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Covid Deniers and Anti Vaxxers

John Wright

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33 minutes ago, Happier diner said:

Seems strange that the anti vaxxers are still spouting after all this time.

  • The vaccinations were a significant contribution to the stop of the spread and
  • Most of us are still fit and well despite this 'dangerous ' vaccine

The doom mongers were clearly wrong. It was an example of science at its absolute best. 

If I had been spouting anti vax messages I would have now gone to ground and kept my mouth shut.

They’ll claim that just you wait until they switch it on, we all start dropping like flies etc etc 

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Here are the upto date US CDC figures for vaccine damages to those who took one or more of the covid vaccines. It reports over 30,000 deaths and far bigger numbers of serious harms:


Below is a study by The Lancet medical journal reporting that 20% of youngsters who received a vaccine dose have experienced heart damage requiring ongoing medication:


On Sept 22nd Tucker Carlson - Fox News anchor, ie; ‘mainstream media’, highlighted this research, and the VAERS (vaccine damage stats), and the fact that the medical profession, nor most in the media, do not want to talk about these horrific statistics.

The UK figure of 44,000 relates to those who have died within 28 days of receiving a vaccine. This is not a well supported statistic but is the same basis the UK government was using to frighten us into believing covid was a deadly disease - ie; any death within 28 days of a positive test (from whatever cause) - not the 99.8% survivable flu like illness it proved to be.

The vast majority of those who have questions about covid, lockdown legislation, rushed vaccination programs etc are neither ‘anti vaxxers’, ‘covid deniers’ nor any other ‘conspiracy theorist’ but simply intelligently concerned citizens. Four hundred plus citizens turned out to hear Manx advocate Ian Kermode’s talk about our at risk human rights at the Villa Marina last Autumn - all concerned about the direction our society is heading. Partly driven by covid hysteria.

I ask about vested interests only because the medical profession is now largely ‘bought and paid for’ by the global pharmaceutical industry meaning that expressing views that conflict with its’ interests is challenging. There are countless examples of well intentioned, and researched, doctors being vilified or worse, when they have highlighted areas of concern. Balanced, or any, peer review is difficult when so much vested interest is as stake - Pfizer’s vaccine driven revenue was up 48% to $27 billion this year.

The World Council for health was formed by a large group of doctors and medical professionals during the pandemic who were concerned about the inaccuracies of the messages being pedaled by government, media and the pharma industry, ie; those with vested interests. For anyone interested their website contains fascinating information - seemingly fairly unbiased:


Mr Wright - if you have been as jabbed as you say (is that really true?) then I wish you luck.

Should anyone be interested in the vaccine/pharmaceuticals industry story the below film is useful:


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1 hour ago, Happier diner said:

Seems strange that the anti vaxxers are still spouting after all this time.

  • The vaccinations were a significant contribution to the stop of the spread and
  • Most of us are still fit and well despite this 'dangerous ' vaccine

The doom mongers were clearly wrong. It was an example of science at its absolute best. 

If I had been spouting anti vax messages I would have now gone to ground and kept my mouth shut.

I view covid and anti-vaxxers as Natural Selection doing it's best work.

Unfortunately, but as we have seen from the brexit vote (sorry but it is illustrative) there are a lot of folks who are either very gullible, not very bright, too trusting, or all three who may be taken in by the nonsense peddled by the anti-vaxxers. They may end up paying a very harsh price because of these idiots and their ideology.

There should be some way to hold the snake-oil salesmen to account...

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One of the problems with the antivaxxers wildly exaggerating vaccine injuries is that it distracts from the very real ones. Billions of people around the world have been injected with a substance specifically designed to provoke an immune response, there absolutely have been some negative consequences. But when the principal people raising it are known grifters and liars, it's hard to find or even talk about the truth.

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36 minutes ago, quaylaM said:

Here are the upto date US CDC figures for vaccine damages to those who took one or more of the covid vaccines. It reports over 30,000 deaths and far bigger numbers of serious harms:


Below is a study by The Lancet medical journal reporting that 20% of youngsters who received a vaccine dose have experienced heart damage requiring ongoing medication:


On Sept 22nd Tucker Carlson - Fox News anchor, ie; ‘mainstream media’, highlighted this research, and the VAERS (vaccine damage stats), and the fact that the medical profession, nor most in the media, do not want to talk about these horrific statistics.

You clearly don’t even know how to read and understand the medical papers you link to. But then again that’s not surprising as most anti vaxxer’s seem to be as thick as shit and will read anything into anything in order to justify their insane conspiracy theories. And Tucker Carlson? Seriously are you 12 years old? 

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53 minutes ago, quaylaM said:

Here are the upto date US CDC figures for vaccine damages to those who took one or more of the covid vaccines. It reports over 30,000 deaths and far bigger numbers of serious harms:


Below is a study by The Lancet medical journal reporting that 20% of youngsters who received a vaccine dose have experienced heart damage requiring ongoing medication:


On Sept 22nd Tucker Carlson - Fox News anchor, ie; ‘mainstream media’, highlighted this research, and the VAERS (vaccine damage stats), and the fact that the medical profession, nor most in the media, do not want to talk about these horrific statistics.

The UK figure of 44,000 relates to those who have died within 28 days of receiving a vaccine. This is not a well supported statistic but is the same basis the UK government was using to frighten us into believing covid was a deadly disease - ie; any death within 28 days of a positive test (from whatever cause) - not the 99.8% survivable flu like illness it proved to be.

