, or both in one. They believe they can get away with this by weaponizing the social stigma of vaccine refusal. They are incorrect.


The Elites are trying to pull up the ladder, erase upward mobility for large segments of the population, cull political opponents and other “undesirables”, and put the remainder of humanity on a tight leash, rationing our access to certain goods and services that they have deemed “high-impact”, such as automobile use, tourism, meat consumption, and so on. Naturally, they will continue to have their own luxuries, as part of a strict caste system akin to feudalism.

Why are they doing this? Simple. The Elites are Neo-Malthusians and believe that we are overpopulated and that resource depletion will collapse civilization in a matter of a few short decades. They are not necessarily incorrect in this belief. We are overpopulated, and we are consuming too many resources. However, orchestrating such a gruesome and murderous power grab in response to a looming crisis demonstrates that they have nothing but the utmost contempt for their fellow man.

To those who are participating in this disgusting farce without any understanding of what they are doing, we have one word for you. Stop. You are causing irreparable harm to your country and to your fellow citizens.

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Here is some news on the tablets which caught my eye. My view is next year in addition to regular jabs you will have a preventative tablet every week (at £10 a pop or so).

The clue here is that this is a potent protease inhibitor. Surprisingly it is is Pfizer rather than Merck.

There appears to be a lot more to this than meets the eye.

Any comments other than the usual delights?




Pfizer Initiates Phase 1 Study of Novel Oral Antiviral Therapeutic Agent Against SARS-CoV-2

In-vitro studies conducted to date show that the clinical candidate PF-07321332 is a potent protease inhibitor with potent anti-viral activity against SARS-CoV-2

This is the first orally administered coronavirus-specific investigational protease inhibitor to be evaluated in clinical studies, and follows Pfizer’s intravenously administered investigational protease inhibitor, which is currently being evaluated in a Phase 1b multi-dose study in hospitalized clinical trial participants with COVID-19


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2 hours ago, philwebs said:

Here is some news on the tablets which caught my eye. My view is next year in addition to regular jabs you will have a preventative tablet every week (at £10 a pop or so).

The clue here is that this is a potent protease inhibitor. Surprisingly it is is Pfizer rather than Merck.

There appears to be a lot more to this than meets the eye.

Well obviously this is how they install the GPS/5G device which could not be injected intravenously...  You will have to take the tablet every week to reinstall the device which by then will have passed through your digestive system and out the other end.

In all seriousness if you really want to understand all the details then enrol at a University on a suitable course.  Whatever you do, do not enrol on a course at the University of YouTube though. 

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Erm ... No matter how much you favour a small state and individual liberty, public health measures and sacrificing some liberty for the communal good is necessary. Sadly the US Republican Party is now dominated by selfish Yahoos who have little understanding of this. 

The states where they are the majority do not do well. 


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Merck releases its tablet which they say is very good (in competition with Pfizer).

I did not find much on how it works. odd.

Also note it is packing in the jab research. Wonder why?

I think more will be revealed in due course.

Question - which do you prefer?

Quarterly Jabs at say £20 per jab or £80 per year.

Weekly tablets at £10 a tablet, £520 per year?

Population of IOM say 80,000 x 70% uptake, = 56,000 participants.

Cost to IOM govt:

Jabs $4.48 mill

Tabs £29.1 mill

(Do not forget the cost of tests, and all the rest).



Merck & Co.’s Covid-19 antiviral drug, molnupiravir, appears to inhibit several major variants of the virus, including the highly contagious delta strain, according to early stage data presented by the company at an infectious disease conference early Wednesday.


Merck and Ridgeback’s Investigational Oral Antiviral Molnupiravir Reduced the Risk of Hospitalization or Death by Approximately 50 Percent Compared to Placebo for Patients with Mild or Moderate COVID-19 in Positive Interim Analysis of Phase 3 Study


Merck Discontinues Development of SARS-CoV-2/COVID-19 Vaccine Candidates; Continues Development of Two Investigational Therapeutic Candidates

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We live in interesting times.

Approaching rapidly are three (and more) tablets for treating Covid:

Pfizer - a protease inhibitor

Merck now has two - Molnupiravir, disrupts replication by introducing replication errors (Is this ok?)

Todos - Tollovir, another protease inhibitor.

All of these are undergoing trials pending approval next Spring. Note there are other drugs which inhibit protease, not specifically approved for covid.

There appear to be a number of "breakout infections" with the jab, and some adverse side effects. See local news.

The jabs/vax are only approved for emergency use as allegedly nothing else works.

Next Spring there will be a choice of preventative and therapeutic treatments. The EUA for the jab will no longer stand as other treatments are likely to be approved. My previous post raised the matter of cost.

We live in interesting times.


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