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Covid Deniers and Anti Vaxxers

John Wright

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27 minutes ago, Roxanne said:

I'm not going to lie, you lost me at 'Tucker Carlson.

I know you're afraid for your children but here's the thing, if you believe you've done your research and you believe your own truth, then don't get you or your children vaccinated. It's as simple as that. There is no need for you to 'save the world' and get all upset about something when all you can do is control what you choose to do and what you choose to do for your children.

I don't know if you're right or wrong and I don't much care but what I do care about is your wish to push your views on everyone else. Yes, I know you believe government do the same, but why would you want to join them and do it too?  Isn't that rather duplicitous?

There's a beautiful world out there and the majority of people are good and are only doing their best. Do what you have to do but please don't allow yourself to get drawn down the rabbit hole of conspiracy. Look around the world and see where it's got people who have done just that. Enjoy your children, enjoy your life, do what you want to do so long as you don't harm anyone else and find another healthier interest to become involved in.

Thank you for your concern - I’m sure your somewhat patronizing comments are well intentioned.

In ‘week 15’ this year the UK Health Security Agency published data that confirms 19.2 million people in UK have declined any covid vaccine and that 12 million who received a first dose refused a 2nd or 3rd. This is a very significant minority - the size of which the media prefers to downplay. Not all these people are ‘nutters’.

I cited Tucker Carlson only as an example of one media outlet that has highlighted the huge numbers of adverse effects. Mr Carlson also highlighted the deafening silence from most of the media about vaccine damage.

At the height of the pandemic the UK ONS was publishing grossly inflated figures for those who had apparently died ‘from’ or ‘with’ covid. They have been backtracking ever since and their figures now look like this:


Media suppression and outright censorship mean that to find any view different to that pushed by the mainstream one must look at alternative platforms. And to find supportable evidence-based perspectives one must use the art of discernment - there are indeed many crazies out there (and here apparently). There are many well-researched films online, some of which raise alarming questions and issues (I am not suggesting all are without error or bias). The landmark film ‘A shot in the dark’ being one:-


This Autumn so-called Manx Care is yet again pushing jabs on the vulnerable, including unsuspecting children - sometimes administered without parental consent. They are doing so without many of them, or their parents, fully understanding the risks. This is a breach of medical duty that they be ‘fully informed’. It is for this reason that some of us feel the need to keep putting - not forcing - information into the public domain. Whilst of course accepting it is a free choice.

My best guess is that quite a few on here are involved in the medical industry - let us be in no doubt that is what it is - or government responsible for pushing these medical products. If so this would explain the vitriol and rubbishing many of you seem compelled to direct towards anyone who offers an alternative view (Isn’t that what forums are for?). The primary dictum of the medical profession is ‘first do no harm’ - anyone proffering a product that has proven and severe side-effects who does not fully explain this is in breach of that duty.

The Lancet report Tucker Carlson refers to - linked in my previous post - suggests 1 in 5 of young people may later develop heart issues.

For anyone interested there is much information available, including the below (content driven by experienced medical professionals - also presumably ‘nutters’):


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14 minutes ago, quaylaM said:

Thank you for your concern - I’m sure your somewhat patronizing comments are well intentioned.

In ‘week 15’ this year the UK Health Security Agency published data that confirms 19.2 million people in UK have declined any covid vaccine and that 12 million who received a first dose refused a 2nd or 3rd. This is a very significant minority - the size of which the media prefers to downplay. Not all these people are ‘nutters’.

I cited Tucker Carlson only as an example of one media outlet that has highlighted the huge numbers of adverse effects. Mr Carlson also highlighted the deafening silence from most of the media about vaccine damage.

Your data is completely incorrect. See here. https://coronavirus.data.gov.uk/details/vaccinations

You can find here, that of people aged 12 and over, 93.6% have had a first dose, 88.3% have had a second dose, and 70.2% have had their booster. So, 19.2 million people? The UK population is 67.22 million. Loosely speaking, there are 7 million under the age of 10, and another 3.5 million aged 10 to 14.

So, splitting the difference, that gives us approximately an eligible population of 58.47 million eligible for the vaccination in those figures.

6.4% of 58.47 million is 3.74 million. So, your data is inventing about 15.5 million people in the first alleged fact.