The vast majority of those who have questions about covid, lockdown legislation, rushed vaccination programs etc are neither ‘anti vaxxers’, ‘covid deniers’ nor any other ‘conspiracy theorist’ but simply intelligently concerned citizens. Four hundred plus citizens turned out to hear Manx advocate Ian Kermode’s talk about our at risk human rights at the Villa Marina last Autumn - all concerned about the direction our society is heading. Partly driven by covid hysteria.

I ask about vested interests only because the medical profession is now largely ‘bought and paid for’ by the global pharmaceutical industry meaning that expressing views that conflict with its’ interests is challenging. There are countless examples of well intentioned, and researched, doctors being vilified or worse, when they have highlighted areas of concern. Balanced, or any, peer review is difficult when so much vested interest is as stake - Pfizer’s vaccine driven revenue was up 48% to $27 billion this year.

The World Council for health was formed by a large group of doctors and medical professionals during the pandemic who were concerned about the inaccuracies of the messages being pedaled by government, media and the pharma industry, ie; those with vested interests. For anyone interested their website contains fascinating information - seemingly fairly unbiased:


Mr Wright - if you have been as jabbed as you say (is that really true?) then I wish you luck.

Should anyone be interested in the vaccine/pharmaceuticals industry story the below film is useful:


You've terribly misunderstood the VAERS data. Just because a death appears on the stats does not imply causality between the vaccine and the death.

If you took the stats for the IOM deaths for the past decade and saw that over 95% of the deaths had eaten butter in the week before their death, would you be calling for a ban on butter, and for compensation for butter injuries ? Justice for the spread ?

Of course not, in the vast majority of cases, except for the extremely rare cases where someone has suffered anaphylaxis from  butter exposure, the correlation between death and butter isn't causal.

Deaths happen for a variety of causes, and the VAERS data collects instances of causal and non-causal correlation. The VAERS data is followed-up, and where deaths have occurred, there are checks to see if there is a causal relationship.

You are completely misunderstanding the VAERS data if you think the data reflects that there are 30,000 deaths and many serious harms that are directly caused by the vaccine, when the data says nothing of the sort. It's just plain misrepresentation to state this as a fact.

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59 minutes ago, swoopy2110 said:

I knew bitchute was coming at the end of that 😁 All these nuts on Facebook post videos to there. It's like a youtube for conspiracy theorists.

Yes shit-chute is the YouTube for crazies and there’s always a link at the end of the insane ramblings of these people. Here’s the thing - you can believe any crazy insane old shit that you like but why do these people want to try to ‘educate’ or indoctrinate other people with their crazy views? It’s not a conspiracy, you’re not saving the world, and you’re not opening my eyes to what’s secretly going on around me. You’re just drawing my attention to the fact that you’re mental. 

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3 hours ago, quaylaM said:

Here are the upto date US CDC figures for vaccine damages to those who took one or more of the covid vaccines. It reports over 30,000 deaths and far bigger numbers of serious harms:


Below is a study by The Lancet medical journal reporting that 20% of youngsters who received a vaccine dose have experienced heart damage requiring ongoing medication:


On Sept 22nd Tucker Carlson - Fox News anchor, ie; ‘mainstream media’, highlighted this research, and the VAERS (vaccine damage stats), and the fact that the medical profession, nor most in the media, do not want to talk about these horrific statistics.

The UK figure of 44,000 relates to those who have died within 28 days of receiving a vaccine. This is not a well supported statistic but is the same basis the UK government was using to frighten us into believing covid was a deadly disease - ie; any death within 28 days of a positive test (from whatever cause) - not the 99.8% survivable flu like illness it proved to be.

The vast majority of those who have questions about covid, lockdown legislation, rushed vaccination programs etc are neither ‘anti vaxxers’, ‘covid deniers’ nor any other ‘conspiracy theorist’ but simply intelligently concerned citizens. Four hundred plus citizens turned out to hear Manx advocate Ian Kermode’s talk about our at risk human rights at the Villa Marina last Autumn - all concerned about the direction our society is heading. Partly driven by covid hysteria.

I ask about vested interests only because the medical profession is now largely ‘bought and paid for’ by the global pharmaceutical industry meaning that expressing views that conflict with its’ interests is challenging. There are countless examples of well intentioned, and researched, doctors being vilified or worse, when they have highlighted areas of concern. Balanced, or any, peer review is difficult when so much vested interest is as stake - Pfizer’s vaccine driven revenue was up 48% to $27 billion this year.

The World Council for health was formed by a large group of doctors and medical professionals during the pandemic who were concerned about the inaccuracies of the messages being pedaled by government, media and the pharma industry, ie; those with vested interests. For anyone interested their website contains fascinating information - seemingly fairly unbiased:


Mr Wright - if you have been as jabbed as you say (is that really true?) then I wish you luck.

Should anyone be interested in the vaccine/pharmaceuticals industry story the below film is useful:


Yes. I’ve been vaccinated as stated.

No, those studies don’t say what you present them as saying. 

Approaching  54,000,000 have been vaccinated in UK, at least once. 52,000,00 have had 2 doses. 40,000,000 have had at least one booster. 44,000 died within 90 days of their first dose. What do you think normal mortality would be, especially since, in the initial stages, the recipients were elderly, seriously ill, clinically extremely vulnerable, with high mortality?

As for the US figures, it’s 20% of 839 who developed myocardiopathy after the administration of mRNA covid vax. Do you know how many 12-29 year olds in US were given the vaccine? Do you know how many would be expected to develop cardiomyopathy in any event?

You have to understand how to read and interpret the data. 


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