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Covid Deniers and Anti Vaxxers

John Wright

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You don't seem to see vaccinated people gathering to abuse those who haven't been vaccinated, and accusing them of "raping" their children. Shocking stuff, i feel so much for the children (and parents!)


Facebook has a lot to answer for, its the main source of "research and information" they all seem to believe / follow

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They don't do their cause much good by these public displays. I'm vaxed but I don't care if someone else isn't. I don't feel the need to tell them what to do with their life so likewise I don't appreciate someone shouting and jumping up and down giving me information I can get from a 5 minute internet search. 

As it happens I agree we shouldn't be vaccinating kids such is the risk/benefit but I don't need a leaflet to tell me that. 

Edited by Danoo
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Regardless of which side of the argument you happen to be on regarding covid vax for kids, what these protesters are doing is abhorrent.

They claim to want to protect children but what they're doing is terrorising them. In one of the clips a little boy has his hands clamped over his ears, and is clearly frightened as are most of the little ones. If shouting and screaming, accusing parents of raping and abusing their children in front of young primary school aged kids isn't terroristic, I don't fucking know what is. 

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