53.8 million people have had their first dose. 50.7 million have had their second dose. Your claimed data has invented another 8 million people.

Tucker Carlson is the same chap that's justifying Putin's war in Ukraine. Take from that what you will. I'm not getting into that, when the claimed data you cite is so clearly false.


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4 hours ago, quaylaM said:

The UK figure of 44,000 relates to those who have died within 28 days of receiving a vaccine. This is not a well supported statistic but is the same basis the UK government was using to frighten us into believing covid was a deadly disease - ie; any death within 28 days of a positive test (from whatever cause) - not the 99.8% survivable flu like illness it proved to be.

How many of these people have been hit by a bus and died after their vaccine? Or fallen down the stairs? Or have been dying anyway?

Plus, 0.02%, even if accurate as you claim, is still quite a lot of people. Interestingly, the entire population of the Isle of Man is loosely equivalent to 0.13% of that of the UK. 0.02% would encompass an entire city like Lancaster dying from the illness. That's a lot of extra people dying.

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2 hours ago, quaylaM said:

Below is a study by The Lancet medical journal reporting that 20% of youngsters who received a vaccine dose have experienced heart damage requiring ongoing medication:


On Sept 22nd Tucker Carlson - Fox News anchor, ie; ‘mainstream media’, highlighted this research, and the VAERS (vaccine damage stats), and the fact that the medical profession, nor most in the media, do not want to talk about these horrific statistics.

You clearly haven't bothered to start to read that paper, or if you have you haven't even tried to understand it.  The opening sentences make it clear the paper is discussing "medium-term outcomes in individuals with myocarditis after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination"  and the researchers "aimed to assess clinical outcomes and quality of life at least 90 days since onset of myocarditis after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination in adolescents and young adults".   So this is not about all  "youngsters who received a vaccine dose", but about the tiny minority who did suffer a particular side-effect[1] and whether there are any medium-term consequences.

According to the British Heart Foundation: Myocarditis is inflammation of the myocardium - the heart muscle. Most people with myocarditis recover without any complications but in rare cases when inflammation is severe, there can be damage to the heart.  So even the tiny minority[2] who did suffer this side-effect will mostly be unaffected long-term.

I'm not sure where the 20% comes from - presumably from misreading that "at the last health-care provider follow-up, 104 (26%) of 393 patients were prescribed daily medication related to myocarditis", which suggests that even medium term three quarters weren't needing treatment.  

So this is good news, even most of the tiny, tiny minority of those who suffer this side effect are recovering.  You have either just repeated what you have read, mindlessly, or you are being dishonest.  And anyone who takes seriously anything that the likes of Carlson says, needs to take a long hard look at themself. 


[1]  As another Lancet paper points out other vaccines (such as smallpox) had historically been known to occasionally produce the same side effect mostly in the same group of people - mainly young males (this group was 88% male with a median age of 17).   And, as often will be the case with vaccine side effects, they tend to replicate possible symptoms of the disease, so those unvaccinated and then catching Covid might well have a much higher rate of myocarditis.

[2]  According to the Lancet paper originally linked to:   By July, 2022, more than 200 million people in the USA had received two doses of a COVID-19 mRNA vaccine and more than 1500 cases of myocarditis with onset after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination were reported to the Vaccine Adverse Events Reporting System (VAERS).  So we're talking about roughly 1500 cases out of 200,000,000 (ie 0.00075% of all people vaccinated.  The paper itself was based on 519 (62%) of 836 eligible patients of these. 

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4 minutes ago, quaylaM said:


Looks scary. But is it? 

There’s no causal link. Just events. 

In other words these things have occurred after vaccination. With a huge vaccination programme the number of events will be large.

But it’s a bit like titling the list events post a pint of beer, or a roast dinner, or a bus journey. It’s meaningless unless there’s a causal nexus.

Its also scaremongering, which you’re critical of when you allege the DHSC/Manx Care do it when they recommend vaccination. Except the science is on their side.

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3 minutes ago, monasqueen said:

Surely everyone has had at least one of quaylaM's "adverse events", with or without a jab.

It’s the bizarre logic these conspiracy loons apply to these things. 80% of the UK population has had a vaccination and then they point out the things that happen after 80% of everyone has recently done the same thing. It’s self fulfilling. 

Edited by Newsdesk
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